Wyvern-Level Difficulty (1)

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The bright light greeted them in an unfamiliar place. Based on what Ar observed, there was an aura of a fantasy of its own lingering in this new area.

The gray soil that covers the soil surface. Towering tropical trees. To him, this was a very different view from the other areas he had visited.

However, what attracted him the most might not be that. He focused on several monsters that were faintly visible in the distance.


Their party of four had arrived at a new place after a long journey through a stuffy cave. For a few seconds, Ranwulf just smiled at his guest before starting the quest. He provided a few moments for these guests to enjoy the new scenery.

"Yes, if you want, we can come closer so you can see his name."

The 'tour guide' also guided them to the rides they want to visit. However, like the residents who have just arrived in the city, these guests seemed afraid of this proposal.

Ar was also in that group, he was indeed attracted by these monsters but, considering the Slimes and Lizardmen on the other side of the cave had the 'red' name, approaching the 'Wyverns' might be a pretty bad idea.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Ranwulf asked the condition of the three people.

No one answered that question. Of the three of them, 2 of them looked at Ar and asked him to answer it.

"It's okay. Let's get closer to the stage where we can identify the color of the name. "

Shaking their heads in response, the three with 'tour guide' tried to approach the monster.

The monster was covered in thick scales. Wyvern itself was a reptilian creature with large, bat-like wings and two strong legs for the main organ of the movement.

In the previous game, Wyverns were fairly common monsters in the late stage of the game. From monsters guarding a dungeon to a Raid Boss, Wyverns were monsters that are quite popular with fans. His agility and wide coverage area of ​​attack was a special satisfaction for fantasy fans.

It mostly dealt physical blow or scratch attack, but its true horror was when it was beautifully combined with the stab and a full swipe of its tail.

For Ar himself, he ever had a bad experience against a Raid Boss Wyvern. 'Shadow Paladin', the unique class he had on his character, was considered the best class to cover a lot of area in a party. One portion of its ability was high critical damage on a point black target. The specialty of Assassin Class that it had.

When he had the full confidence to executed the move, like the Wyvern Boss had a pair of eyes on its back, the one that got critical damage was him instead. The Wyvern's tail pierced his character and gave him a lethal blow. Those incidents gave him a lot of time to recover.

"I don't think I can distract this kind of monster. If we have to deal with it, you have to cover more."

Recalled some of the past memories, Ar himself was not quite sure with his ability against the Wyvern of 'Ranker's Quest'. He reminded Stugrd to did more than usual.

In a sense, his class right now had a similar trait with his famous past. The Inventor was a unique class, at least for now. He was the only one in the game that had the access to this class. But, instead of the worthy name of being 'unique', all the skills and attribute stats he had were lower compared to the other with the same level.

"Yes, how is it?"

They were close enough and able to identify the "color" of the Wyvern's name. For Ranwulf, the "color" they worry about would be different. The 'red' color that appeared from the screen in front of Ar would be different depending on who was viewing it.

"A 'red'. If we really have to fight it, I don't think we will manage."

Based on the experience and bad experience he had experienced in facing Wyverns, Ar really didn't have the confidence to face these monsters.

"Yes, haha. But, you do have to face it. This quest was originally intended to be carried out alone, but because you came in a party, the difficulty will also change."

Ranwulf explained calmly while observing the 'guests'. The wyverns who would be their target were walking casually as it did not feel any threat in its aggro range.

Monster's aggro range varied, but for most monsters with no exceptional sensory capability or unique trait, approximately 10 meters were enough to maintain a safe distance without a cover. With a cover, some distance could be cut unless a big movement was involved.

Based on how calm Ranwulf in front of the Wyvern, he might see a lower grade of 'color' on the Wyvern name. Thus, it would explain his calmness and capability.

"Change in a difficult way? I guess I should've accepted this quest as a solo. "

"Yes, but don't worry. The rewards you will receive even after clearing it as a party won't disappoint."

Stugrd only left a shrug. As soon as he heard that Ar has finished this similar type of quest, he wanted a guarantee to clear it. At least in PvE matters, he had the chance to rely on the two closest experts to him.

PvP and PvE had some degree of similarity, but it also had differences that put them in a clear line of the border. The environment, supplies, and monsters. Those variables were the main point that demarcated the two categories.

For someone like Stugrd who has been recognized as one of the best players against other players one on one, a condition in which other monsters can suddenly join in the battle, open an inventory to take potions, or focus on the entire environment during a fight is something new column that was not that easy he applied just by understanding his theory.

"Can we cancel and left the party? So, he can run it solo. "

Ar suggested his curiosity. He knew clearly how a number added to a party wouldn't give that much advantage. With how this quest was similar to what he did, Stugrd might clear this as easy as he made a baby cried.

"Yes, if you did it before we entering this area. Unfortunately, this place has a checkpoint. So, unless you clear or give up, your login location will be here all along. "

Stuck. No matter how Ranwulf rephrased his sentence, the main point was they were stuck now. Ignore the fact that they would be able to leave once they failed to persist. There was no way he would give up on this quest easily.

With a sigh and shrug, Ar only signalled Stugrd to continue with the quest. Basically, they were all helpless. Mainly for Korka, he was proven useful, but based on how dragged the quest would be, his supply of 'stolen' mixture might run out halfway.

"All right, what's the next stage?"

Stugrd was ready. He unsheathed a Greatsword on his back and held it in his right hand. Based on the previous conversation, the fight against Wyvern would be inevitable.

"Yes, so this area was large and exclusive to the chosen one. The Wyvern right there was one of the targets you must hunt to prove yourself as a suitable candidate. I just want to give a reminder that Wyverns will be the one that will judge your party from now on."

Ar had his own nervousness. He was not even confident to 3v1 against it, but if more came in, this quest's difficulty might become 'impossible'.

And this potentially 'impossible' quest gave its detail. A screen popped up in front of Stugrd, the original owner of the quest.

A shock was drawn on Stugrd's expression as soon as he finished reading the content.
