Boss Level Salamander (2)

"Ugh!" Ilya seemed desperate now. On the straight line of her and the mobs was a person that maybe only God knew when will he move.

Fortunately, the other two had a reaction to her action. Right after she switched her posture to a defensive stance against the upcoming mobs, projectiles flew from the two other directions.

The attacks were able to restrain some of the mobs' movement. The two smaller salamanders hit by the attack had not directly shifted their aggro, but still having some reaction to them.

In the process, the continuous attack able to distract the two salamanders while still left behind the bad news to Ilya.

"Okay, okay. I think I get it. Let me handle this big guy. Go and help Vi first, Ilya. Then, go to Ar. The faster you kill them the better."

Avia said that clearly while putting his spear into the spatial inventory. He was now barehanded and pretty much a harmless person.

"What do you mean!? Are you insane!? Its earth spike dealt so much damage to me. You will surely died in a single hit! You shouldn't make a rash decision even with the 'respawn' [System] gave."

Ilya cried while maintaining her stance. Her shield faced the big salamander while her face focused on the guy behind her.

Right after that, a virtual screen popped out to all the members of the party.

[Arceede: Just do it Ilya. Or you might be the reason for our wiped out this time.]

It was the party chat feature that allowed all members of the party to receive speech-to-text messages from each other.

Reading that and with a slightly hesitant, she decided her resolve. Since the salamander did not reduce its speed after its last skill, she faced upfront and held her shield stronger, she ready for the collision.

Right before the hit, Ilya jumped from his stance and received the full hit with her shield. It made her flew past Av behind her.

The flustered Av asked the girl that tried to regain her standing position behind him.

"Wh- what? Are you okay?"

"Hmph! Good luck." She said with a pout and began to run towards Vi that had able to shift the aggro of the Fire Salamander and fight it head-on with his wolf.

'Did I make her angry? But, it's the most rational decision for me, you know! You girl only acted with feelings. Oh! Maybe she has a feeling for me and tried to protect me?'

Av grumbled on his thought while not long after that, a virtual screen broke him from his delusion.

[Arceede: What is that Ilya? Did you just shift the aggro like that?]

[Ilyana: Yes, a skill from my Mentor. An emergency retreat skill that able to shift the monster's hostility level to other people nearby. Only work on a party, though.]

[Roivicc: You flew, you know. I want to try it too. Looks fun.]

[Ilyana: Hahaha, I lost so much HP you know. Well, you can't do it unless you are a knight, too.]

Reading the chat log left Av speechless.

'Wait, wait, wait. they have a leisure talk just now?'

But, once again he broke off from his thought.

[Arceede: Your front Av. That big guy is readying another attack.]

[Avia: I know. This Furgar's Buffs on my eyes give me the trajectory and more of the details.]

This was one of the reasons why he had enough balls to face the Big Guys Salamander head-on.

The trajectory, the monster's next movement, and cooldown time of the last used skills were on his field of visions.

[Arceede: What? Do you know something like this, Ilya?]

[Ilyana: No, no. It's my first time to apply the buffs to a Civilian. Well, it's my first time to hunt with a Civilian after all.]

The buffs given to them were big enough not to ignore. Ar could not help but amazed by Ilya's skill.

He didn't know the exact detail but, with the clash between him and the Boulder Ground Salamander he faced, the things he noticed were that he got some energy regen, and skill cooldown reduced.

He had a guess that his damage should also be amplified since the aura surrounded his crossbow, but there was no way to confirm it since the one that able to identify it was now confronting the 'Boss' to buy more time for them.

'Hmm, how about I going all out now? I am pretty sure that these overpowered buffs have time limits.'

With more focus and solemn expression, Ar started to narrowed his vision into the only opponent in front of him.

[Avia: I am sorry, but I can't help you with more information.]

[Roivicc: Don't worry we will clear it in no time.]

[Avia: Ah. They are stronger than the usual ones. Just in case you missed it.]

[Roivicc: O, Okay. That means we need to be faster then. We need to help my silly brother faster now. Hehehe.]

Vi spoke it with a grin. Since he used the party chat feature, he didn't need to spoke out loud and just did it casually as long as it was able to be detected by the voice recognizer.

[Roivicc: Oh? No response? Hello?]

"You love teasing your brother, aren't you?" Ilya said it while blocking the upcoming fireball.

[Roivicc: Hahaha. We have an eternal rivalry for that matter. Oh oh. Fire Cleave on it's right.]

[Ilyana: You still have your hand on your ear, Vi. Haha.]

[Avia: Hey hey. Don't you think you need to be more serious?]

[Roivicc: Haha. Sorry my bad.]

"Hehe sorry, Ilya. I did it intentionally. But, I guess he is too focused on the fight."

The way to activate the party chat was by putting one of the hands to the ear. The common thing for people who used WoS main platform; DICE, and the game series, Ranker's Quest.

Vi was a Mystic who wields a staff with his dominant hands. The same goes for Ilya who was focused more on blocking the attack with her shield.

So, in addition to Av who was barehanded, they had a free hand for party chat.

The thing Vi missed from his brother was that his brother committed with his fight fully focused.

Ar was able to attack with his crossbow one-handed, but this time, he wanted to gain a more accurate shot while wielding it with both hands since it helped with the stability.

'Ugh! Vi is really annoying right now. I can't even reply nor concentrate more on good plays now.'

Without Vi noticed, he has successfully killed two birds in one stone, though it went in a negative way for the party.

[Avia: I think I got a good grasp of its pattern. Anyone need help?]


Reading the chat, Ilya lost her composure. Since her stance weakened, the salamander's tail blow knocked her off slightly.

"Are you okay, Ilya? "

[Avia: For Ar, its health is on 34% now. For Ilya and Vi, it's 19%. I think it's better for you guys to assist me rather than helping Ar. He is pretty much free from danger. Her mana sustained this long amazed me, honestly. Is it because of the buffs, Ilya?]

Ilya was not responded instantly. She took some of her time to observe the human that faced the giant salamander barehanded.

At that exact time, Av avoided an elemental attack thrown at him. It was a barrage of sand powder on a close-range that restricted the vision around them.

Followed after it was a quick charge from the salamander. The outcome of it was Av had gone into its left side.

'Ooh, he dodged it cleanly.' It was a sigh of relief coming from Ilya. Though, it was not last long.

The salamander followed with a swing of its tail and it hit Av without giving him any chance to perform another dodge.

"What!?" She exclaimed in that instant.

"Huh, huh? What's wrong?" Vi asked her curiously, he and Ensne have taken charge of the battle while Ilya was idle on the side. He was surprised by her cry.

[Avia: Take some moment. umm, maybe 5 seconds to restore your EP, Ar. With this rate, your EP will sustain smoother.]

"Huh?" Ilya was confused. She was pretty sure that Av took the hit directly. And within her calculation, it should be a lethal hit to him.

[Avia: Eh, what's wrong with you Ilya? Why are you idling there? You have more than enough EP for the battle, though.]

The popped-up chat shocked her even more and made her jumped slightly.

[Avia: Eh? Are you okay?]

On her vision, Av used the party chat feature with his left hand while drinking red potions on his other hand. He did it while circling the salamander.

[Ilyana: Yes. I am sorry.]

With a slight blush on her cheeks, she tried to rejoin the battle with the fire salamander.

[Arceede: A girl gave you the attention and you asked her if she is okay? Damn you, main character.]

[Avia: Wait what? Am I the main character now?]