Chapter 39 Judgement

"We have presented our findings and await Judgement," said Stasia, standing tall before a council of angels.

Normally the council would be made up of elder angels, but because the accusations were against them, they were all off to the side, watching and glaring at her, which was not lost on those witnessing the proceedings. The council was made up of demi-angels, such as the child that was saved by Stasia. Despite his involvement, it was decided he could participate due to the lack of other viable options.

A murmuring rose among the crowd as the council spoke amongst themselves, and the glares from the elder angels grew. Stasia could almost feel the hatred radiating off of them, from across the room.

"It is decided, that if the elder angels are indeed corrupt, then they should not be able to withstand the judgment lights from above."

"This is ridiculous!" cried one of the elder angels. "Why is this even being considered? We are the elders because of our prestige and the powers given to us from higher up! It should be sacrilege to even suggest this!"

"None are above sin, except that which is the highest. You are subject to the laws, just as the rest of us are. Prepare for judgment!"

Before anyone could respond, or raise their voices in more argument, a blinding light fell from above, bathing the entire room in bright white. While none of the angels felt anything more than a momentary blindness, the elder angels screamed in hideous pain.

The horror of the situation was revealed as the light receded, and they saw that the elder angels had all been exposed for what they were. Gasps and cries were heard as they stood, exposed before the mass of angels. Their holy appearances had been stripped away and the forms they had now were demonic and terrifying. The blisters on many of them, showed that the judgement did more than expose them; it also caused them great pain.

"You have been found guilty!" cried the council member chosen to speak. "Punishment is death!"

The armies, that were now sided with Stasia and Airow, rushed towards the fallen angels and all of the elders turned to flee. If they were to fight, the heavens left them at a huge disadvantage, so they took the fight below.


Argen had just lifted his mug to his lips, when a huge boom echoed through the city, causing him to spill his beer down his shirt.

With a sigh, he set his mug down and stood. Cherry and Guit were among those who rushed to the door. Stepping outside, they all witnessed a sight, that none would ever forget.

The angel armies, all of the battalions, fought the fallen elders, lighting up the night sky with beams of holy light and flashes of lightening.

"Do you think Airow and Stasia are up there?" asked Cherry, holding Guit's hand in terror.

"Definitely," answered Guit, giving her hand a squeeze.

"It's too dangerous to try and help, we would be seen as demons to be destroyed," said Argen, stepping behind them.

"We can be ready if any one falls, though," said Cherry, turning to him.

Argen thought back on his mug of beer, then swiping at his still wet shirt, sighed.

"Come on!" she said, pulling Guit behind her. They made their way to the city walls, where most of the guild had gathered to watch the fight.

Whenever an angel fell, Cherry was there to soften their landing with her pink magic. While the angels were always confused by the pink pillows, they were able to heal themselves enough to return to the fight.

When a fallen elder landed, Cherry was there with her pink ropes, holding it still while Argen and Guit lay into it with their swords, until the angels arrived to take over, and they withdrew.

It wasn't long before they had members of the guild, as well as human fighters, joining in. This was the first real fight, where humans and angels fought side by side against demons.

Even when other demons arrived to fight the angelic army, summoned by the fallen elders, they were defeated by the overwhelming numbers. Flames on the far side of the field signaled the arrival of Wes and Blaze. The well-placed swarm of arrows marked the arrival of Shiv and Crow.

The fighting continued on for the entire night. As the first rays of dawn streaked across the sky, an incoming army of humans arrived, with magical weapons to help out. Ray had arrived.

It wasn't until noon, when the sun was at its highest point, that the fight finally ended. There were many wounded and everyone was exhausted. The last demon had been vanquished.

Stasia landed, with Airow at her side, and made her way over to Argen, Guit and Cherry. Before they had arrived, the others began to make their way over to them. Crow and Shiv, Wes and Blaze, and Ray all converged on one spot.

"Looks like you got what you wanted," said Argen, looking over the field of angels that were resting and speaking with the human fighters.

"This is only the beginning. There are still many elder demons to defeat and portals to close," said Stasia.

"I like the armor," said Ray, looking over her shiny full plate.

"It's angelic, you could never wear it," she said with a smile.

"Oh! I thought angels could never lie," he said with a laugh.

"If you ever become an angel, you would no longer be yourself," said Airow, with a laugh of his own.

"Fair enough," Ray said.

"I guess there's a lot for you to do up above, huh?" asked Guit, standing taller now. He was no longer the four feet he had been. He was almost a foot and a half taller then when they first met him.

"The armies are needing to be reformed, as we lost many in this fight. But we could use someone to help us find the demons…" she said, with a small smile.

Argen chuckled. "You know, making deals with demons can be dangerous to your soul."

"I have it on a pretty good authority that you have to be evil to be a demon," she responded.

Argen just shook his head.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Blaze, his hair looking sooty after the battle.

"Yeah, could those angels of yours need us, too?" asked Wes.

"Any who would fight the demons that have invaded these lands are welcome to help us," said Airow, placing a hand on Wes' shoulder.

"Oh, good. I was hoping you'd say that!" said Crow.

"Can we get a drink from Bob first?" asked Shiv. "I'm parched!"

Stasia's eyes twinkled. "Of course. I have a promise to keep."