All Different Class

"Intercept it with fire cleave!"

A wolf covered in fire. The wolf itself was the fire. With a horn on its nose, it was glowing brightly, a big cleave of fire appeared as it swung its head.

The cleave flew right to a deer's direction. The deer was bigger than the size of an adult man. Its charge was interrupted by the cleave and it was staggered for a second.

'Ice spike'

Ice appears in one's staff. It formed a long chunk of ice. Gradually formed a big spike.

The ice spike flew towards the staggered deer. It dealt direct full hit!

[System] Congratulations! Your adventurer experience maxed out. Gained a level!

'Huft! Finally!'

Viro with a pointy ear and silver long hair sighed.

"What time is it, En?"

"7.49 am. Real-time."

"How is it anyway?"

"I'm designed to adapt quickly to any bodies." The fire wolf answered.

"Just tell me when it's become uncomfortable, though."

"I'm only activated if you contacted me. So, I became your spirit summon monster means I'll be more active."

"Okay, make yourself at home. I'll logout now. Come back."

The fire wolf disappeared gradually.

Viro came out from his capsule and took a bath in his room.

He went to the living room afterward.

His brother wasn't there yet. So, guess that he hadn't logout yet.

He picked the remote and started to watch TV leisurely.

'Hm... The new class..'

It was WoS dedicated channel. It showed the video of a limitless room. It had a monotonous green color with a white floor.

2 men appeared when the focus zoomed in. There was a big sphere floating. The black color with some blue aura radiating.

He saw them while lying down and snacking on some bread. Looked not so interested.

Not long after, his big brother came out of his room.

"Hey! How's it?" His big brother greets him.

"Haha! It feels awesome!"

"Let's head to the restaurant."

Viro turned off the TV and rushed to follow her brother.

There were already 2 people in the restaurant. They exchanged greetings with the 2 siblings.

Arie showed 2 finger gestures, but what Harden gave today was instant curry rice. Once again, a famous one in the city.

While eating their food they shared their experiences during their first gameplay.

"Let's open with.. how is the game?" Berdian asked.

"It has its own complexity, but also simple at the same time," Arie answered first.

"The skills would be a little problem. The adventurer skill is rare now." Harden added.

"What do you mean?" Arie doesn't quite understand.

"We won't get any skills for leveling up. We'll only obtain it through increasing our base skill or a very rare item drop from monsters." Harden explained.

Berdian and Viro only listened to their conversation attentively. This was also new information for them.

"We start with no skill at all. I got my first skill from my path trial. It's called 'Battle Howl'. It increases my durability and staggered enemies for a moment."

"I have 'Ice Spike' and 'Fire Cleave'." Viro interrupted.

"How did you get two?" Harden raised his eyebrow.

The other two also focused their eyes on him.

"I bought the 'Ice Spike Skill Book' from a store. It cost me gold."

"I guessed they sell beginner skill there huh? I didn't check that. And you are.. a Mage?"

"Yep, I choose Mystic."

"Okay, tell us about it later. Let me share mine first."

Viro nodded. Harden continues the story.

"The skill starts with level 0 and increases the more we use it. There is also an authorization level. I don't know what it stands for. Mine is at level 4 with authorization level 1.

"For battle, Warriors will surely rely on their athletic ability this way."

"What level are you? As a warrior." Arie asked.

"Level 7. I think that's all I can tell. About the loot drop, it's mostly money."

"Yeah, I've never found any materials or some sort," Viro added.

"Maybe because we have not reached the mainland yet." Berdian seems deep in his thought.

"Tell us yours, Vi." He added.

"As my first trial reward, I chose a spirit beast."

"Spirit beast? Not a weapon?"

"In a way, spirit beasts are also a weapon. Mystic has four branches. Summoner, Elemental Sorcerer, Priest, and Hexer."

He checked their reaction before continuing with the explanation.

"But, in the character creation section. We only tried the staff and wand." Berdian asked once more.

Viro nodded and continue

"Spirit beasts are Summoner's signature. Elemental summoner uses elements. The elements are fire, lightning, and ice. Both classes use staff.

"Priest and Hexer both use a wand. They also use element, bless that represented by light for Priest and dark who represents curse for Hexer. Ah also, the elements in the game are divided."

"I know, I picked ranger. It is represented by nature. Rangers indirectly have earth and wind as their element." Berdian interrupted him.

Berdian signaled Viro to continue.

"As Berd said, natures are representing earth and wind. They are the elements of Rangers.

"If Ranger has nature representing them, Mystic is represented by magic. Elemental Sorcerer, Priest, and Hexer are basically what I've mentioned."

He checked the others' respond and continue after confirming the nod.

"Summoner, in a way, has the ability to control all of the elements through their spirit. The spirits under Summoner will also have 50% stats bonuses."

"You mean, the spirits have their own element, right?"

