Chapter 2: I am a seed

I wake up, and immediately notice that I now am free of my formless body. I quickly try to recall my memories.

I am met with a hazy disorganized recollection of memories. I laugh out if only in my mind. After making sure I still had my memories, I start to explore this new body.

As I examine my new body, I try, and put together what happened before. I remember struggling to survive. Then something about a soul-devouring tree, and escaping while holding onto memories. Who knows what that was, but this new body is odd.

It's different from the "body" before I passed out, and my human form. I think that "body" in the void was my soul. This body is definitely physical, but does not have eyes. It also lacks anything that feels like arms or legs.

I have a weak sensation of touch. I can't say for sure, but I feel something. I am not sure how to describe the feeling. I'll forget it for now, and focus on exploring this strange body. It's not a human, but it's better than a memory wipe.

I keep exploring this strange body, and discover that I seem to be a seed. I suddenly remember in kindergarten, when we had to put those seeds in a styrofoam cup of dirt. The teacher wrote YARROW on my cup, and gave me dirt. I poured it into cup, and then pressed my finger into the dirt. I vividly remeber seeing the seed the teacher gave me. It was smaller the the seeds the other kids got. I was so happy to put the seed in the little hole I made, and cover it with dirt. I poured some water on it, and memory ends there.

I try, and remeber the rest. I don't know much about seeds. I have accepted the name Yarrow, and all his memories, but they are all still mixed up in my mind. I struggle, and then remembered the teacher telling us it was time time to check on our seeds. The children ran to the big window, and only one cup had a small greed bud. The name written on it was Yarrow.

The only seed that grew was mine, I remember this smugly. That was my first plant, and having that memory allows me to know what a normal seed looks like. The differences between that bean sprout seed, and my current body are manny. The most obvious though is a drastic diffrence in vitality. My new body seems old, and damaged.

The problems it has are manny, but the biggest is its lack of a store of energy needed for growth. A seed is created with a store of energy it can uses to grow, and develop. It appears as if this seed was left here, began to use it's own nutrients sustain it'self. This may have prolong it's life, and increased it's chances of possable germination. I could speculate that this seed was left in a hostile environment, and was able to sustain it's viability through this method.

The body was smart enough to leave just barely enough energy to germinate if possable, but the health of the plant would be questionable. It's like sacrificing your arms, and legs to survive. The means justify the outcome, but at what cost. A nutrient deficient seed may still germinate, but with reduced means, and subpar results.

The second issue is more pressing being that my human soul Is a bit too much for this starved, and damaged body. It feels like being stuffed in an old shoe box, but that will not immediately kill me I feel. The damage to the seed does not seem too bad though as I first thought. The anatomy of the seed seems more complex then I thought after examining it, but healing it's injuries is still possable.

The seed coat is covered in green runes. They are dull and blend into the dark black seed. There are some dents, but the runes seem mostly intact. The structures in the seed are much more extraordinary than appearances would lead most to believe.

The dull seed coat hides vein-like channels that lead to a small crystal core in the middle of this body. It's small, and in the core is a blurry figure. I focus on the figure. It's a baby floating in the dark green crystal.

It looks as if it's breathing. This is scary and freaks me out, but my mind is calm. The idea that I should be freaking out right now feels about right, but it's not what I do. I feel calm, hungry, and notice that the baby in the core looks similar to my past self as a baby from the memories.

The only difference is a small gem like the third eye on his forehead. It's not open, but it looks beautiful. Similarly to people who have six fingers on both hands that all are fully functional.

This unique feature only adds an ethereal sense of beauty that makes it appear as if others are defective in their lack of such features. This could just be my own taste, but I think it's a three-eyed cute baby.

After admiring the magic baby in my seed crystal, I am shocked to find that I'm using my soul to examine my self. I am confused as to why I still have control over my soul. It feels natural. I move my soul on instinct like eyes to "look" more at my body, and test my capabilities.

My soul gives me a greater sense of vision than my eyes ever have. I tried maneuvering my soul to look at the baby in the core since I sense a familiar feeling. I think that's me. The memories forced into my mind I am unsure of still, but this feels diffrent.

How do I know that? Instinct, but hey, they got me this far. I believe that's me, and this feeling should make a normal "person" go crazy, but I remain calm and further examine "myself".

I don't know what's going on, or how I can "see" myself as a magical seed baby. I just do. I accept it. My main concern is where am I, and is it safe. I channel my soul like "eyes" to "look" around in a panic.

It's less of sight in a traditional sense. Anything in the cloud like the embrace of my soul can be perceived by me in a way. I perceive my own body because my body is a vessel for my soul. I need to expand my soul into the exterior world to perceive it.

It seems easy to move my soul around my body, but difficult to extend it outside of my body. I try focusing on my soul to expand outside my body. This seems to relieve an invisible pressure, but the act of doing so is strenuous. I learn only so much soul can leave my body.

I am then rewarded by sight outside of my body. It's not far, but I am able to see mostly dirt and rocks. My vision is limited to what I can "see" in the area my soul covers. I can not see what dangers that may be near, but I can still feel a sense them. I keep on guard, I need to use my time wisely. I am not sure what makes me no nervous, and uneasy, but I have to be prepared for anything.

I maintain my "eyes" as I split a portion of my mind to work on something else. It feels natural, and does put much of a strain on me. I try hard all "day" trying to make sense of this skill. I use my soul to create different shapes testing this ability while checking for danger. This soul manipulation practice is the only thing I can do to prepare as a seed.

I have not let down my guard, as time passes, but my new favorite are shapes to create are that of sheep. I think it's cute to make the sheep jump over the baby in my core like it's just in a dream.

Like I'll wake up from all of this. I keep trying new shapes, and expanding my control over how I use my soul. It's tiring work. I was able to make knives, thread, and many other complex shapes.

I don't know how much longer I did this soul manipulation practice, but I never let down my guard. Time is hard to figure out as a seed, but I notice the baby in the core has grown bigger, maybe it's my imagination, but I begin to feel sleepy.

I retract most of the soul back into my body, as I lose consciousness, but I maintain a weak area around myself begin to sleep.