Chapter 10 Unlikely Friends

When they arrived at the next town, it was completely destroyed. Buildings were smoking ruins where demons had swept through the town burning it as they went.

One building still had a working door, and as they pushed it open, to look inside, they were shocked to find it was Bob's bar! The inside was completely unharmed by the fire. This must truly be a magical area!

"Ah! I was hoping you would make it. Come have a drink and something to eat. My treat!" exclaimed Bob with a smile, motioning them to sit at the bar.

The entire place was empty, except for two people sitting at a table eating.

Grey sat down, followed by Airow.

"How are you so powerful?" asked Airow.

"I was a mere mortal once, just like you were."

"What do you mean?" asked Grey confused. She had no memory of ever being mortal.

"Oh, they must not let you keep your memories. Well, all angels come from humans who died doing good deeds."

"Does that mean demons are made from humans who died doing bad deeds?" asked Airow.

"A lot of them, yes, but others are made when angels fall. Sometimes an angel does something bad, and likes it, thus becoming a demon. The opposite can happen as well, where a demon can become an angel, but it's much harder to go back."

"So, you were a mortal? How did you become so powerful?" asked Grey.

"I had a father who wanted me to be a noble like him, but I really wanted to be a merchant. We compromised and I opened a type of store, where people could buy food from me. But instead of only focusing on one group of people, like the nobles, as my father wanted, I also helped the poor and the adventurers.

"Adventurers can come in many different shapes and sizes. I befriended many different species. Some were more powerful than others. By a series of fortunate decisions, I was granted abilities by some of my new friends, that led me to where I am now. When my father died, I decided to open a bar, instead of just the store, and used my inheritance to help more people.

"Before long, I had opened many bars, and was trading information as well as coin for ale and food. But that is for another story."

"So, how old are you?" asked Grey.

"I stopped counting a long time ago. It doesn't matter to me anymore how old I am. The important thing, is that I am here to help those who need it. Like yourselves."

"Who are those over there?" asked Airow, nodding to the other two people in the bar. His magical ability to detect evil and good didn't work in Bob's bar.

"Travelers, looking for help. They've been kicked out of their home, and are looking for purpose. Perhaps they could help you with your quest to find the nearby portal?"

"Couldn't you just tell us where it is?" asked Grey.

"I could, but the information I share from this point forward, will not be free anymore."

"Fine," said Grey, sitting back and glancing at the two.

They looked human, just as Grey and Airow looked human. One was taller, with dark hair, and was lazily sipping his ale. The other was short, and pudgy, standing in the chair like a toddler, gulping his ale, and shoveling food into his mouth.

"I fail to see how they can help us," muttered Grey.

"Never judge someone by how they look. We can at least say hi and see if there is anything, they would be willing to share?"

Airow took his tea and went over to the table the two were sitting at. Grey followed reluctantly.

"May we join you? It would be nice to have someone else to speak with in such a place as this."

"If you want," replied the tall man bored.

Bob brought their food, and set it down.

"Do you know where the demon portal around here is?" asked Grey. Airow looked at her like she was crazy. Apparently, they were going to jump right in without any pleasantries.

The little man almost choked on his food, but the tall man turned to look at her curiously.

"The portal is guarded by an elder demon."

"I thought he was dead?" asked Airow.

"Oh, he's hurt alright. He just released a large horde of demons to raze this town, after getting his butt beat by two angels. I'm pretty sure he's trying to keep people away from him, while he tries to heal." The little man wiped his mouth with a greasy fist, grinning at them.

"How do you know all of this?" asked Airow.

"He tried to kill us, but we hid here. He refuses to come in here. Hates Bob just as much as the angels do," replied the tall man, as he took another sip of his ale.

"If you could kill the elder demon while he's weak, we can tell you more!" exclaimed the little man, grabbing his mug of ale and chugging half of it.

"Consider it done," said Grey, eating her food.

"Where might we find him?" asked Airow.

"He's staying in the large mansion at the end of town. The portal is in the dance hall. You will have to rip his heart out to kill him completely."

Grey winced at the movements of the small man as he pantomimed ripping out a heart.

Standing up from his half-eaten meal, Airow moved towards the door. Grey rushed to follow him. They needed to get to the elder demon before he fully recovered from his wounds.

The mansion wasn't hard to find in the rubble. It was run down, but still standing.

Pushing open the door with their weapons drawn, they could hear talking further into the mansion.

"I shall destroy them if they show up here."

"Be sure that you do. We cannot risk them returning and telling others of what they have learned."

The first voice sounded dark and evil, as a demon's voice should, but the second voice sounded very familiar, very angelic…