5. Finding a Sword

Zoro's grip was firm as he walked with his back straight. No hesitation nor regret could be seen on his face but instead a form of freedom.

All along the way he was despised and scorned but these didn't faze Zoro. He was a Swordsman, his will was firm, if not he wouldn't have reached such heights in his last life.

Soon the Xiao manor was left behind them. As he walked Zoro smiled coldly

" Enjoy your life a little longer, very soon your lives and those who ashamed my mother will come to an end."

Zoro was a long way from Xiao Manor, he asked an elderly who walked passed him.

Zoro asked again

" Hey old man, are there any weapon shops nearby? "

" Weapons?.....

" Yeah, Good ones."

" There are several shops in Maple city but if you want to buy good ones then go to Red Moon Pavilion, their weapons are the best in this city."

He thanked the old man continued to walk, unlike the usual Zoro who would lose his way even if it was a straight road, he didn't lose his way this time.

Zoro now stood infront of a two story shop. A mix of emotions flashed past his eyes.

This was his grandfather's place, whenever he was beaten badly the previous Xiao Yun would come here and treat his wounds. His grandfather was a kind man, it was him who told Xiao Yun to always be strong and never give upon life.

No matter how lost Xiao Yun ( now Zoro ) might be, he would always find here.

Zoro walked inside, it's been a year since his grandfather left this world. Zoro swiped his hand near a window frame, dust has accumulated over the year.

Since he decided to leave Xiao family, this will be his new home. He wasn't worried the Xiao family would make trouble with him.

They maybe a prominent clan inside Maple city but they weren't the lord's here.

Maple City was just a small city under Wind Break Country. The City Lord has authority over this place, and there is an explicit rule that no form of violence is allowed inside the city.

Zoro was cleaning up several drawers when he saw a worn down book. Curious, he picked it up and flipped through.

' Heh.... so that's how Qi is circulated.'

The book he picked up was a Qi art manual, a common one. Qi arts like this can be bought as long as you have money. He put the book aside and resumed his work.

Looking around he thought

' I can finish after coming back.'

He closed the door and went out

Zoro asked for directions and walked towards Red Moon Pavilion. Luckily there were plenty of people in every direction so he wasn't lost otherwise.....

" Red Moon Pavilion "

A huge board with those words written in red hung above his head. Zoro looked at it for a second and walked inside, as soon as he walked in he saw a large array of weapons sorted out infront of him.

There were Swords, Sabers, Axes, Scythes... Zoro's eyes shined brightly. He walked straight towards the Sword section and looked around curiously.

Wolf Fang Sword - 250 silver.

Flower Dance - 210 silver

Raindrop - 300 silver.....

Zoro brushed past every sword and finally his eyes fell upon a blade.

" Waning Moon - 410 silver "

Zoro traced the sword. He could feel the Sword's sharpness. He made a decision and called a lady who was a worker here.

" I want this one."

The lady smiled and took the sword from its stand. Zoro immediately gave her the money and took the Sword in hand. The moment he did so a faint ripple escaped him, no one but an old man looking through these weapons noticed it.

' Sword Man unity! What talent!! he looks about fourteen but he is already at such a Level! '

Zoro was relishing in the feeling of having a Sword again in his hands. He put the Sword back in its sheath and was about to leave when a disdainful voice stopped him.

" If it isn't the great young trash of Xiao family! "

Zoro looked back to see a man about the same age as him walk towards him, two lackeys followed behind.

" Zhao Yuan."

Zoro lightly spoke and went his way. Zhao Yuan was astonished when Zoro walked away after giving him a single glance, his face burned sensing everyone look at him weirdly.

" Xiao Yun! Stop you bastard!! "

Zoro halted his footsteps and replied coldly

" My name isn't Xiao, don't mix me with those scums. My name is Roronoa Zoro."

Zoro left after leaving those words. Yuan was so stunned that he was rooted in spot.

' Is he really that cowardly Xiao Yun!?! What happened? He said his name isn't Xiao anymore..... '

" Tai, did something happen in Xiao family."

One of the lackeys behind him thought for a while

" Today seemed to be Xiao's test for aptitude and from his attitude something must have happened."

Zhao Yuan thought for a while and showed a smile. Like Xiao, Zhao was also one of the three prominent families within Maple City. Zhao Yuan was like any other haughty young master, he disdained commoners, especially Yun.

Yuan looked in Zoro's direction and revealed a cold smile.

' Now the Xiao name isn't there to protect you! '

Zoro walked back home with glee, eventhough he couldn't bring out his full potential with a single sword it was still better than nothing.

The money he spend was all he had over the past years of saving. And now only few tens of silvers remained.

Night had already covered Maple city when he returned. Zoro went to his room and placed his sword beside his bed. He resumed his cleaning and by midnight he was finished.

He ate some bread and meat he bought coming back and went to his room. Waning moon was now on his lap.

He calmed his breathing and started to meditate.

As of right now he can't use Armament Haki.

First, his body wasn't strong enough. Second, he didn't have enough energy.

But Observation Haki was alright, that skill is like another sense, like eyes and ears so no energy was needed to train in it.

After checking his body condition thoroughly Zoro nodded, satisfied. The people from his previous world were unreasonably tenacious, Zoro and Luffy especially were monsters in this regard.

But this world was vastly different. Yes, this body was weak but compared to the fourteen year old body in his previous life..... this body was better.

Zoro picked up the worn out Qi arts book and showed a grin

" Qi..... Haki.... let's see if this works! "