3. Xiao Ming

Zoro looked at the newcomer. It was a beautiful woman, she had red fiery hair upto her waist and a curvy body.

As soon as the woman barged in she saw a beaten Zoro. Her hair flared up as a red fiery energy emanated off of her.

" Cousin Yun, which bastard did this!? Tell me!? "

Zoro smiled lightly seeing the girls reaction, inside this cruel family, apart from his mother only this girl ever showed any compassion towards him as family.

This girl was the daughter of his second uncle, Xiao Ming.

Zoro smiled carelessly.

" It's alright Ming. I am fine, don't make any trouble."

" Cousin!! you!!..... "

She stopped midway, her aura receeded. She looked at Xiao Yun before sighing. She understood why Xiao Yun didn't make any complaints, Status. It all came down to Status, he was an illegitimate child. His standing is way below those of main family.

" Don't worry cousin, tomorrow when you are tested for aptitude as a Warrior everything will change."

Xiao Yun smiled but bitterness was evident in his smile. Both of them knew it was impossible but Xiao Yun still smiled seeing her optimism.

At the age of fourteen every member of Xiao clan will be tested for their aptitude as a Warrior. its useless even if a person starts to train from an earlier age.

The test doesn't involve the amount of energy a person has but their innate talent as a Warrior. And fourteen years of age is where a person's aptitude is set, beyond fourteen a person's aptitude won't improve unless there are some special circumstances.

" Yun, why are you silent? "

" Hmm... ah nothing."

Ming was confused, Yun was acting weirdly. His figure gave off a calm and collected aura, like an old man or something. She shook her head and turned towards the table.

Ming told him to calm himself and to get a good night's rest for tomorrow. Zoro went to his room after seeing Ming out.

He sat in a meditative position and started to gather Qi but no avail. His body was able to gather energy but not contain it, like a leak on a closed jar it went out as it came.

Zoro wrinkled his eyebrows, this was what he expected. After all, the very reason why his brothers were courageous enough to even beat him to the point of near death is because he couldn't train as a Warrior. And the Xiao family wouldn't give a rats ass if a useless trash like him died.

But Zoro simply smiled. Even without Qi he can train in another form...


At his peak a simple swing of his Sword was enough to cut off a mountain. He can do no less in this world, maybe go even further. The first thing he checked after reincarnating is to see whether there was any restrictions on him or not.

Like expected, nothing. He didn't sense any shackles binding him. Upon thinking this Zoro let out a toothy grin.

He inspected his body and nodded. He couldn't use armament Haki as his body isn't strong enough but using Observation Haki wasn't a problem, so he started.

Time trickled away, night slowly shifted gears and light dawned inside his room. Zoro got up and stretched himself, he did a few basic movements until he felt his body ache and stopped.

Zoro ate the remaining food he had silently. Maybe it was because of merging with the original owner's soul, Xiao Yun felt sorrow upon seeing the empty chair next to him.

A drop of tear rolled down his cheeks, Xiao Yun wiped it away and closed his eyes.

" In my life, i never knew my mother. If there was anyone I would call family it would be my friends. They were dumb, moronic, crazy, but..... nonetheless they were the ones closest to my heart.

From your memories I can feel what your mother meant to you, I can feel your sorrow, hatred, helplessness..... as you chose to believe me I will take up your hatred. Whoever was responsible for her death, they shall all have one end...


Xiao Yun's eyes flew open, a strong will erupted out of him. The birds perched upon the branches near a tree blanked out for a second and fell down, foam seemed to be coming out of it's mouth.

Zoro noticed this, his eyes blanked for second when realisation dawned on him. Shock was apparent in his eyes, but a second later he laughed wildly.

" HAHAHAHA..... if curly eyebrows were here, his expression would be too fun to watch. HAHAHAHA."

Xiao Yun cleaned himself and went out. His destination being the examination hall.

Xiao Yun walked through the pavements and reached a building. This was the main hall of the family, every important events would be held here. The talent test was also going to be held here.

Yun walked up the stairs. As he walked several other family members looked at Yun in scorn and disgust. Yun wasn't bothered in the least, he calmly walked as if they were air.

Suddenly a voice reached his ear.

" Well well, if it isn't the trash of Xiao. What brings you here.... trash."

Zoro looked at him for a second then ignored him and just walked away. The one speaking was his half brother Xiao Long. It was also this brother that almost beat him to death.

Seeing how Yun ignored him surprised Long but he didn't care. He looked at Yun and smiled coldly.

The hall was packed with people. Many young men and woman about the age of fourteen could be seen inside. They were all here for the talent test.

On a podium sat three people. The one in the center was a middle aged man with sharp features, his figure gave off a powerful vibe. Two men with similar features as him sat to his left and right. Slightly below them sat the elders of Xiao family.

The man in seated in the middle was the current leader of Xiao family, Xiao Feng. The one to his right was his second brother, Xiao Fu. The one to his left was his third brother, Xiao Ren.

Seeing Xiao Ren, Zoro's eyes flashed dangerously but he restrained himself. Xiao Ren nonchalantly glanced at Xiao Yun then lost interest. When his eyes glanced past Xiao Long he showed a loving as well as a prideful expression.

Xiao Feng looked at everyone and nodded towards and Elder. The elder got up and announced.

" Let the Talent Test begin! "