Lin Yi (1)

"This is incredible... Can I employ them to help with Lady Luoli's Forge?" Han Xi cannot control how much in awe is himself towards Tiezu-Wu's explanation regarding the Changzhou Demon Boar Tribe's specialty.

What has come out on the day of adulthood is not a Young-Orc or Strong-Orc as they assumed. The new variant of "Orc Specialist" is what made Mu Qing Lang advised Han Xi to adjust his opinion towards the Prairie Stone-Orcs.

Since there's a possibility of a specialist to appear inside of their camp, the plan to attack the Prairie Stone-Orcs must proceed without any prejudice to their strength. Even a lion exerts all its energy for the sake to hunt an agile rabbit.

"Milord, your subject apologized for underestimating the Stone-Orcs and getting into the way to destroy our own foundation. Please give this subject the punishment he's should receive." Han Xi kneeled before Mu Qing Lang with regrets.

"Han Xi will have his pay deducted for three payments as the punishment for underestimating his opponents. I hope this will serve as a warning to you that there's always somebody above you, no matter how great you become." Mu Qing Lang delivered his verdict.

"Em!" everyone nodded in approval for the verdict.

Han Xi did not feel dejected but instead continue to speak.

"Chief Tiezu-Wu! Is there a possibility that Miss Luoli's Forge can hire them? If the Orcs Specialist can help the forge, I'm sure we can push weapon out by days." Han Xi's intention is still for the sake of Eastern Changzhou.

"Of course they can. Even our Lord agreed to let the Orc Specialist help in the difficult works." Tiezu-Wu replied.

"The meeting is adjourned." Mu Qing Lang said.

"Yulin, I'll go out for a few days to the Yulan Mountain Sea. Cooperate with the others to grow our Eastern Changzhou while I'm not around." Mu Qing Lang continued with what he wanted to say before allowing everyone to leave.

About two hours later, Mu Qing Lang left Eastern Changzhou quietly without alerting the others. It was time for him to see how far they can sustain themselves when he's not around for some time.

Although it was worrying, Mu Qing Lang has no choice but to employ this method to force them to grow. As for himself, the cease of increment of his status signifies that this is all he could get in this piece of land. Unless he moved out from this place for further experience, Mu Qing Lang might stagnate at this position for long.

In a blink of an eye, one hundred days passed.




It was not a peaceful period for Eastern Changzhou, who was given full freedom to act as they see fit.

Like what Mu Qing Lang said to Han Xi, Orc-Specialist indeed started to grow in numbers back at the Prairie Stone-Orc Tribe. From simple weapon such as skewering spears to flying needles, their advancement grows fast to the stage they're capable of constructing Bamboo Walls.

Each partition of the bamboo wall is 1-meter width x 2.5-meters tall, capable of withstanding calvary attacks from the Prairie First Cavalry Platoon without trouble. At the same time, the Shield Wall tactics they employed successfully destroyed two squadrons under Guan Yi's platoon in one of the small campaigns.

The changes made Eastern Changzhou's Elites started to research for retaliation tactics, hence created the first Siege-Weapon for the era.

Wheelcarts tied with reinforced bamboo spreads horizontally for about 1.5-meters width is pulled by the Ashen Battle Wolves into the battlefield. Through the momentum is given by the moving force, each battering ram that smashed into the Stone-Orcs rank end up destroying a part of their soldiers.

And at this stage, the four factions already understand the importance of well-trained soldiers. Northern Han was the first one to practice mercenary-employment tactics, relying on Ashen-Orcs and Goldfang-Orcs they hired to create six platoons.

In return, Northern Changzhou promised the orcs that once Chang Emperor Prairie is captured, it will be split into three, one for each of them.

Unfortunate for them, the Goldfang and Ashen-Orcs are destined to meet with a cruel ending in the future because they supported the wrong faction who played with deficits from the first day they rise from nothing.

Meanwhile, Eastern Changzhou absorbed both Ka-Ruo Settlement and Kong Village and strengthen itself. Six platoons are deployed to protect the Town from four different directions, with two additional platoons taking up the responsibility to thwart the advancement from Prairie Stone-Orc Tribe.

