Wheel of Cause Sutra

Taking in the word spoken by Luoli into consideration, Mu Qing Lang headed out to search for a stable supply of stones. And at the same time, he found out another unique feature of the Carriage of Immortality.

To inspect the item, Mu Qing Lang can do it in a similar way outside of the carriage. As long the item is placed on top of the extendable table, its information can be selected for reading right on the Status Panel.

This made his exploration much simpler. Without the restriction of having to bring each item back inside the carriage for scanning, he can inspect the entire prairie without wasting too much time and effort.

Furthermore, how can he live his second life with an overall hectic life similar to before? Without the restriction on where can he live, what to eat, what to do, and how much money you earn, this life should not become one like before.

"I'm a cultivator, but I don't even know anything about the definition of cultivation. Why won't the carriage give me something like Nine Divine Solar Manual or Golden Bell Defensive Manual?" although Mu Qing Lang wasn't a spoiled child, it won't hurt to complain a little.




[Basic Prairie Rock]




[Basic Prairie Rock]




[Sodium Deposit Crystal]




He lost patience. The job wasn't hectic in any physical way, but to scan the item one after another, Mu Qing Lang started to feel some mental exhaustion from the repetitive task. It wasn't a problem for him back in his previous world, but the current him enjoyed using his rights too much, leaving him without a proper mindset as a leader.

Perhaps... This is how the Carriage of Immortality temper his attitude and also his mindset. Without a proper path on what he should do, providing him with the opportunity to cultivate earlier than everyone can be said as risky and a mistake.

"Fine. I've been through all of these before I even come to this world. Sulking is not a problem, but I shouldn't let it consume and drag me down from the path of success." Mu Qing Lang slapped his face to bring himself awake and calm.

"Alright. Let's harvest as much material for today until I found myself a proper supply of stone." Mu Qing Lang motivated himself. This time, he's much more confident than before, with a better attitude on how he accepts everything around him.

This should be something that doesn't need any reminder. From the day Mu Qing Lang is here, he's confident he can cultivate the Chang-Er Bronze Wheat and Mingwen Soybean without giving up of any of the plants. The action itself shows how he accepted their existence, without the intention to give up any of them.

"Oh! This rock is quite a big one! I should remember the location and let Luoli handle the preparing process. If everything goes correctly, this big stone will become our milling machine to process the Wheat Grains into flour."

"I'll... Eh?"




A few lines of word appeared on the surface of the Stats Panel.

[Heaven blesses the Earth with life, Earth breaths the spirits back to Heaven]


[Continuous exchange creates a cycle. The cycle repeated to open Qiankun]


[Qiankun exist with two different cores. Each core embraced one wisdom]


[Wisdom separated to Rightful and Evil. But they were never ever a whole]


"This is a cultivation technique! I'm sure its a cultivation art that can bring me further!" Mu Qing Lang read and repeated the chant until he's practically breath with the four lines of knowledge.

Through his shallow understanding, Heaven represents light. The light gave life to the Earth, allowing them to produce Spiritual Threads. The spirits equal to the cultivator, where from the moment they ascend and become an immortal, they'll repeat the same cycle again and again.

This repetition opened the path to Qiankun, separates into Yin and Yang. There's a core of yin within the Yang, and Yang within Yin.

Seated in his meditation posture, Mu Qing Lang shuts his eyes and tried to control the Spiritual Threads around him. Eleven days living in this world made the Carriage of Immortality grants him with 44 strands of Spiritual Threads.



[Experience increases by 100 points due to enlightenment]


[Failure on absorbing with Spiritual Thread. Experience Point +10]


[Failure x 2. Experience Point +20]


[One Spiritual Thread assimilated. Experience Point +50]


The process continued until 43 strands of Spiritual Threads provided by the Carriage of Immortality are used up. As for the remaining strand, it was used during his fight against Ka-Ba outside the Ka-Ruo Settlement.

Altogether, he successfully assimilated three strands and wasted forty Spiritual Threads. The total increment is 550 experience point, totaling up to 770/1,000. If everything proceeds well, his advancement should be in a week.

