12. Elder Stone

crackle..... crackle....

Sound of bonfire crackling echoed through the silent night, fire danced lightly to the gentle wind in the darkness of Demon Beast Forest.

An old man sat leisurely across the fire, he was humming while roasting a piece of meat. Not far from him laid a youngster the age of fourteen. His body was covered in gauze, which was slightly red.

This young man was Zoro.

After the old man took him, he cleaned his wounds and sutured it up. Right now he was out of danger and resting, he woke up for a second between the treatment but passed out immediately.

The old man checked whether his food was cooked, after confirming it to be perfectly roasted he took a bite.

" Argh....

The old man looked back hearing a groaning sound. He found Zoro up and trying to sit straight.

" Lay down young man. Your wound is very deep, with your level of training it would take a week to restore."

Zoro looked up to see an old man with a beard and head full of white hair look at him kindly. He didn't accept nor refuse, struggling he laid his back against a tree and breathed out. He looked at the old man and asked

" So you finally decided to show up."

The old man was surprised, but then he laughed out loud.

" Hahaha, when did you realise? "

" Hard not to when someone's trailing you for days."


The old man was stumped for words, he laughed awkwardly and tried to break the awkward silence.

" Haha, don't get me wrong young one. I was surprised to find a talent like you, so I was curious."

Zoro watched the old man and found he wasn't lying.

" My name is Roronoa Zoro. Thanks for saving me."

" Hmm... peculiar name. As for saving you, don't mind it. I can't watch a talent like you die so early.

Anyway, my name is Stone, you can call me Elder Stone."

" I am not familiar calling others Elder."

Elder Stone was surprised, he asked curiously

" Then what are you comfortable with? "

Zoro thought for a while

" I will call you Old man Stone."

Elder Stone's mouth twitched hearing his words. If any Warrior who knew his status were to know this they would absolutely beat up Zoro.

" Fine, call that."

Stone roasted another portion of meat and handed it to Zoro. He then gave the Class two core of Saber Toothed Tiger to Zoro.

Zoro nodded and stored the Core in a small pack on his waist.

" So what do you want? "

" Now what do you mean by that? "

" There must be a reason for you to observe me then trail me for a month then save me. Say it, what's your goal? "

Elder Stone was a little surprised then he remembered the kind of genius he was and smiled.

" I would like to take you as my disciple."

" No thanks."

Zoro replied flatly. Stone wasn't expecting instant rejection, he atleast expected Zoro to think for few seconds but he replied instantly and that too a rejection.

" Hear me out, then decide."

Zoro thought for a bit and nodded.

" I am a Craftsman. I have persued the art of Crafting my whole life. I started when I was five, I have made hundreds of thousands of weapons.

My life goal is to find higher realms in crafting, I want my crafts to be known by the world. For that I travelled to many places, sought different craft techniques, found new ores...

Three hundred years have passed since I first made a weapon. In these three hundred years I spread my name across these lands, every Warrior would know my name, they would line up for days to make a request to me, to craft a weapon for them.

Now I am the first elder of Craftsmen Association. I have reached a juncture in my path as a Craftsman, it will take years for me to improve unless I come across a fortuitous encounter.

That's when I realized I don't have a successor. I looked around and found my colleagues to have dozens of students who will later carry their name forward but me.... no one.

So I searched, I went to every land I have visited before but none caught my eye. That is until I met you."

A fire seemed to be burning inside Stone's eyes as he looked at Zoro.

" I never imagined I would meet someone like you here, in this small city. To be honest I was only curious when i sensed your sword intent. But as I continued to watch, you surprised me even more.

That is when I made my decision, to make you my disciple.

So Roronoa Zoro, are you willing to acknowledge me as your master!? "

" Ah.... No."

" Excellent! Since you.... accep.... what!? Say that again? "

" No. I don't want to be your disciple."

Zoro stated plainly. He was impressed by the old man's life but that was it, he didn't have the time to be a craftsman nor does he want to.

Elder Stone nearly puked out blood. He, a renowned Craftsman as well as a King Warrior was rejected so directly. This was a huge blow to his pride.

" Why!? You can get all the resources you want and you would have me as your backer. No one would dare make any trouble for you!! So why do you refuse!? "

" I don't see a reason why I have to. Resources I can hunt, as for trouble..... I will deal with them if I can if not I will just retreat."

Elder Stone nearly stumbled on the ground, this was the first time he was hearing something like this. He looked at Zoro like an idiot.

Zoro didn't bother to talk anymore and closed his eyes as he was tired.

Stone watched Zoro helplessly, it took him decades to find a successor and now all was for naught.

He sighed and consoled his aching heart.