Chapter 40 Epilogue

Stasia stepped into Bob's bar, quickly followed by Airow. She looked around the bar for a moment, before spying the large table that was always reserved for her and her friends. It had been a long year, and she looked forward to seeing everyone again.

The bar was bustling with angels and humans, among other beings. Bob had a permanent smile plastered to his face as he came up to them.

"Business looks good," Stasia said with a smile, pulling out a chair to sit in. Her armor was shiny and quite eye-catching, but everyone here knew not to bother her.

"Oh, it's the best it's been in a long time. The regular?" asked Bob with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Of course," she responded with a laugh. Even if she had tried to order something, Bob always knew everything.

"Stasia! It's good to see you!" squealed Cherry, giving her a hug. She had to be careful, because her belly was huge.

"How's the pregnancy?" asked Airow.

"It's been tiring but good," she said with a laugh, sitting down in the chair that Guit pulled out for her.

"You're looking good, Guit," said Stasia, smiling.

Guit laughed and sat down next to Cherry. "Married life is way better than I thought it would be."

"It helps when you have someone you love with you," said Cherry, looking over at him, and holding his hand.

"Please, I'm trying to enjoy my food," complained Argen.

That made everyone laugh. He had been here a while, and was almost through his plate.

"It's been several weeks since we've heard from you," said Stasia.

"Yea, well, when I sense another demon, I'll let you know," he grumbled.

Airow said, "Is being guardian over this world, too tiring?"

"It's a good thing it's harder for humans to open portals. I've lost too much sleep as it is."

"How's it like up there?" asked Cherry pointing up.

"We haven't seen much of you guys since they made the two of you generals," said Guit.

"It's busier now that we're responding to requests for help from the people, instead of only fighting demons," said Stasia.

Bob arrived just then with their drinks and food. None of them could figure out how he carried it all, but he just kept handing out things until they had all been served.

"Do I really need all of this?" asked Cherry, looking down at her plate.

"No, but your child does," said Bob with a wink.

Cherry sighed but everyone else laughed.

"He's not even born yet, and already making demands!" she complained.

"She," said Bob over his shoulder as he moved away.

"What!?" squeaked Guit.

"Who became the new elders?" asked Argen, turning to Airow as he took a sip of his angel wine.

"All of the demi-angels were moved up after the great battle, but we're still working out who else should be chosen. The selection process is much pickier."

"That's understandable," said Cherry, picking up her fork.

"Another great thing," said Stasia, setting her glass down and picking up her own fork, "Is that fallen angels are no longer kill-on-sight. They get an opportunity to redeem themselves now."

"That's great," said Cherry, frowning at the food on her plate.

"It looks like you have your work cut out for you," said Argen with a smile.

"Oh, don't worry, Uncle Argen, I'm sure you'll be around to help some," Cherry said with a smile as she took a bite.

"Uncle Argen?" he asked, with his fork halfway to his mouth. Even Guit looked startled at that.

Airow and Stasia had a hard time eating from laughing so much. It was hard when it came time to leave, but they all knew that they would have many more such meals, as long as Bob didn't charge so much for the wine.