"Yep, I've mentioned 'Fire Cleave', that is the skill of my spirit. It's a fire spirit. Have the shape of Nose Horned Wolf. The one I claimed for my reward."

"How exactly combat with the spirit, Vi?" Berdian seems interested more in the topic.

"Well, the spirit has its own stats and combat instinct. It mostly battles with their own instinct and can't take much-complicated order."

"Hm.. actually Ranger has tamer as one of its branches. But it shares exp with mine. So, I'm not that interested in it."

"I don't know if they have an exp bar or anything. Ah! My EP is reduced per second as long as I summoned it by the way."

"I see, that is the difference then."

"Also I'm on level 6, my spirit's Rank is 1. His comprehension to take order might increase along with its rank, I don't know." Viro shrugged and still continued with his talk.

"I ask my Personal AI to take over the spirit, though. So the wolf's intelligence has become high now."

"What!? You can do that? The Personal AI you got from the new coffin?" Berdian exclaimed.

The other two were also surprised to hear that.

"You mean this girl here can possess one's body?" Harden pointed out a 3d image on his tablet phone. He showed the tablet phone to them.

The 3d character bowed. It's a pink-colored rabbit stand on its four limbs.

"Hello, Harden's friends! My name is Helper!" The voice sounded like a bright young girl.

"Ha? It can go outside the game?" Now, Viro was the one who exclaimed.

"She said since I become a VVIP member of WoS, I can bring it to the real world. And here she is."

Viro glanced directly in a certain direction after he heard that.

"He is at home. It's a robot kid. I named him Silv. He will take care of the house." Arie answered the glance.

Arie has met Silv again after he logged out and enter his 'Virtual Personal Place'.

Arie never talked to the AI again after he immersed in the game. But as he stuck in the trial zone, he communicated with Silv to find a way out.

"But.. hm.. my personal AI named Ensne by the way. After En integrated with my spirit, he said that he can't leave the spirit body. If I want to communicate with him, I have to summon him in the wolf body." Viro looks a bit in dilemma.

"But it still seems like a really big advantage huh? To be able to increases 'pet' AI." Berdian said with a frown.

"We have to discover the flaw by ourselves then." He added.

"Well, it lost the ability to become our Personal AI tho. You know, we can expand our VPS and decorate them. We have to control it manually without the AI." Viro explained while seems embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you can spend the money freely," Arie reassured him.

"But still.." he mumbled.

"Don't worry about money. We will tease you only if you spent it mindlessly."

Arie then clapped once.

"Okay, your time Berd."

"Sure. First, archer and assassin are now included as a part of the ranger. The 4 branches are Assassin, Trickster, Tamer, and Sharpshooter.

"Assassin is the best when it comes to burst damage. Trickster will have the most escape skill. Tamer has the ability to tame beasts. The same as a spirit on the summoner case. The difference is that we don't need to maintain energy for them.

"Sharpshooter is merely a different name of the archer. I picked a longbow as my first weapon from the character creation. And have a 'Piercing Shot' as my first skill. I'm a level 7 now.

"As for the element like Vi said, the piercing shot has wind element. I think the earth element will be something a tamer commonly used."

Berdian ended his speech. He gestured the other to ask him through his eyebrow.

"How about energy consumption?" Arie asked.

"I'll only use the energy for the 'Piercing Shot'. I guess I have a lot of arrow in my VPS. I think it's quite a pretty difficult class to play."

"Mystics have to stocks a lot of energy potion I guessed," Viro added.

"Oh right! Ranger's energies are restored over time. So we don't need potions that much. At least for now."

"Warriors have a cooldown before the energy full again. I guessed I have about 10 seconds without entering combat to fully restores the energy." Harden added.

"Ah right! We'll play it as solo right? We can't even add a friend we don't meet. How about the party feature? I forgot to check it." Berdian asked.

"We can party. I have joined one. It's a random party of four. But since we can only farm in an open space, I don't think it's that effective. So, I decided to play solo after I reached level 3. I have an improved spirit to 'tank' after all." Viro shrugged.

"How about the cleric then? The priest I mean?" Berdian asked Arie.

"First, I am not a priest. And second, I have not met even a single monster." He answered while showing one finger and then add another one.

"Ah... You chose to become a civilian." Viro sounds very upset.

"Even I chose to become a warrior. Well, I'll still respect your choice." Harden added.

"Haha, okay then. What do you choose?" Berdian asked him with a smile as usual.

"How about the chef, Uncle Den?" Viro asked the bulky guy.

"I didn't ask around that much about that. How rare the skills and how we depend on our control to play the adventurer make me more motivated in the subject."

Viro looked at Arie with a cynical gaze.

Arie is unfazed with the situation. He added another finger.

"Third, I'm still an adventurer."

Viro titled his head.

"An assassin huh? Since you don't like an overlapped class on our composition."

"Fourth, it might be a little absurd, but.."