Namu's Settlement (1)



[*Amber Root*]

[*Acidic Weed*]

[*Prairie Fake Wheat*]


"I'll open the other two, and finish with the Amber Root last." Mu Qing Lang knows that disappointment is going to come on his second and third choice. Hence, he decided to put Amber Root into his third choice of reading.

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Acidic Weed [Common]

Condition: matured / One of the six kinds of useless plant flourished in Chang Emperor Prairie

Maturity: 6 hours (Nourishment impossible)

Harvest: 90 seeds / 3 stalks of Acidic Weed


Item Description: Terrible plant that neither useful in any situation. Release acidic juices that sped up rust from oxidation when crushed. Awful scent.

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"My disappointment wasn't as terrible as your evaluation, my almighty carriage. What about the second plant?" Mu Qing Lang smiled. After making sure he remembered how the Acidic Weed looks, he moved to the next plant.


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Prairie Fake Wheat [Common]

Condition: matured / One of the six kinds of useless plant flourished in Chang Emperor Prairie

Maturity: 12 hours (Nourishment impossible)

Harvest: 155 seeds


Item Description: A type of imitation plant that carries a hard seed instead of edible grains like Chang-Er Bronze Wheat. They can be planted for the sake of the straws.

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"Alright. Second disappointment, but not too much compared to the stupid Acidic Weed. I'll see what is so surprising about this Amber Root Plant." Mu Qing Lang tapped on the last choice.


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Amber Root Plant [Common]

Condition: matured / One of the six kinds of useless plant flourished in Chang Emperor Prairie

Maturity: 24 hours (Nourishment impossible)

Harvest: 10 seeds / resin


Item Description: The Amber Root is nothing but a disturbing plant. Tend to release the resin within the plant when crushed. The resin is difficult to wash away, making it hard to maintain the tool and weapon.

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"Resin! If the source of solvent can be found, this product can be utilized in every industry regardless of kind." Mu Qing Lang smiled. Although this plant is graded as a common weed, their usefulness is much more than anyone could imagine.

"Xiao Qing!" Mu Qing Lang left his carriage at night and search for Xiao Qing. That fellow should be given the first task to replant the seeds from this Amber Root and starts to collect a large amount of the plant for his production.

But the moment he pushed the door into the bigger hut built for the evolved goblins, he's shocked by what was present before him. One against two, Xiao Qing is working out with Qing Yi and another female goblin. Three of them, right on the straw bed.

"Come to my carriage after you're done!" Mu Qing Lang shuts the door and left, embarrassed.

"He's having fun, right? Even working so hard on the farm did not stop this fellow from handling two opposite sex in one round. His vitality is just that amazing, for a goblin." Mu Qing Lang jokes and headed to the bonfire.

Again, he was presented with another heart-breaking scene. Luoyi and Ka-Ba are hugging each other as they kissed. Perhaps it was due to the cracking sound from the bonfire, they did not hear his footsteps as he approaches.

"..." Mu Qing Lang turned and return to his carriage. He's out of the mood to continue walking around.

"Fua!" the sound of breath came into his hearing. It came from the human girl's hut. Curious of what was happening to Luoli at night, Mu Qing Lang tiptoed to the back and peek.

"She's actually more hardworking than that Ka-Ba fellow. That fellow is going to swim in the river of love now while letting this lass walk past his achievement." Mu Qing Lang smiled. Luoli was the only weird one practicing some fist punching technique.

By looking at how she repeatedly executes a three punching strike, Mu Qing Lang knows this was self-created. Compare to that Ka-Ba fellow, she's actually trying to create her own style of fighting. As for her reason, nobody knows.

"Krak..." Mu Qing Lang intends to walk closer, but the stack of straws betrayed him. That sound alarmed Luoli as she turned around with her fist. Luckily, she did not send a punch out as a result of the disturbance.

"Master!" Luoli addressed him.

"Practicing fighting in the late at night? Why don't you go to sleep?" Mu Qing Lang asked as he took a sit on the tightened straw bale. To let her reply at ease, Mu Qing Lang tapped at the spot beside him, so Luoli will come and sit with him.

