Changzhou Demon Boar Tribe

"Do not falter! Continue to attack!" Mu Qing Lang ordered. Even himself left the Ashen Battlewolf to engage with the Prairie Silicate Beetles in a one against hundred fight.




Although the troops of Eastern Changzhou is formed from multiple tribes, the reason that motivates them to fight to the death in this battle is the same.



With a reason to protect where they live, the soldier fought. Against the Prairie Silicate Beetles with praisable defense, a blunt weapon is the best. Instead of focusing on stabbing the tip of their spear on the beetles, they started to use the rod itself or the pommel on the back to fight instead.

Even Ka-Ba and Guan Yi fought the battle using the Ashen War Gauntlets given by Mu Qing Lang to them long before Eastern Changzhou is established.

"Qing Yi! Fire!" Mu Qing Lang shows his palm at where Qing Yi is and ordered for the second arrow to be shot.

Once it was charged, Qing Yi fired at another core position of the Prairie Silicate Beetles. When the Fire-Powder explodes, it created the second buffering zone similar to the first.

Met with these advantages, the morale of Eastern Changzhou troops roused drastically to a level nobody ever thought it will. They replaced the dead companions on this battlefield and fought on their behalf as two soldiers.

Very quickly, the Prairie Silicate Beetle's attack is impeded. Instead of keep charging forward, they slowly retreat.

About one hour later, the battle concludes. Among the 25,000 Prairie Silicate Beetles, over 5,000 of them is killed in this battle. As for the remaining 20,000, half of them is injured, with some stuck behind the battlefield failed to provide any help.

As for the Eastern Changzhou side, only 150 soldiers are left from the battle. The entire Prairie's First Calvary Platoon along with their Ashen Battle Wolves are all fallen in this battle. There will be no cavalry in their next engagement.

But on the next two days, the attack dropped significantly as if the Prairie Silicate Beetle is trying to make this a battle of attrition. While the beetle practiced cannibalism, Eastern Changzhou's food supply promised them an entire month of three meals a day.



Day Ninety-two.

The battle finally ends ten days later. Both sides suffered the damage from this battle. At least 30,000 Prairie Silicate Beetles fell in this war, while Eastern Changzhou is left with 30 soldiers.

But in the end, the Prairie Silicate Beetles achieved what they're trying to accomplish. The entire tribe no longer resides underground but moved to the surface once again, after suffering for god know how many years of imprisonment without sunlight and space.

At the end of this battle, only four factions remained in the Chang Emperor Prairie.

Northern Han half-town, Prairie Stone Orcs Tribe, Prairie Silicate Beetle Tribe, and Eastern Changzhou.

Among the four factions, Prairie Silicate Beetle Tribe is the biggest of them, taking over two-fifths of the land of Chang Emperor Prairie. As for the remaining three-fifths, it was evenly distributed to the others.

They estimate that there are at least a million Prairie Silicate Beetles in the tribe, which allows them to start that kind of battle throughout the entire prairie. Even after facing the three factions, they remained as the largest tribe in this land.

And with the battle is over, the miners from the cave in Yulan Mountain Forest finally returned. It took them five more days to completely emptied the cave from resources before returning to where they came. This also means that from today onwards, the miners will no longer be paid with that lucrative salary anymore.

At Mu Qing Lang's Day 100, the operation of Eastern Changzhou finally returned to normal. Although there's a large number of deaths in their previous battle, it did not hamper the intention of others to apply and become a member of the military department.

Instead, the recruitment process turned into disturbance because there are too many applicants trying to enroll in the military, making it sound like a joke. At the end of the recruitment, Mu Qing Lang is forced to take the applicants into a drill and only chose from the fittest of the batch.

But at least, it refilled their number back to four full platoons. As for the backup, Mu Qing Lang extends them into two unequipped platoons under the command of Guan Er, the second Goblin Champion.

He will replace Guan Yi's position as the head of security of Eastern Changzhou, while Guan Yi is reassigned into the Platoon Leader for the 3rd Platoon. The 4th Platoon will be under Qing Yi's command, with Mu Qing, Mu Lang, and Mu Xing helping her as the second platoon leaders.

