4. Expulsion

As the elder announced the start of test, youngsters waited eagerly to call out their name.

One by one the Elder shouted

" Xiao Bai.... Xiao Lu..... Xiao....

The test was very simple, on a platform laid several transparent white crystals in the shape of stars, there were nine in total. An examinee had to place their hand above an opening on the platform.

The platform would then release a stream of energy, this energy would make a complete cycle within the testee's body and the crystals would light up according to his/her talent.

One to three stars are common, such talent brings no advantage. From three to six stars, with each star a person's speed in training would increase by ten percent bringing the sixth star talent a thirty percent increase in speed of training.

When a person's talent increase from Six to seven their training speed would double the previous Star.

From Seven to Eight stars, training speed would increase twenty percent for each star. That is to say.

1,2,3 star - Common

4 Star - 10 percent increase

5 Star - 20 percent

6 Star - 30 percent

7 Star - 60 percent

8 Star - 80 Percent

9 Star - 100 percent

As Zoro watched, a person walked upto the platform and placed his hand on a depression on it. He sensed some form of energy leave the platform and circulate through the him before returning.

The Star crystals on the platform started to shine red one by one.

1 Star.... 2 Star..... 5 Star....

The fifth Star just barely lit up. The Elders and Xiao Feng nodded with a Smile. This youngster was one of the newest talents in the Xiao family, the Elders and everyone look favourably upon him.

Zoro knew this person all too well, this was the same person who almost beat him to death, the same person who always insulted him....

His half brother, Xiao Long.

Yun watched the five lit red crystals.

The testing platform has another function, it would also test a person's innate element. Every person in the Xiao family has high affinity for Fire, thus the crystals turned Red.

There were five elements - Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, Earth.

There were also other special elements like Ice, Thunder, Lava but those were rare. In such cases the crystals would emit the character of said elements.

For example, if it is ice the Star crystals would freeze. For Thunder, they would crackle with lightning.....

Xiao Long watched in glee as everyone, Elderly and young alike look at him with respect, a 5 Star talent has never appeared in Xiao family before.

As his eyes looked at everyone he paused for a second. Among all of these people one pair of eyes didn't show any respect like he expected, those pair of eyes just showed an uninterested apathetic look.

Long's eyes flashed with danger, this wasn't left unnoticed. Everyone looked at Xiao Yun before backing a step away from him. In such a huge hall Zoro seemed to be isolated from everyone.

Zoro wasn't bothered, he stood there as steady as a mountain.

The Elder recorded Xiao Long's test and called out again

" Xiao Yun! "

Xiao Yun was placed last, as his name was called out he walked up and placed his hand on the platform but....

Even after several seconds nothing happened. Xiao Yun was calm and steady as a mountain, he walked down and stood there like nothing happened.

The Elder shouted his score

" Xiao Yun,

Talent - Zero! "

As the Elder called out his score laughter erupted all around.

" Haha, Zero talent!! That's the first time I am seeing one, Haha! "

" Trash, he doesn't even have a single star! "

" How dare he bare the name of Xiao with such trash ability!?! "

As discussions erupted Xiao Long standing beside a beautiful woman was smiling. The woman next to him was dressed luxuriously, her hair was pinned with golden dragons, exquisite jewelry was worn on her hand and neck.

She was Xiao Long's mother and Xiao Ren's rightful wife, Ling Si.

Ling Si's eyes showed scorn as she looked at Xiao Yun. She was jealous of how beautiful Xiao Yun's mother was, her beauty was natural while she the first wife of Xiao House needs to use several pills and medicines to maintain her looks.

Xiao Long looked at his mother, seeing her nod he stepped out.

" Clan Leader, I would like to speak with you! "

His voice was loud. The crowd instantly stopped their discussion, they knew an interesting play was at hand.

Xiao Feng looked lovingly at his nephew and said

" Long, I am your uncle so address me like that. "

Xiao Long smiled inside, without showing anything he bowed and replied

" Thank you uncle."

" What is it Long? "

" Uncle, our Xiao family is one of the three great clans of Maple city. Our prestige and reputation is built over the past years by our fearsome ability in Fire element.

And over the years Xiao family became what it is today. I am proud to be a Xiao and I don't want to see any blemish fall upon us."

" That's a must of course."

" Uncle, what I wish to say is.... please banish Xiao Yun from the clan."

Xiao Feng was taken back, he put on a serious face and said

" Long, why do you say this? "

Eventhough Xiao Feng asked this everyone could see that he didn't refuse such proposal.

" First of all, our clans distinct trait is our red hair which shows our identity as a Xiao clansman. Look at him, not only does he not have an ounce of such trait, his hair colour is a mix of black and green.

Second, why does our Xiao need to accommodate a person whose identify as a Xiao clansman is doubtful and with no talent to boot. If he had any talent then we could have atleast made him a trusted subordinate but..... he is trash!!

It makes me ashamed to say he is of our Xiao clansman. To not bring any scorn upon the house of Xiao I ask Clan leader to banish Xiao Yun from the family! "

A slim figure within the crowd was about to refute Xiao Long but the woman beside her held her down. This was of course Xiao Ming, she wanted to speak up for Xiao Long but her mother held her down and with how strong her mother was she couldn't even move, much less speak.

Fury could be seen inside Xiao Ming's eyes, her mother sighed

" Ming, he has no future, Don't mingle with him. Long has promising future, don't destroy yours for a useless fool."

Xiao Ming tried to break free but it proved useless. She watched Zoro's lonely figure stand within such a grand hall filled with people.

Xiao Yun watched all this drama with a calm attitude. He looked at his father to see if he would defend his mother but that was only wishful thinking.

" SILENCE!!! "

Xiao Feng broke everyone, he turned to Xiao Yun and spoke coldly

" Xiao Yun!! Being an untalented person and with the doubt of being a Xiao you are expelled from Xiao.

Henceforth you have no ties with us!! If I ever hear you use our honoured Xiao clan's name then you will be punished accordingly."

Xiao Yun looked at Xiao Feng and stated plainly

" Don't worry, from this point forth my name will be RORONOA ZORO!! "

He said nothing else and left.

As they left Long sneered

" Useless trash! "

Everyone showed their contempt for Xiao Yun as he declared such words but never in their wildest dreams would they image they will come to regret this decision in the future.

As everyone was congratulating Xiao Long none noticed the strange event on the testing platform.

The nine stars seemed slightly different somehow. If one looked very very closely they would be able see tiny cuts all over the Nine Stars.

The cuts were smooth and clear. It is because of how smooth and clear it was no one noticed it, but any knowledgeable person would understand what this meant.

Nine Star Talent!!!

Special Element!!!