11. Victory!!

boom! boom! boom!...

Explosions lit up the sky like fireworks. It was so beautiful to watch but the terrifying heat waves prooved otherwise.

Several meters beneath the explosion was turned to ashes from the shockwave, even the ground was cracked.

The old man witnessing such sight was gobsmacked, not because of how terrifying that last attack was but because of what he saw before the explosion took place.

Seconds ago...... Zoro watched as tens of smaller fire balls filled with destruction come at him finally he sighed...

' No choice then.'

Just before the attack took place he kicked in mid air and disappeared. Those balls came to a stop were he was and lit up like fireworks.

The old man looked even higher and saw an astonishing sight. Zoro was falling down from way above the explosion.

He saw what Zoro did clearly, just before the attack was about to be land Zoro kicked the air. It was like he used the air as a footing and jumped even higher.

' What the!?! What kind of skill is that!? He isn't floating rather using air pressure to stay above but such skill..... when did he learn it? '

Zoro kicked one more time and landed safely.

' Good thing that curly eyebrows isn't here otherwise I would lose face.'

He looked at the Tiger furiously.

' That damn cat!! '

The Saber Toothed Tiger didn't expect Zoro to escape it's attack. It was surprised but growled at him and attacked without hesitation.

Zoro was ready for another bout. He focused his Haki and sensed where it was. Just as he was about to dodge he staggered

' Oh crap! My ankle! '

Zoro never expected he would have to use Sanji's skywalk but he had no choice at that time, if he hadn't used it he would have died.

And now the repercussions are starting to show. Sanji had trained for years to strengthen his leg to a terrifying degree, it was because of that he was able to use Skywalk without any problem.

Luffy being able to replicate such a feat was because of his special physique. Zoro would be able to do the same if he had his previous body but not now.

Right now he was reborn, his Haki wasn't strong enough to form an Armament nor was his body strong enough to sustain the strain of using Skywalk.

Zoro's back was drenched in sweat, he could sense a large claw swipe at him. If he don't move then he is good as dead.

' Dammit!! '

Using his Sword as a pole he pushed himself out of the way quickly but not fast enough.


Blood splattered. Zoro stumbled and was backed to a tree, his chest now had a long gash extending to his waist. Blood seeped out without an end.

The Beast licked it claws, the murderous vibe in its eyes intensified seeing blood.

Zoro didn't flinch even after getting such a dangerous wound. The old man's eyes showed appreciation seeing such strong will.

' What a tenacious kid.'

Zoro looked at that large Beast, his eyes flashed dangerously. He sheathed his Sword and took a horse stand.

The Beast was excited seeing blood, it's eyes became bloodshot. More energy seemed to have gathered on its hind legs. It's entire body was quivering as it prepared for the next attack.

Zoro breathed out, he closed his eyes and waited for it to move. His Haki's range shrinked, now it only covered twenty meters around him. But at this range he can capture any movement instantaneously.


The beast roared loudly and disappeared. It was even faster than before.

Zoro still closed his eyes and waited. His entire Haki seemed to be merged with his Sword perfectly, not an ounce of it leaked out.

The old man was shocked seeing this, he has never seen such a sight before. Sure, a warrior can cover their weapons with energy increasing lethality but.... what Zoro did was different.

He could feel Zoro's Sword change, more specifically speaking.... it's sharpness. He could feel a terrifying sharpness from Zoro's sword. He has never witnessed such a sight before, even against those monsters.

The ground beneath Zoro was now covered in blood but his stance was steady. His momentum didn't diminish but it increased each second.

Suddenly he moved....

" One Sword Style.....

Lions Song!!! "


A split second later the sound of him sheathing his sword echoed through the forest. Behind him stood the Saber Toothed Tiger, it's eyes were filled with fear.

A faint red line extended between its eyebrow, seconds later its body was split in two and fell down.

Zoro stood where he was without moving.

' I am spent, my body wasn't ready for that last move.'

His mind blacked out and he fell. Just before he hit the ground a hand held him.

" Well done young man! Well done! "

He praised Zoro for his courage and strength but he wasn't awake to hear it. The old man sent his Qi inside Zoro, stopping his bleeding. He waved his hand and the Saber Toothed Tiger's body disappeared.

With Zoro in tow his body floated and disappeared into the distance.

Hours after he left three figures appeared. A golden mouse stood infront of them twitching it's nose, it's face went blank for a second and ran towards a pool of blood.

" Blood? "

One of the three figures bend down and checked.

" It seems he was injured but we can't be sure if he is dead."

" Serves him right, who gave him courage to come so deep inside. If not for the tracking mouse we would have died countless times! "

The three of them thought for a bit and the one who seemed to be the leader spoke.

" Let's return. The tracking mouse can't find him from this point, if he is alive he will return to Maple City. We can kill him just before he enters."

The rest of them nodded and left.