This way, the four platoons will have their own leaders with himself as both Platoon Leader for the Prarie's First Calvary Platoon and Platoon Commander commanding the five platoons.

In the future, Mu Qing Lang hopes that he can expand the number of platoons into ten to form two companies. But to achieve what he had in his mind, there must be at least three infantry platoons, one archer platoon, and one cavalry platoon for them to qualify as a perfect company.

But those talks should be put somewhere in the future. With the lack of small opponents in the Chang Emperor Prairie, the four factions each decided on their own target. While the Northern Han focused on attacking the Prairie Silicate Beetle Tribe, Eastern Changzhou placed all their attention on the Prairie Stone Orc Tribe.

With military preparation on their way, the time went on quickly without a hitch except for constant small battles between the two. Even the Yan Emperor Grassland, Hundred Beast Mountain, and Yulan Mountain Sea have started to launch their land grabbing campaign everywhere.


Day 150.

"Milord, the Stone-Orcs is trying to study the technique to use the bamboos. Since they're located right on top of our Eastern Changzhou, it will be difficult for us to control them from harvesting the Yunxia Bamboos." Yulin reported what's told by the scouts a day before she came to this Meeting Hall.

In this period, Mu Qing Lang's growth never stops. His cultivation now reaches the Fourth Stage of Spiritual Palace, which almost doubles his fighting strength compared to him before this.

And at the same time, Mu Qing Lang created his own External-Art he named as "Changzhou Protection Fist" which he taught to the four platoons. The Changzhou Protection Fist consists of three styles of fist art, ranging from short, long, and continuous.

Added with the low 50% Purity Water Gravel Metal, it gave birth to the replacement of Ashen War Gauntlet. Slowly but sure, the Gravel Metal Gauntlets is started to become a piece of issued equipment for every soldier going to the battlefield.

During this period, Eastern Changzhou no longer remained at the village grade but breaking through and stops at the Full-Town level. The total number of residents reaches 5,500 about twenty days ago and still growing.

"Han Xi, what do you think about this report?" Mu Qing Lang did not make a decision on what to do with the report but checked with Han Xi first. As the acting Town-Mayor for Eastern Changzhou, Mu Qing Lang tried to groom Han Xi instead of handling the matter himself.

Although he was seated on top of the chair placed on top of the elevated stage, Mu Qing Lang wasn't the decision maker. All he tried to do now is to hold the position of a grand elder while giving Han Xi the right to decide.

"I believe that their way of using the bamboos is crude. Even we struggled with the bamboo after taught with the method to fully utilize them." Han Xi's first deduction is that even if they allow the Stone-Orcs to study the bamboos, it won't do too much for them except becoming the fuel to the campfire.

"But we still shouldn't underestimate them." Mu Qing Lang added his piece of advice.

"Milord, we all know that the orcs are not that capable of precise productions. How can they get the way with the bamboos?" Han Xi agreed to the part to not underestimate the Stone-Orcs but remain stubborn in his opinion regarding them.

"Tiezu-Wu," Mu Qing Lang called.

"Milord," Tiezu-Wu came inside the Meeting Hall together with another orc with him. The Orc bears about three-quarters of similarity to the Tiezu-Orc Tribe with some part resembles the Bronzeskin-Orcs.

"Introduce the new kind of orcs to Han Xi please." Mu Qing Lang ordered.

"Subject understand. Mayor Han Xi, let me introduce you to this guy here, who milord name him as Yao-Chen." Tiezu-Wu begin.

Through so many days of trials and error, their previous effort in breeding the Ironskin Boar and Bronzeskin Boar finally carried some results. Although the Bronzeskin-Orc's experiment using Evolution Stimulant has failed creates a mixed breed, the failure allowed the Ironskin Boar to reflect on their failure and succeed.

In return for their combined effort, they successfully groom the first mix breed which Mu Qing Lang gave them a name.

Changzhou Demon Boar Tribe.