Chapter 3: First Encounter

I wake up, and extend my soul outside of my body. I am shocked to discover new changes. The baby in the crystal has grown bigger than before by just a little.

I also have discoved I have a larger range of sight now. I found what the danger I sensed might be. It is a large worm.

My neighbor in the dirt next to me has an aura of death around it. I know that sounds strange. I can't make sense of all of my memories yet, but I know I never believed in auras.

I say that as my soul senses a dark gray mist floating around the worm. It moves rather slowly, and the danger I sense from it is strong.

My instinct tells me this death energy is not from killing, but this does not have me lowering my guard. My "eyes" expanded enough for me to see it better.

My soul covers the entire worm, and I began to examine it. It does not react. It's heavily injured with scars, and pieces missing. I quickly notice it is dead, but moving.

That sounds crazy, but the worm's insides are much worse for wear. It can't be alive. I must be losing my mind at this point. There is a real-life zombie worm with an aura near me.

I must be in hell. What did I do wrong? I was a good person from what I can remember. Suddenly a cold sensation washes over my body.

I need to focus on the task at hand. I am a magic seed that wants to live. I should be able to defend myself, but I need to know what I a facing. It must be a living-dead of some kind with a body like that, and able to move. I take a chance it's just weak, and not just ignoring my soul. I begin to channel a portion of my soul into a sphere.

I won't let this danger threaten me any longer. I launch that sphere at its body. The sphere is not slow or fast, but it lands on its target. It slowly pushes into its body. That sphere is a soul fragment of mine that enters the body of the worm. A strong burst of my soul erupts suddenly inside of the worm, and it stops moving.

I think I overdid it. This soul attack was all I had to use for my defense. It would be more accurate to describe it as a forced possession of the body, and it was risky. I'm half shocked it worked.

I feel a strong sense of hunger come over me as my soul pulls something out of the worm corpse on instinct. The body does not move, but some energy is drawn from worm towards my body.

I instinctively guide the energy towards my core. The baby in the core opens its mouth and swallows the energy slowly til it's gone. A weird feeling hits me suddenly, and I know that the type of soul I ate was a corpse worm soul.

That was odd, but no weirder than eating a soul. I wait while the corpse worm soul is being absorbed. I feel a rush of memories, they are different from mine. I start to see the worm's memories.

They are pretty useful. I finally am able to learn about this strange new world. I find out that some rocks near me can be food. This worm feeds mostly off of remains of much stronger beings than me at the moment.

There are many more worms around me. I also discover that these creatures do not use their soul like me. It's better to say it lacks control over its soul in a way, and is dependent on its body only.

I notice that the soul fragment in the Corpse worm begins to be more active. While I took it's body, using it not be possible. I feel a slight resistance from the body, but nothing I can't handle.

I channel my soul into its body. This is putting too much strain on my soul, but I continue. After some amount of time, I finally gain control over the corpse worm. While my body is useless at the moment.

This worm body will have to due. My soul is at least stronger then the worm I am happy to find out.