The increase in his experience point comes with other benefits. Putting his and on the carriage's side, his refreshed status panel pops up.

= = = = = = = = = =

[Username: Mu Qing Lang]


[Cultivation: First Stage Spiritual Palace]-[770/1,000]

[Cultivation Technique:]

[Inner Art: Wheel of Cause Sutra]

[Outer Art: NIL]



[Health: 60/60][Energy: 15/15]

[Fitness - 5+1]

[Charm - 2+1]

[Control - 1.5+1]

[Force - 1+1]



[Small Xian Pill]-[60]

[Recovery Ointment]-[69]

[Xian-Qin Pill]-[21]


[Spiritual Agate Pebble]-[2]

[Common-Grade Copper Dagger]

= = = = = = = = = =

"Alright! There's a good increase in my abilities! With six points in Fitness, can I try to move the rock into my base?" Mu Qing Lang quickly tests his new strength on the rock about 150 kilograms. But unfortunately, he's barely able to move it.

"It's still too heavy for me. My rough guess is this rock is between 150-160 kilograms, but six points of Fitness only enough to adjust it slightly. Perhaps, I'll need to have 10 points and above in fitness to move this rock."

Mu Qing Lang continued. Although he failed to obtain a proper supply of stones, the amount he collected from today's trip is close to 100 kilograms. In between, he found and collected a few wild plants. Unfortunately, nothing is notable amongst the plant.

Still, he kept one of the plants for cultivating purposes.

At the time he returned to the Mu's Camp, it was already late in the evening. Mu Qing Lang withdraws all the stone he collected from his trip, and at the same time, instructing Xiao Qing and Qing Yi on what to do tomorrow morning.

During their short meeting, the outspoken Qing Yi asked about Mu Qing Lang's changes. Their master seems to be a little more refined in term of looks. Additionally, he's somewhat one to two centimeters taller than before.

And replying to their question,, Mu Qing Lang said that it was due to his cultivation. As long they continue to grow, this day he got won't be too far for the goblins. Plus, with this kind of proper condition, the remaining ten goblin's evolution shouldn't be far away.

But in his mind, Mu Qing Lang hoped that half of them evolved into Hobgoblins. This mindset is due to the expansion of their camp, and the requirement to start making up for their defensive ability. Taught with proper Fire-Making skill, three out of the twelve goblins learned how to start a fire.

At the same time, the girls taught the goblins on how to use clay in their free time. These kinds of skills enhance the quality of their living and reduce the infant's death after birth in the future. Perhaps in their long run, the goblins will learn about how to have a proper exchange with the female humans in the settlement to grow their numbers.

Inside the carriage.

The effort put on gathering the stones tired him out slightly, but before going to rest, Mu Qing Lang told himself to make sure that he processed their harvest first.

24 stalks of Xian-Ren Grass is mixed with 2.4kg of Prairie Herbal-Cress to be made into 24 Xian-Qin Pills. As for the remaining 976 Xian-Ren Grasses, 500 of them is made into 50 Small Xian-Ren Pills, 450 Xian-Ren Grasses into 90 bottles of Recovery Ointments, and 26 stalks are added to his kitchen, totaling up to 29 stalks as his meal.

Surprisingly, Mu Qing Lang found an option he did not notice it when processing the harvest into usable products.

[New ingredient found]


[Type: Plant]


[Name: Amber Root]


[Amount: 1]


[Please choose from the following option:]

[1] Extract the resin within (1) plant to be made into a binding solution

[2] Combined the resin within (5) plant and (5) Spiritual Agate Pebble to create a proper Spiritual Agate Slate


"What the hell is this? Amber Root? Which plant that I took back earlier is the Amber Root?" Mu Qing Lang remembered he collected three different plants back to check on their usage, never did he think about finding something this useful.

Instead of going to his bed, Mu Qing Lang landed his butt on the chair, impatient to check what kind of wondrous effect hidden inside the three plants he brought back inside his carriage.