New Dungeon

World On Server

The one who created stories.

The one who connected the world.

The one who gave you chance.

'Path' was the main theme of their new game. It was still the first day of it, and the executives have turned up for an important meeting.

Or so it seemed.

"We need to delay it for about 2 or 3 days! Open the dungeon and they won't cause a ruckus."

"This is a matter of pride. They choose this path. They finish their character creation faster than the others for this. You can't easily burn their ego like that."

"Now, they have a reset ticket thanks to the new class unlocked. And with the first-day experience, they will be able to reset with ease."

"Can you guarantee the one-digit-channel player then?"

"No need. If they are really that passionate about the game. They won't mind or rather gladly reset as soon as we announced it. I can guarantee it."


This was the conversation or rather a debate between two people. And one person seemed to just give up with a sigh.

Clap clap clap clap.

The surrounding audience clapped. There were 8 people there.

They were the executives of WoS. The one in charge of the game, 'Ranker's Quest'.

"Okay, thanks for the roleplay. It still entertaining, don't worry."


"Hey, do you have a plan to abuse it?"

"Hm? What abuse?"

"You know, the announcement."


"I can reset to Lvl 1 and get another unique encounter(?)"

"Nah, that won't happen."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Petty trick like that won't work. Let's just focus on the dungeon."

"Okay then."

"Griz said that the southern cavern will be our first against a humanoid creature. And that means you will lose your value."

"You are completely wrong about it. It is actually the opposite."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. Do you know the implied meaning of the announcement? The civilian will began to move quicker than it is supposed to be."

"I see. I get the picture."

Avia and Arceede were on the move to the southern area. At the current time, a lot of 'heavy grinder' was already at Lvl 10.

And this place, the southern cavern of the Begie Village, Pruwal Dungeon, was the newly unlocked place for the 'players'.

"Minus 1! healer is prioritized."

"Need Mystic!"

"Assassin ranger here!"

In front of it, a lot of people looked for companions to challenge the dungeon.

"Let's enter just by ourselves." Avia proposes it to Arceede besides him.

"Why? Don't you want to look for a party that can carry you through the trial?"

"Well, I have nothing to lose now. I come for the adventure now. You don't mind died once or twice right?" With a relaxed shrug, he looks different from the first time Arceede met him.

"...." On the other hand, Arceede is pondering quite a while.

"It's okay if you want to untie the rope with me now, I can go back to do civilian stuff. But just bear in mind that I have some advantage here other than the appraisal skill."

"Actually, I have some theories in mind that still need your cooperation. It will be a bit hard with only the two of us, though. I hope you are okay with volunteering as a meat shield inside. If we are really going there alone."

"Yeah, I know the risk and what I supposed to do there, battle-wise."

"Let's enter then."

The two of them started moving through the crowd. There was a significant difference between them and the others waiting to look for a party. And the thing made the crowd discussed them behind their back.

"Hey, look what the two of them are trying to do? Were they trying to challenge the dungeon with just the two of them?"

"Ah, just ignore them. Maybe a scout from a big guild or something similar."

"What kind of bullshit are you saying? There is still no feature such as adventurer guild for now. It should be discovered and unlocked first from the easter egg"

"Haish! This newbie. The big guild has actively recruited members on The DICE for quite a time. You ignorant fool."

"Ah! Is that so?"

"Yeah, look at them. They don't even have a weapon equipped. They must be a civilian. You can't enter the dungeon without showing your weapon to the NPC though."

"But isn't that ineffective? They won't discover much by sending a civilian as a scout."

"Who knows? We talk about jobs here. Guild members are not solely a gamer, you know? It is already become a full-time job for a long time ago. What's wrong with you? Someone can't be this ignorant. You can't be isekai-ed or reincarnated, right?

"Ah.. you read too much light novels."

"Who knows."

And just like that, the random talking behind the 'two civilians' over.

Their deduction of the 'two civilians' was not baseless. Even if they observed them closer, they wouldn't realize that one of the guys was the only person in the entire current state of the game who had a 'tube' as a weapon.

"Maximum 4 and a minimum of 1. Based on how they talked behind our backs, I think no one has attempted it solo. Well, it is reasonable since we come here this early."

"Your deduction is good, huh? And you have good ears too."

"This is an ability made by reality."

"What nonsense is that?"

"Don't mind me. Let's just focus on the cave. Let me tell you, don't hastily pick the drop or treasure. Let me appraise it first."

"Okay, get it. Make sure you don't recklessly pick up the loot before we completely clear the area."

Closed by a nod, the two of them teleported by the NPC guarding the entrance.

- Entered: Instant Dungeon, Pruwal Goblin Cavern. -

- Time Limit: 4 Hours. -

A notification appeared in front of them.

"Is there any useful information you have regarding goblins?"

"Will be the same as yours. I only have the experience from the previous game."

"Join the combat then, don't bother pretend useless."
