Treating Han Ling 1

Han residence-----

Han ling is lying on her large bed unconscious and breathing very slowly.

The doctor has managed to treat some of her injuries but from what he could say, this also requires the intervention of an alchemist and it so happens that the alchemist king happens to be doctor Fu's older brother.

Both chose different paths in life and have not had a good relationship either.

If both could come here, then Han ling could be cured fully.

But it so happens that none of these two are easy to invite.

Getting one of them means good fortune.

The doctor sighed and then began to check her pulse again when the doors were blasted open.

Jin Ehuang entered the room in haste and threw a gold coin at him.

"Guards, throw him out" she ordered.

Immediately, two guards came in and without a word dragged the fat doctor away along with his assistant Lu Bai.

when they had gone, Jin Ehuang walked close to her daughter and sat beside her.

"My child, you'll be fine. Mama is promising you that whoever did this, I will find them and kill them."Jin Ehuang muttered softly while caressing her daughter's hair.


Doctor Fu had just appeared inside the Han residence.

His appearance was different from before.

Earlier, he looked dirty but now he is dressed in a clean robe. His loose hair had been made into a bun with some strands loose.

His unshaved beard was also gone.

Now he looked more of an old scholar than a doctor.

Taking elegant yet firm steps, he headed into the Han residence pavilion and then sat on a chair he found pleasing to his eyes.

"This place is nice. But there are no rats to catch--"he did not get to finish his statement before a blast of wind hit him and stopped.

It was Jin Ehuang.

'So you're finally here" she remarked.

"Yes I had to come as I heard that the gracious madam Jin would spread a great feast of demonic rats so I had to come," said Doctor Fu with a smile.

His teeth were brown.

Jin Ehuang found it disgusting.

"Doctor Fu, you seem to be forgetting something" she then brought out two books.

On seeing them, Doctor Fu quickly got up from the chair laughing nervously.

"Where is she? take this old man to her and err---don't forget to pay me in meat. not just any meat. Demonic rats to be precise" he stated.

Jin Ehuang merely nodded and sped away leaving an unhappy Doctor Fu.


Doctor Fu saw Han Ling's condition was very bad but then he still smiled.

"She has poison in her body. This is gotten from inhaling the earth fire smoke," said Doctor Fu as he scratched his head.

"Earth fire? Who could be so cruel to do that to my innocent child? Doctor Fu, cure her now. You must before my husband comes back." said Jin Ehuang.

"Oh, your husband is not around.No wonder I did not hear any dog barking." doctor fu said rubbing his trimmed beard.

"Doctor fu, I thought you 2wanted demonic meat" Jin Ehuang asked.

"Yes! Eh--the way to cure it is by giving her the urine of a *horsedog*" he said with a smile and then added " it can also cure her injuries when paired with the eye of 3rd-grade peach"

Jin Ehuang nodded and gave the two books back to him.

"Go to the pavilion. You'll get your pay there" she said while looking at Han Ling.

"It had better be 700 years old."Doctor Fu stated before disappearing.

"Stupid" Jin Ehuang muttered as she brought out another two books from her storage ring that could not house living things. But this ring was already a treasure. It was not something one could get easily just because he's rich.

It is mostly the royalties that have this. She happens to be the mother of the imperial concubine Han Chunhua so how could she not get one.

Her husband, Han Chao is currently in one of the villages in Luo Ye far away from the imperial city or the capital tending to matters concerning the drought in that village.

Before he returns, her Han Ling should have been fine.

She sighed and then sat beside Han ling again placing her left hand on hers.

Those who harmed her child must pay.