Chapter 11 Goals Change

"What are we doing, talking to angels for?" asked Guit, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"They want to redeem themselves to the other angels. Why else would they be here, seeking information about the local elder demon?" Argen wiped his mouth with his napkin, then leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"But why are we bothering with them?" asked Guit. "We need to figure out a way to get you to be an elder demon so that your horde of followers can overrun this place."

"But why? All of that seems to be so much work. I can just stay here, and not have to do anything."

"But this place is boring, and Bob won't let us mooch off him forever! He probably wants us to pay for that food we just ate," Guit snuck a glance back at Bob, to see him smile and nod in agreement from all the way across the room. Shivers ran down his spine, as he turned back to Argen.

"The only way I can get away with doing nothing, is if all the other demons, on this entire realm, were gone," sighed Argen.

"Then you would be the most powerful demon here!" exclaimed Guit, excited by that thought.

"But it's going to be a lot of work, to get all the demons gone, and the angel armies are going to be a pain."

"Then let's use those two angels that were here, to help us. They would want to get rid of the other demons, too, if we pointed them out to them."

"That would be nice, to have someone else do all the work," agreed Argen, stretching and opening his eyes as Bob walked up.

"Figured out how you're going to pay me, yet?" asked Bob, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going to have the angels pay for the meal," said Argen, crossing his arms.

"If they agree, you'll be free to go, but if not…" warned Bob.

Guit chirped in terror, more afraid of getting Bob upset, then he was of the elder demons that banished them here. Even Argen swallowed at the warning, before closing his eyes again.


Grey crashed through the wall, dust and debris flying everywhere, slashing her sword at the demon.

He gazed over at her, after jumping back, his red eyes almost giving off heat waves of their own as he was consumed with rage. His simple human form, that he had taken to hide his demonic form, disappeared with a ripple as he stood to his full size. Huge black horns protruded from his head, brushed the ceiling of the twelve-foot room. His thick red hide glistened in the flickering light of torches hung on the walls. Throwing his shaggy black hair back, he gave a roar that blew out the few windows that remained in the house.

Airow, having pulled back his bow, let loose four energy bolts, slamming them into the demon's chest and knocking him back.

Slicing at the demon's belly, as she slid to a halt on her knees, she tried to cut his knees on her second swing, but the demon jumped into the air, avoiding it. Clutching his belly, he snarled at her. They watched as the skin began to knit itself together, closing the wound.

Airow let loose several volleys, hitting him in the face, and effectively blinding him, while Grey charged to attack once more.

Swinging blindly, knowing she was there, the demon caught her against the chest, throwing her across the room to slam against the wall. Dust rose into the air when she bounced off, but that didn't stop her. Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, she glared at the demon and picked up her sword where she had dropped it.

As the demon charged again, she swung up with her sword, knocking his arm to the side and causing him to step back. He swung to punch her, and she stepped inside of his swing, shoving her sword into his stomach, angling it up to slide under the ribcage towards the heart.

Grabbing her by the head, he picked her up, before she reached his heart, and with a roar charged forward blindly. When they hit the wall, she had bounced off of, they crashed through it, leaving Airow to chase after them.

He stood in the hole of the wall, pulled his bow back, and charged a single bolt with every ounce of power he could. Watching as the demon grabbed the sword from her hand, and raise it to strike her with it, he finally released the arrow. It flew true, hitting the demon in the back, and everything froze for a moment.

The spot the bolt had hit, was directly over the heart. Small white lines began to spider out from the hit location, picking up speed and spreading rapidly to cover the demon. Covering her face with her arm, Grey avoided the explosion of dust when the demon died. Her sword clattered to the ground next to her, as the dust dissipated into the air.

"Are you alright?" asked Airow, breathing hard. That last bolt had taken a toll on him.

"I'll be fine, after a moment," she said, picking up her sword and standing.

They both heard a sound, and rushed to the next room. A huge milky portal stood in the middle of the room. As they watched, it wobbled, and warped, then sucked in on itself, closing.

"Grey, look at your wings!" whispered Airow, barely believing what he saw.

Pulling her wings out of hiding, she spread them wide. Most of the feathers were still dark and grey, but the entire tip of one was now completely white.

"Killing the elder demon and closing the portal must have been seen as a big act," said Airow.

"That would make sense, since closing the portal keeps demons from hurting anyone in this realm."

"Let us return to Bob's bar and thank those two strangers for telling us where this elder demon was."

"How do you think they knew it was here?"

"They said they took refuge in Bob's bar, maybe they were chased there by the elder demon?"