Theresa's parents



In a twin-duplex house belonging to the Williams family in Neven, a middle-aged couple is sitting down together on a brown sofa.

The man is 6ft tall, has black curly hair and is dressed in casual attire.

He is handsome and has a mole between his eyebrows and pale brown lips. He is reading reports from their company 'Blazzle' a company that deals with real estate.

It is the biggest and most reliable company here in Heidelburg.

Having 25 companies working under it and investing in stable reliable companies that are willing to partner with 'Blazzle', the Williams even if they never started the company 50 years ago, they would still be filthy rich.

However, they choose to remain lowkey on their wealth in some ways.

You can also say they own the media.

Now, the man who is reading the reports, sighed and dropped the papers with a sigh and placed his hands on his wife's shoulders.

His wife is busy knitting a sweater and did not react.

"Come on Honey! You know how Theresa is. She must have succeeded in kidnapping her so-called idol. And besides, Paul's with her. What could possibly happen to her?" said the man(i will now refer to him, Mr. Clarks Williams, as Theresa's dad or vice versa).

"That Kim Tae Hyung, what's so good about him? He just wears make-up to look good"the beautiful blonde-haired lady dressed in a black gown, black shoes and scary make-up barked at her husband.

Theresa's mother Aarti is from India and her dad is German

"Honey, when you were her age, you were also crazy about me and you finally succeeded in getting me." said the man this time rubbing on her bare shoulders.

"You liar! I used to like a bartender, Peter Greece, but I got over him after a year. This girl of ours, however, has liked her idol for 3 good years now"Theresa's mum complained.

"How many years have you liked me now Aarti?"Theresa's dad asked with a pretense serious face.

"You--you're shipping my precious daughter with some scumbag? If my daughter--"her husband interrupted her placing a kiss on her forehead.

"You--"Theresa's mum stuttered.

This husband of hers!

"No matter how angry you are, don't call other people's son a scumbag. Our daughter's idol did no wrong. It isn't his fault that he's handsome" Mr.Clarks said slowly.

"He's not handsome!"Aarti fired back and immediately got up from the sofa and headed upstairs in a rush.

Her husband shook his head and smiled.

"Women are sure hard to understand" he muttered and returned to reading the reports.

3 minutes later----

Aarti marched down the stairs with a magazine and threw it on top of the reports her husband was reading.

"See that? Our daughter likes that little brat." she pointed at the figure on the magazine cover.

When Mr.Clarks saw the figure, he began to laugh.

Aarti did not know why he was laughing.

"You--be serious Clarks" she barked.

"Ok--em--that--is not our daughter's idol," her husband said trying to hide his mirth.

"If it's not him then who else?"Aarti asked annoyed that her husband wasn't taking this seriously.

Clarks managed to calm down and made a gesture for his PA who had just entered to get Theresa's magazine.

The PA whose name is Miss Leena Garde nodded and headed upstairs to the young miss' room.

On opening the door, she met a pile of magazines on Theresa's bed, vanity table and even on the floor.

Did the young miss spend the night admiring her idol?

Just look at all those magazines!

She picked one from the bed and left, closing the door.


"Great master, here is the magazine"Leena proclaimed as he walked to her boss who is still reading the reports.

Seeing that she had returned, Mr. Clarks dropped the reports and took the magazine from Leena's hand and showed it to his frowning wife.

"The one you brought Aarti, is not her idol but an actor whose name I don't know. But I can assure you that this is her idol. Kim Tae Hyung" Theresa's dad said with a smile.

The moment Aarti set eyes on Kim Tae Hyung, her eyes began to sparkle and she grabbed the magazine and ran upstairs to their matrimonial bedroom.

Mr.Clarks Williams just shook his head again and went back to reading his reports.


In their matrimonial bedroom, Aarti was clutching the magazine close to her chest.

"Oh my gosh! Why did I find out only now? This isn't fair" she muttered.

"I know what to do!"Aarti was determined to get ready for the concert.

She knows she has a husband but now she's wishing to be her daughter's age.

'Kim Tae Hyung you've gained an auntie-fan'

Aarti quickly picked up her not so costly phone and made a call.

"Hello, Mr. Eduard. Yeah, please get the jet ready. Shut up! "she quickly ended the call and decided to read some latest news.

She just had a feeling that she really should check the news now.

And for sure when she did, she was stunned.

So stunned that the phone fell from her hands and broke into two.

A tear slid down her right eye and she immediately rushed to her vanity table and opened one of the drawers.

Inside that drawer, were lots of jewelry made from pearls and diamonds.

She removed all of them and threw them on the floor.

Finally, what came into view was a box which she opened and its content was a dagger.