If Mu Qing Lang sees how they're doing now, he might smile and praised everyone appointed by him in person for their excellent performance in these three months.

Meanwhile, the person who supposed to be in charge of handling Eastern Changzhou is enjoying his leisure time hanging out at the border between Yulan Mother Mountain and Yulan Mother Sea.

"Teacher!" a young kid dressed with Mushan Village style of clothing came to greets him.

"Xiao-Yi, you're late today." Mu Qing Lang turned around and took a glance of the young twelve years old boy. His appearance can be said to be excellent if compared to the other kids in Mushan Village. But most importantly, Mu Qing Lang picked this child to follow him is due to the advice given by WUYI SAINT Carriage.

He remembered that ten days after he left Eastern Changzhou, Mu Qing Lang came across this kid.

While he's still eight years old, Lin Yi's parent was killed by the Donghai-Orcs during a small battle. As one of the orphans living in the village, Lin Yi is forced to forage for his own foods if he wanted to stay alive. But his ill-luck that day caused him to be attacked by a Yulan Shell Beast.

Coincidentally, Mu Qing Lang spotted this kid when he came out from the forest. Looking at the weak child, Mu Qing Lang charged into the battle and smashed the Yulan Shell Beast into pancakes before he rubs some Recovery Ointment on Lin Yi's injuries.

That day onwards, Lin Yi frequent this location and been given with the opportunity to cultivate and learn from Mu Qing Lang. As long Lin Yi made himself present to his temporary camp every day, Mu Qing Lang will give him a set of three pills to strengthen his body.

And in return of coming to accompany Mu Qing Lang for ninety days without failure, Lin Yi caught Mu Qing Lang's attention entirely. To reward him, Mu Qing Lang granted the boy a wish, which Lin Yi requested to be given the chances to become a cultivator.

"Hmm... You want to be a cultivator..." Mu Qing Lang pinched his chin and considered about it. This request also reminds him about what was told by the WUYI Saint Carriage ninety days before this.



[High Potential Candidate Found!]


[User may obtain 2 points of Karma if you groom the child with some effort +10 strands of Spiritual Threads to activates his Cultivation Core]



[1] Wushuang Spiritual Art


At this moment, WUYI Saint Carriage reacts. A notice stated the Wushuang Spiritual Art came into his head, allowing Mu Qing Lang to become a teacher on cultivation path.

"Alright! Since you're asking to become one, get ready mentally and from today onwards, you won't need to return to Mushan Village anymore." Mu Qing Lang said and placed his hand on Lin Yi's shoulder.

Using ten strands of Spiritual Threads, Mu Qing Lang injected warm and comfortable energy into Lin Yi's physics to ignites his Cultivation Core and talents. Through this activation, himself, his child, and each generation will no longer have their Cultivation Core locked.

"Thank you, master!" Lin Yi kowtowed at Mu Qing Lang three times to solidify their relationship as a master and disciple. From today onwards, he will be Mu Qing Lang's first disciple.

After a simple meal, Mu Qing Lang started.

With the information and every word from the Wushuang Inner Art Scripture inside his head, Mu Qing Lang guides Lin Yi starting from the first step in cultivation. Due to the richness of Spiritual Energy surrounding them, added with his own high-potential, Lin Yi's cultivation Speed can be said to be shocking.

While Eastern Changzhou is facing the challenge to defend and defeat the Prairie Stone-Orc Tribe, Lin Yi's side is challenged to improves his cultivation using the shortest time.

Inside the Wushuang Inner Art compiled a total of three chapters divided into nine sub-chapters. By mastering all nine sub-chapters, it will be enough for Lin Yi to advance into the Condensation Tier.

The cultivation continued. Without realizing, Mu Qing Lang is away from Eastern Changzhou for 150 days. Sixty days more it will be exactly a year in this world.

"Master, how can I defeat this monster?" Lin Yi is running from the Yulan Shell Beast chasing him from the back. Lack of both bravery and experience, his first match against a Yulan Shell Beast actually starts with running instead of attacking!

"Brat! Stop running!"