Goblin Leader, Qing Yi

Tenth Day, early in the morning.

With Ka-Ba as one of the members of his camp, starting a fire to prepare their soybean breakfast is a good start for the day. As for the two lasses, they went to the pond much earlier to take the chances to clean their hair.

Although there's no shampoo or soak at this era, washing their hair was never a problem. Especially for the girls, a habit of using the ashes from firewood to thoroughly brush through their hair before washing is capable of removing the excess oil, making the hair looks better when dried.

Coming out from the carriage, Mu Qing Lang handed ten seeds belonged to the Demonic Juniper Flower to Xiao Qing so it could be planted as soon as possible. After teaching him about the handling and harvest, Xiao Qing immediately starts working, but there's a female goblin waiting for her turn to speak.

"You're..." her appearance puzzled Mu Qing Lang. This female goblin from the Planting and Harvesting Team was the second goblin to evolve in his camp. As she got no specific name for him to address, she introduces herself as the female goblin in Planting and Harvesting Team.

"So, what is your evolution path?" since her skin tone is still closely representing the younger goblins, Mu Qing Lang guessed that her evolution is very likely following the norm.

"I'm a Goblin Leader, my master." she stands at about 140cm in height, about 10cm shorter than Xiao Qing. As a Goblin Leader, she can now take over the right to lead the goblins from Xiao Qing, or even propose to leave this camp as their leader.

What Mu Qing Lang don't understand is, why would she to him all by herself? Based on how their hierarchy differs, a Goblin Leader doesn't need to work but starts to supervise. Of course, as a Goblin Leader, she'll have an exceptional skill specialized just for her.

For Xiao Qing, it's teaching. His skill allowed Xiao Qing to educate the goblins and made them smarter. As long it was conveyed from the Goblin Teacher to the younger goblins, it'll be understood without too much effort needed.

"My evolution grants me with the ability [Talent Carrier], usable during pregnancy. The goblin I give birth will possess exceptional talents and innate skill that allows them to be better than the current generation," she explained.

"What!" the explanation crushed him for the second time, after hearing about the Goblin Mother profession from Xiao Qing before this. How can the goblin keep coming out with some ridiculous skill like such?

"That's great! You can go back to do your own duties. If there's anything you need, just let me know." Mu Qing Lang nodded and allowed her to leave.

"Oh, wait. I'll have to give you a name to make things easier for us to communicate. How about calling you Qing-Yi?" he suddenly remembered that this female goblin is yet to have a name. Out of creativity, he used the word green and one to make up for her name.

"Yes, my master. From today onwards, my name will be Qing-Yi," she replied, happily accepted the name. After the goblin leader left, Mu Qing Lang turned his attention to the camp. It was wholly barricaded, but still, somewhat empty and lacking something important.

"I'll think about it by tomorrow. As for now, I'll have the decision and changes made after our first Wheat and Soybean harvest. I wonder what can I do for today except loitering around the place." Mu Qing Lang tried to think about what he lacks, but in the end, he's completely clueless.

This was his tenth day in this world. And in four days later, he'll have his first harvest of wheat and soybeans, which is an increase in their number of staple food in stock.

But still, the wheat grain is required to go through a milling process to become flour. As for the Mingwen Soybeans, they can be eaten after a simple cooking process. To make things a step further, he'll have to teach Xiao Qing on the process to dry the soybeans. By going through this process, their shelf life will become even longer than before.

In the afternoon, Ka-Ba came to his side to report everything he'd seen during the reclaiming process. For today, he opened another plot of short-grass area suitable for large-scale farming. And a little further from the spot is another pond, which means collecting the water weren't hard work anymore.

As for Luoli, she suggested that the camp should search for a proper supply of stone before thinking about expanding the base. Because trees can be said to be impossible to obtain in a prairie biome, moving on to stone mining and upgrade the method on making buildings with wheat straws is a better option.

With that said, Luoyi also added something else she often heard from their father. The parent took up the responsibility of farming, and their yield is often, or most of the time, wasn't that positive to talk about. Furthermore, the vegetables from the harvest took too long to grow, and yield too little to feed the settlement of 60-70 people.

Due to such kind of hardship, a part of the reason for the girls to agree to leave the settlement and pay the Mu's Camp a visit is due to this matter. If they can learn about how to produce the Recovery Ointment and also a way to grow better crops, it might help the settlement to solve their issue on food.

"I cannot say I know how to help the settlement in their issue on food, but I can teach them on what kind of plant they should cultivate. But for now, I'll need the goblins to prepare me a few tools to be used at that time." Mu Qing Lang replied.

From how he looks, the three youngsters from the human settlement noticed the confidence Mu Qing Lang gave out to them. Somewhat feeling confident with this camp leader, Luoli patiently listens to his explanation on the tool he needed, while Luoyi and Ka-Ba went to do whatever they like.

Having nothing to be harvested after the morning, the tenth day finishes without too many things needed to be handled. But on their eleventh day morning, things are getting busier.

With the first 500 plants plot is ready to be harvested, Mu Qing Lang ordered the goblins to increases their new Plot 1 plants into 1,000. This will be the last upgrade in the total of plants a plot must have. In the future, the Xian-Ren Grass will be distributed to the public, allowing them to have a chance to enjoy this Basic Mortal Grade's entry-level food.

To Mu Qing Lang, to become a person in charge of all matters, no matter if it's a small or a big issue, a tiring job that he doesn't like it at all. But unless he found a candidate perfect for the position, it will be impossible for Mu Qing Lang to let it go before its proper maturity.

After all, in his own train of thoughts, the people of this era is still lack of certain valuable qualities. As an example, the wealthy supply of Wheat Grains and Soybean was overlooked in the Chang Emperor Prairie.

A goblin village relies on plunder and small trading to feed themselves. Human Settlement chose to focus on logging, hunting, but not farming to increases their food supply. While fire-making has made its way into the life of each human, seasonings are still nowhere getting developed.

For the sake of changes, he may need to participate in person further into their culture. Only through this way, Mu Qing Lang believes they will be introduced into the era of processing wheat grains into a proper staple food. As for the soybeans, they can wait for a year or two, at least not until their population exceeds 500 people.

The reason behind Mu Qing Lang's belief is simple. Based on their current exploitation in farming wheat, he believes that their first batch of Wheat Grain will not exceed 5kg of refined flour. To make things sound positive, his first yield from this one week of waiting might be just enough for him to make ten loaves of white bread.

Worst of all, yeast and salt wasn't available for him at this stage. This means that they will not be used to make bread, but noodles instead. With wheat flour and water, rustic wheat noodle can be made and cooked into a delicious hot meal loved by everyone.

At most, 5kg of flour is roughly enough to turn into fifty to sixty servings, if they're split into between 70-80gm of uncooked noodle every bowl. That means Mu Qing Lang must plant a total of 7 plots of wheat to have the ability to feed the Ka-Ruo Settlement for an entire week.

To prepare themselves, Mu Qing Lang ordered Luoli to made them a few mortar and pestle that will be used to ground the wheat into flour. This method will be used by the camp until a proper flour miller is built.

On his eleventh day, the goblins completed their task, upgrading the plot 1 Xian-Ren Grass into 1,000 plants, harvested 2.4kg worth of Prairie Herbal-Cress, and replant the seeds harvested from the Demon Juniper Flower.