13. Stumped

The night passed quickly. Zoro was more or less able to more around, the old man seemed to have no intention of leaving.

Since he couldn't move Zoro did what he could, Meditate.

Decades of life has taught him the value of having a serene mind. Haki flowed through him without any obstruction, he felt like his body was soaked in lukewarm water.

The old man was observing Zoro closely, he found Zoro's Qi quite different from others and it came with a lot of advantages as well.

Zoro finished after roughly one hour or so. He could feel his Haki grow considerably.

' That last battle pushed me beyond my limits and it payed off. I reckon a week would be enough for me to breakthrough to the next realm.'

He looked up to see the old man's curious face and couldn't help but ask

" What?? "

" Hmm.... your Qi, it's different."

Zoro wasn't surprised, considering how strong old man Stone is.

" And what of it? "

" Your Qi seems to be of the special element."

" Huh? "

Zoro was confused, he knew of special elements but he didn't seem to have one when he took the test.

" You didn't know? How would that be, giving your age you should have tested your talent, right? "

Zoro nodded.

" And what was the result? "

Elder Stone was quite curious to Zoro's talent. After all he was able to defeat a peak Class two Beast and that too one with a bloodline.

" Zero."

" Huh? "

This time it was Old Man Stone who was confused. He shook his head and said firmly.

" Impossible, with your talent it's impossible not to have even one star talent in Qi training and Qi purity."

" Qi purity? "

Zoro asked back. He was hearing about Qi purity for the first time.

" Ah! Right, this is a small city. No power would have a legit talent testing platform. Let me explain.

In talent test, a person's talent in Qi training and Qi purity is tested. The testing platforms in this city should only possess a set nine stars to test Qi talent, right? "

Zoro nodded.

" In a true talent test, there are two sets of nine stars. One set for Qi testing and the other for Qi purity, like Qi talent a person's Qi purity is also important.

A person's Qi purity would be of half of his Qi Talent, that is to say if you have 6 star Qi talent then a person's Qi purity would be 3 Stars. Normally the highest would star be the same Star as his Qi talent but there are some exceptions.

That's why I say there is a mistake in your talent test. Your Qi purity, it's higher than mine so it's impossible for you to have Zero talent in Qi training."

Zoro seemed to have understood a lot of things. He thought for a bit and couldn't find why the platform didn't show any reaction.

' Is it because my Haki was sparse at that time? '

Zoro decided to leave it at that, anyway he could now train and that's all that matters.

Old man Stone kept on talking. Zoro was impressed, he was tenacious. Even after Zoro flatly refused him the old man still kept persisting.

Days passed quickly, with old man Stone as a guard Zoro was safe and well fed. Every day he could eat high quality meat, meditate and sleep.

Bit by bit his Haki was increasing and this didn't go unnoticed. Old man Stone was astonished, he sensed Zoro's body absorb every ounce of energy he took in and like river flowing into sea, his Qi absorbed it easily and grew stronger.

' My god!! A kid like him has no talent!? Then wouldn't those so called talents be nothing more than cow dung!?

I have to take him as my disciple!! '

This was the tenth day after Zoro's fight with that Class two beast.

Zoro was doing his daily morning routine, ten days was more than enough for his to recover. If he didn't with all that high quality meat and herbs then that would be weird.

Old man Stone was sitting beneath a tree, he watched Zoro train and sighed.

These ten days old man Zheng tried everything he can to convince Zoro to become his disciple but to no avail. The resources he promised would make even royals drool over and yet this kid infront of him didn't even care.

How could an exalted Warrior King like him take such a blow. In the end he gave up, he couldn't force him.

After couple of hours Zoro was finished. He had brokethrough to late stage Warrior Apprentice yesterday, he could feel his body get twice as strong as before.

These past few day old man Stone had explained many things about the levels in Warrior training and he finally understood why that class two beast suddenly got so strong.

" Listen Zoro, at class one human and beast alike would refine their body and gather Qi. After breaking through to Warrior Master we can utilize the Qi within to flow outside, Beasts could do the same.

That Saber Toothed Tiger used the explosive power of fire to move at blinding speed. You made a grave mistake by underestimating it, but luckily you were strong enough.

Most people making such a mistake would already be under dirt by now."

Zoro understood he shouldn't look down on this world, he etched that last battle into his heart.

Old man Stone got up, he patted Zoro's shoulder

" Work hard Zoro, this world is much bigger than you imagine. With your talent you aren't meant to stay in this small city, travel the world. Along the way you will meet people of your caliber, ones you can relate to.

It's a shame you can't be my disciple. Anyway, we will meet again if fate wills it."

Old man Stone's body started to float after saying these words. Just as he was about to fly away he remembered something.

" Oh, I almost forgot. Here take this."

He tossed out something covered by a cloth. Zoro caught it, his hands felt like it was touching the softest material in the world.

He unwrapped it and a black sword came into view. Zoro's eyes stared as he touched it, he eyes became even brighter after some time.

He touched Waning Moon on his waist and compared it to the sword in his hand.

' Too weak. Compared to this one, Waning Moon is too weak.'

He looked up and asked

" Where did you get this? "

" Huh? Of course I made it. Eventhough I made it hastily it's much better than that sword on your waist."

Zoro's eyes widened in shock.

" You made it? When? "

" Yesterday."

Zoro looked at the Sword in his hand and was lost in thought. He seemed to have figured out something and said.

" Do you still want to take me as your disciple? "


Wind blew past old man Stone's ear. His expression was blank and he nearly staggered from mid air.

' What's wrong with this Kid!?! '