Chapter 35 Fighting A Demon

The demon's red skin glistened as it broke out in a sweat. Swinging its massive black horns side to side, it charged, then faltered. A flash of light from the dead demon sprang up and rushed into it, causing him to throw back his head in a howl. They watched, stepping back, as it grew, muscles bulging and skin rippling.

With a laugh it said, "Now that I am the elder demon, you shall die!"

Opening a portal behind him, he threw his hands forward as monsters stepped forward. They looked like frog men, with long claws and huge mouths.

"Chaos monsters!" cried Guit.

"Oh, no!" said Cherry. "If they scratch you, you'll become like a zombie!"

"My aura can handle them!" screeched Shiv, rushing forward.

She slashed at the legs of the one in front of her, pushing it back, then swung her blades at the one to her right, slashing its belly open. A frog rushed at her back, but she spun neatly in place, and stabbed it twice before springing away.

Another frog rushed up, and she rolled away from its claw slash, ducking under its second swing and came up behind it, stabbing it in the back before knocking the first frog's claw attack to the side, and stabbing it in the face.

"These things won't last long," said Crow, pulling out his crossbows and shooting the onrushing frogs, knocking them down before they could ever get close to him. His hands flew back and forth from the crossbows to his quiver, so fast, that they were a blur, and the frogs fell, not getting back up.

"How do you do that?" asked Cherry.


"Oh," she said, raising her hands and sending streams of pink magic rushing at the group that were trying to come around to her. As soon as they hit the magic, it was as if they were weak against it, and fell down, howling. Shiv had no problems finishing them off.

"You do realize that frogs are super weak against fire, right?" asked Blaze, growing a massive ball of fire in his hands, that Wes then hurled with a huge whirlwind, at the portal. It exploded and shot splashes of fire everywhere, sticking to everyone it hit. Scores of frogmen went down, writhing in pain.

The demon howled in fury, and the few frogmen that were left alive, were sucked to him, as if pulled by strings. They fell at his feet and began to crawl over each other, so quickly that it was hard to tell where one ended and one began. After only a second or two, a new monster stood up, and roared. A giant frog, with a mouth that ran from one side of its head to the other.

Argen threw his three guys out, and they took only a moment to take in the beast, before attacking.

E threw a swarm of fire bolts at one leg, to cripple and distract it, while Ni began to chant. Tom jumped to the unharmed side, swinging his sword and embedding it in its shoulder. It swung its huge clawed hand at him, knocking him away, and he hit a nearby tree heavily. Before he could get up, it spit out its tongue, grabbing him, and pulling him back into its mouth.

Ni released her spell, opening her hand as a single purple speck of light rose up and then rushed at the frog. It hit it in the gut, blasting a hole through it, and knocking it back against the demon.

Tom was able to get out, falling to the ground at its feet, as the demon screamed his rage to the sky and picked the frog man up. Before he could throw it, another purple mote hit him, but it didn't do nearly the same level of damage. He grunted as it knocked him back, and he dropped the body. Tom was able to scramble out of the way, and retrieve his sword.

"It's time, Tom," said Argen, with a nod, as the frogman began to regenerate. "Return the favor."

Taking a stance, Tom breathed out a gust of wind that rustled the grass and trees around him, then sucked in. The demon took a stance, and barely moved, but the frogman had no such luck. He scrambled against the ground as he slid towards Tom, unable to stop. In the blink of an eye the massive monstrosity disappeared, and Tom shut his mouth.

Grabbing him, Ni and E quickly returned to Argen's shadow.

A red glow appeared between the demon's massive horns, and a ball of what looked like magma began to grow. Blaze cursed and dived behind some trees, with Wes close behind him.

Airow grabbed Cherry and dived behind a different tree, opposite them. Argen and

Stasia just managed to jump out of the way when the ball was released and a row of destruction ran from just in front of the demon to almost twenty feet away.

Guit jumped out of a tree behind the demon, landing on his back, and opened his mouth wide to show long sharp teeth. Biting down, Guit grabbed a chunk of the demon's cheek, ripping the flesh and exposing the demon's own teeth. The demon snarled and charged backwards, Guit lost his grip on his back, and was slammed up against a tree. As the demon held him there, he sunk his teeth into the demon's arm, ripping the flesh all the way to the bone.

Howling in pain, the demon grabbed him around the neck and flung him back towards the others. Then began to glow a black aura.

Airow jumped forward, and attempted his feather blast again, but too few feathers had grown. The result was pitiful, and the demon ignored the few bolts that hit him.

As he started to charge the molten ball between his horns again, Stasia fell to her knees and began to pray.

"Angels of heaven, hear my cry! Save us please!"

A light opened up from the heavens, causing the demon to pause, and angelic forms began to fly down. As they got closer, everyone could see who they were, and it surprised them all.

In the lead, was the archangel child, who had been purified by Stasia. Following him were angelic children; those who the demons had corrupted and had been defeated. Every one of them had become angels, and yet none carried a weapon.

The demon snarled at them, and started to laugh. "You are nothing to me. I shall destroy you all!"

The angels, still flying, formed a circle around the demon and raised their arms. Glowing animals appeared between their hands, and then they released them. Dragonflies, a lion, a bat, a rat and a porcupine, all flew at the demon, circling him and causing him to wave his hands and scream. The light the animals were emitting grew brighter and brighter, as the children all started to pray together, and then there was a flash.

Only one word could be heard, "Amen."

All that was left of the demon was dust.