19. Center of attention

The explosion last night startled all the major powers inside Maple city.

Eventhough there are several powers within Maple city, the true ruler within the city was the city lord.

Usually the city lord doesn't interfere with any family, especially the three major families inside Maple city. He was appointed as city lord by the empire and will remain neutral.

However there is one rule that must never be broken, Battle inside Maple city is forbidden.

It doesn't matter if it's a major family or any other power. Rules set forth by the empire is to be strictly followed, no one can break it.

Last night's explosion not only violated said rule it also burned down several buildings surrounding that area. Luckily it was a commercial district, apart from few inns that housed guests no other person lived there.

Zoro like usual meditated for some time and had a long rest.

He woke up next morning and did his daily routine except for the crazy physical exercise. He went down the inn to see soldiers speaking to the inn owner.

Elder Shi was sitting near a window and having breakfast, he beckoned to Zoro.

" Is it about last night?? "

" Of course it is. It wasn't a small sound your fight created."

Zoro shrugged, he ordered some dish and started to eat. Elder Shi rolled his eyes seeing Zoro's carefree attitude.

The owner noted Zoro and whispered something to the soldiers. This didn't escape Elder Shi nor Zoro's eyes but they didn't care.

Zoro's battle did take some time so it's quite obvious people would notice.

The soldiers approached Zoro and declared.

" You are under arrest for breaking city rules and battling inside Maple city."

Zoro looked up and said

" I didn't seek battle, I simply defended myself. Find the ones responsible for attacking me rather than arrest me."

The soldiers were taken back, they didn't expect Zoro to talk back.

" Shut up! It doesn't matter whether you attacked or not, you were involved in battle and that's all I care. Men! Take him! "

Two armoured soldier behind him stepped forward and grabbed Zoro but their movements stopped midway.

A sword was pointed at one of them, just a hair away from piercing his throat.

" I don't like trouble but that doesn't mean you can trample me. Take another step and your head will roll."

The soldier who seemed to be the leader wrinkled his eyebrows. He could sense Zoro wasn't lying, if his subordinate takes another step he will kill him.

" Kid, don't bring disaster to yourself. Right now we are just taking you till we gather details but if you make trouble then that's another matter."


Hearing the soldiers words Elder Shi laughed out loud. He found it hilarious, Zoro was attacked last night right where he slept.

Not only did the city guards not clear him of any suspicious they are even making trouble for him.

Elder Shi was getting angry, Zoro was his one and only precious disciple. Moss would have to grow on his head if he let others bully him.

The city guards didn't expect the old man to suddenly start laughing. All of their faces turned red from anger.

" Old man! are you mocking us!? "

" SHUT UP!! "

A formidable pressure erupted from Elder Shi, the city guards felt a shiver down their spine. Their bones creaked as all of them kneeled down, blood was starting to seep out from their mouth and eyes.

" Sir, please stop! "

A voice suddenly interrupted the stifling atmosphere. A middle-aged man wearing robes with golden linings entered the inn hastily.

The three guards who nearly died bowed with difficulty towards the middle aged man.

" Greetings City lord! "

The man was the ruler of Maple City, City Lord Wu Ping!

Wu Ping was enjoying a cup of tea while accompanied by his beautiful wife when he felt a tremendous aura within Maple City. He nearly staggered sensing such power.

Without even caring for his image he ran out as fast as he can towards the direction where he felt that aura.

" Sir, please forgive my subordinates if they have offended you! "

City lord bowed nervously, he couldn't sense how strong this old man before him was and this frightened him.

He was a Warrior Commander, the strongest warrior in maple city and yet for him to fear just the presence of this old man meant that he was atleast a Warrior Lord, if not higher.

" Forgive them? Just now they wanted to arrest my disciple."

" What!? "

Wu Ping nearly keeled over hearing Elder Shi. He looked at his subordinates and wanted to choke them to death.

" Answer!! What the heck happened!?! "

He was furious. His subordinates actually offended a Warrior Lord!! How could he remain calm!??

If the old man acted in a fit of rage he could kill him and every one of his subordinates easily.

The guards were struck with fear, this time they struck an iron wall.

" City.... city lord.. we were investigating the battle last night and.....

After listening to the whole story Wu Ping had veins pop on his forehead.

" Tell me city lord, my disciple was attacked where he slept and your guards wanted to arrest him. How should I deal with this? "

Wu Ping knew Elder Shi was furious, he acted immediately. He crippled all three guards and barked out orders.

" Take these three trash and get out every ounce of information you can!! "

Normally his guards wouldn't be this unreasonable, for them to insist on taking away this Elder's disciple meant that someone was behind this.

Wu Ping bowed to Elder Shi and apologized

" I am deeply sorry for my subordinates behaviour. Rest assured Sir, I will bring whoever responsible for their actions! "

Elder Shi nodded. Zoro suddenly spoke up.

" No need. My enemies, I will kill personally! Let's go old man."

Elder Shi's mouth twitched hearing Zoro. He immediately scolded

" Brat!! Is that how you address your master infront of others!? "

Wu Ping watched numbly as a hilarious duo walked out bickering with one another.