"Many things were too heavy for me. I'll have to train myself more if I want to become a good blacksmith." Luoli replied. Her aim is just as simple as her action. To become a blacksmith, she needs a hammer. To control the tool, she needs strength.

Only by making herself fitter can she demand a hammer from her father. With that, she can start making herself useful for this master.

"I have some medicine that could help in your improvement. Do you trust me and the medicine?" Mu Qing Lang remembered that the Xian-Qin Pill carries the effect of increasing Fitness and Force stats. Although the effect is insignificant, it is better than not taking any of it.

"Of course! I trust that the master will not try to harm me." Luoli stares at Mu Qing Lang as she replied. The moment their eyes looking at each another felt like an eternity and Mu Qing Lang sense an urge to kiss her.

But, he's conscious enough to know he should stop. Mu Qing Lang averted his sight to his pocket and collected ten Xian-Qin Pills for her to take every night.

The pills made Luoli immediately kneeled before him. From the way she looked at the ten pills, perhaps even asking Luoli to become her plaything is not impossible.

Still, he's not that kind of a person. After asking her to take a pellet every night, Mu Qing Lang returned to his carriage, only to see Xiao Qing waiting beside with an anxious expression.

"My master!" Xiao Qing immediately kneeled before Mu Qing Lang out of worries that his master is offended by him pummeling the two female goblins.

But instead of getting scold or punished for his action, Mu Qing Lang withdraws the Amber Root from his pocket and given to Xiao Qing.

"Plant the seeds tomorrow. Make sure that the plant is harvested carefully without damaging the parts." Mu Qing Lang gave his instruction on what to do with the plant before preparing to enter the carriage.

"Ma... Master! Please wait!" Xiao Qing stops him. The goblin revealed his worrisome expression like trying to ask Mu Qing Lang to punish him.

"Yes?" he stopped.

"Xiao Qing hopes master will give him four bottles of Recovery Ointment!" this goblin is quite a greedy one. Instead of asking for a bottle, he actually asked for four.

"Wait... Why four?" Mu Qing Lang asked.

"It's because all of them should be pregnant by now." Xiao Qing looked at Mu Qing Lang as he replied without a hint of awkwardness.

"What? You're that fellow that impregnated the four female goblins!" Mu Qing Lang felt even jealous of Xiao Qing. But the mind of goblins, who know what they're thinking. Instead of worrying, he should predict what type of Goblin will Qing Yi carry.

"Here, take it and leave. I'll depend on you for the farming tomorrow." Mu Qing Lang tossed the Recovery Ointment to Xiao Qing and entered the carriage. The Goblin Teacher quickly went back to his hut, which he shared with the four female goblins.

"If Mu Qing Lang knew about this, he will get even furious. Luckily, the appearance of the goblin doesn't attract him. Hence, he's not bothered with Xiao Qing and his sexual conquest.

Before sleeping, Mu Qing Lang popped a Small Xian Pill together with the Xian-Qin Pill. The two pills assimilated into his body in harmony as he sleeps until the next morning.

Day twelve.

As per his order, the goblins harvested a thousand stalks of Xian-Ren Grass, while replanting the Demonic Juniper Flower. Their number increases from ten to twenty plants. As for today, ten Amber Root Plant is added into their farm, with the yield of one plant every 24 hours.

After waking up, Mu Qing Lang rides the carriage powered by Xiao Hui as they return to the same spot he left. Once again, he starts collecting those random materials around him without being bothered by their usefulness.

At the same time, located at the north of Mu's Camp.

"Drag all the goblins out from their village. I'll see how many pests are hidden in this small village!" a human wearing leather attire gave the green goblin two stabs before beheading it.

Following behind him is a group of five males, all of them armed with crude blades and leather fittings.

"Hahaha! Plunder their village and let us drag them back to be sold as slaves!" the leader announced his decision as he begins tying a knot on the goblin's neck.

It seems that peaceful day will not continue for many days longer in Mu's Camp.