Chapter 34 Abomination

A child was walking towards them, with large black and white wings extending out of its back. Looking up at them, they could see that one eye was completely black and the other was glowing white.

"Abomination," whispered Argen in horror, reaching into his alternate space and pulling out what seemed shadows. They grew to be his three followers.

"You must die!" screamed Airow, jumping into the air and spreading his wings wide, glowing in the darkness, and lighting up the entire area.

"Wow," muttered Wes.

Blaze chuckled and snapped his fingers, igniting his hand with flames.

The child raised his hand and a black orb began to form.

With a cry, Airow released a barrage of holy light, emanating from his wings, and they all watched as his feathers became like arrow heads and blasted towards the child, hitting it over and over, pushing the small body back after each hit.

Grey covered her mouth as she watched, tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks. This would prevent him from being able to fly until his feathers regrew. This was normally a last ditch move that an angel made, to prevent death.

As soon as the barrage was over, the three shadows from Argen, appeared behind the child and attacked. The elf, Tom, shoved his sword through the child's chest, the cat girl, Ni, shoved purple mana at it, and the fairy, E, shot arrow after arrow, so fast, it looked like a puff of quills. When they stepped back, the child stood there, head bowed, then straightened up and took a breath. All of the wounds that were on it, disappeared in a flash, and it started to float a few feet off the ground.

"That hurt," it whispered, driving them all to the ground in pain.

"What is it?" asked Cherry, holding her hands over her ears.

"This is what happens when you force a light spirit and a dark spirit into the same vessel," said Argen, glaring at the floating form before them.

"Let's see what it does against this!" cried Blaze, sending his flames at the child, growing them into a wave of fire.

Wes raised a hand and whipped the flames into a fury, growing them into a giant wall before they crashed against the form and wrapped around it.

The child shook its head, and the flames dissipated as if they had never been there.

"What do we do?" asked Guit, flexing his claws, but not willing to try and touch it.

Argen looked at Grey. "It's corrupted, kind of like you, stuck between light and dark. It will grow to destroy everything if its not stopped. You must attack it!"

"What do I do?" she asked in panic.

"Use your magic!"

"But what if it backfires?"

"Grey!" cried Cherry, "Please do something!"

Grey nodded and grasping her sword firmly, she stepped up to the child. It watched her approach, curiously.

When she reached it, she held up her sword, then threw it down.

Everyone watching gasped in horror, but the child merely continued to watch. Grey released her wings, which looked spotted and patchworked with all the splashes of white against the dark. Then she smiled at the child and bowed her head to pray.

Its eyes went wide, as the soundless prayer slipped from her lips. She began to glow, softly at first, then more and more, as the prayer continued. With a cry, the child fell to the ground and stepped back. The black in it began to fade as she grew more and more bright. Everyone, even Airow, had to block their faces as a flash erupted outwards.

As the light faded, they looked up to see Grey kneeling on the ground with bright white wings, in front of the young boy. His wings had grown to be all white as well.

"She purified him," whispered Airow, astonished. "No wonder she was chosen to be a commander."

"What?" cried Guit in a strangled wheeze. "She was chosen to be a commander in the angel army?"

"All traces of the dark spirit have been destroyed," confirmed Argen.

The three shadows were gone, having returned to his shadow dimension, when their attacks didn't work.

Everyone watched as Grey stood and held out a hand to the boy. He stood and smiled at her.

"He is more than just an angel," said Airow.

"You're right, he's an archangel. More powerful than the standard angel, and destined to be an elder angel in due time," said Argen.

"Will the corrupted elder angels attack him?" asked Guit.

"No, he's too powerful for that," said Argen with a shake of his head.

"Thank you, Stasia," said the boy, with a flap of his wings. "I would ask that you take out these demons that plague the world. Close the gates and end this war."

"I know it would be too dangerous to return to heaven right now," she said softly, bowing her head.

"I don't know how things fare up there, but I want to go see! I want to find others like me and play."

They watched the boy fly up and disappear into the night sky.

"What about the demons?" asked Shiv, her tail lashing side to side.

"Let's see," said Crow, leading everyone past Stasia, through the trees.

The clearing they stepped into, was destroyed from the explosion. They could see one of the demons laying dead on the ground. It had been the elder demon. The brother wasn't in sight.

"Abominations like that are incredibly powerful and destructive. I don't know what possessed them to try such a thing," said Airow, looking around carefully.

Everything they had used for the experiment was scattered and destroyed. Crow shot the dead demon in the head, just to be sure, and there was a scream off to their left. Everyone turned in time to see the second demon charging towards them, bellowing in rage.

"How dare you! I will rip you all apart!"