20. All parties react

Wu Ping has been the city lord for years. He had seen warriors far stronger than him and has even had the chance to meet a Warrior King but he still couldn't figure out that Elder's strength.

Inside City lord manor....

" Did those three vermin spit out anything? "

Wu Ping's angered voice echoed through his study, if not for his years of experience he would have flipped out and killed them.

" Yes, my lord. They acted on behalf of Zhao family."

A man wearing black robes answered Wu Ping's question.

" Zhao? So they have the guts to interfere with my guards now!? "

The black robed man stood there listening to the city lords angry curses without a word. After couple of minutes Wu Ping calmed down, his face showed a sneer.

" Those idiots, they had the guts to provoke a Warrior King! Ha! Their end is already written in stone."

The black robed man turned his hand producing a scroll and placed it on the desk.

" Here is the information about that youngster."

" Hmm.... good work."

Wu Ping was a shrewd man, eventhough his contact with that elder and that youngster with swords was brief he easily identified how important that youngster was to that senior.

So he ordered his trusted aid to search every detail of that youngster.

Wu Ping poured his Qi into the scroll and his eyes nearly popped out.

" F**k!! Are they idiots!? Forcing out a person extremely valued by a Warrior King!! Where the Xiao's kicked by a mule!?

And what's this about his mother being killed by Zhao family?! When did that happen!? "

" It seems she was an ordinary person. A single strike was enough to cause internal bleeding and ultimately death. Since the incident didn't involve any kind of destruction it was ignored."

The black robed man stated plainly.

Wu Ping rubbed his temples, in such a short time he had learned some incredible news and that too disturbing ones.

" So these kind of incidents do happen."

" Maple city maybe small city inside our vast empire but it's still quite big. It's reasonable if such shortcomings happened."

" I also know that but..... this situation is completely different. The Zhao and Xiao has offended a genius who went from Zero to peak level Warrior Apprentice in just above a month!

What do you think will happen in the future when he grows considerably? "

" Death."

The black robed man replied without hesitation.

Wu Ping sighed

" Haaa..... those idiots. They couldn't educate their children well enough and now their family will pay for it.

Black, arrange a meeting with the previous Xiao family head. Tell him it's important."

" Yes my lord."


Zhao family.....

Zhao Yu's face was twisted in anger, his plan failed.

A simple murder escalated and brought the attention of the city lord. He was worried, if those three guards confess about their family then it would be over for them.

The door to Zhao Yu's study was opened, a man with slightly greying hair walked in. He unceremoniously sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.

" Do you know what you did? "

" Father.... "

The man seated before Zhao Yu was surprisingly his father and the previous head of Zhao family.

" You didn't carefully inspect your enemy. That kid is a talent but we don't have to react so hastily. Talent is useless if he can't grow."

" I know father. I was rash and didn't put enough importance to the issue, if I had waited, there would have been plenty of opportunities to remove him outside of the city."

" It's good you understand. Don't worry, I have asked ' them ' to help us out."

Zhao Yu was startled and nodded.

" If it's them then that kid won't live much longer."


Zoro was walking along with Elder Shi holding a circular disk. Several marking were on it, which read as North, South, East, west.

" Zoro, this is a pathfinder and is quite useful when traveling. This one contains the entire Map of our empire.

Once you pour your Qi Inside it would merge with your body and will be connected to your mind. Just think of a destination inside the Map and a clear route will be presented in your mind. Try it."

Zoro poured his ' Qi ' and the disk merged with him. A series of information was now inside his brain.

" Orchid City is our next destination and that's the direction towards it. A pathfinder is far more useful than you think, for example think of that destination and take a wrong route."

Zoro did as he was told. He willed his destination as Orchid city. A route was lit up in his mind.

Zoro walked a couple of meters outside the indicated path, the moment he did the part illuminated inside his mind turned dark red. He immediately understood how it worked.

" That's convenient."

" Hmph! Of course it is! It's one of the proud inventions of us Craftsmen, it's more than just convenient!

With such an artifact, even someone like you can easily find their way! "

" Old man, what do you mean someone like me!? "

" You are directionally challenged."

" I am not! "

" Heh...Then, are you saying you purposefully went deeper inside Demon Beast forest with your meager training? "

" I just wanted to find strong opponents! "

Elder Shi scoffed.

" Of course you did. You were supposed to enter through front when you took a turn and somehow entered miles away from it.

Then your were supposed to train within the outskirts but then again you somehow lost your way and entered deep inside and nearly died."

Zoro went silent and walked towards Orchid City's direction. Elder Shi grinned having for once seeing Zoro stumped.

Master and disciple bickered with each other all along the way while passerby gave them weird looks.