21. Fear

The commotion caused by the explosion few days ago died down but major powers inside Maple city was still searching for some clues. All of them were even more curious seeing how the city lord tried to cover it up.

Xiao Residence....

Today the Xiao's received an unusual but extraordinary guest.

" It is a great honour to have your presence here city lord."

The current leader of Xiao family, Xiao Feng bowed to show his respect. Every city lord governing over Maple city was appointed by the empire, as such they held the most power within Maple city.

Wu Ping glanced at Xiao Feng and sneered inside, still he showed a smile and said.

" No need for such formalities. I am simply here to visit Elder Fang."

" I understand. I have already informed my father, he is waiting for you inside."

Xiao Feng showed Wu Ping the way. His two brothers Xiao Ren and Xiao Fu was also beside him, they showed a respectful attitude towards Wu Ping.

Soon they reached a seperate courtyard. Wu Ping didn't stand on ceremony and entered directly, only he would dare to do so. Comparing status he was above Xiao Fang, as such he didn't need to ask permission or anything.

As he entered an elder having white hair and beard appeared before him. He sat near a man made pond under the serene presence of a bodhi tree, drinking tea.

Seeing Wu Ping he got up and bowed.

" Greetings City Lord."

His actions were not too humble nor was it too arrogant.

Wu Ping returned

" Greetings, Elder Fang."

Xiao Fang gestured to Wu Ping to sit down and poured him a cup of tea.

" It's rare to see someone with your status visit me."

" I had to, considering your friendship with my father."

Xiao Fang sensed another meaning in his words.

" What's wrong? Did my Xiao family offend you? "

" No."

" Then.....

Wu Ping sighed.

" Elder Fang, you and my father has been friends for years. Although city lords are forbidden from having too much contact with powers under our rule, it's fairly loose when it comes to friends.

My father had left after I inherited his position. It is my duty to keep powers under me in balance."

Xiao Fang had a bad feeling when Wu Ping spoke upto here.

" City lord, please be straight."

" Elder Fang, your Xiao family may come under great tribulation in the future, one that may very well destroy your family."

" What!? "

The calm Xiao Fang showed a shocked expression. His aura burst out causing the surrounding structure to shake.

Wu Ping drank his tea and showed a bitter smile.

Xiao Fang calmed down and asked.

" City lord, please don't joke around."

" Elder Fang, if not for your close friendship with my father I wouldn't even bother to come here."

Elder Fang took in a deep breath.

" What happened for you to say this? "

" Elder Fang, what do you know about the battle inside Maple city few days ago? "

" Hmm.... that? I don't know anything detailed, since you blocked everything."

" Yes. I did so because I didn't want to anger the other party."

Elder Fang was startled.

" The one who caused that scene was a fourteen year old boy."

" What!? A fourteen year old kid did that!? That battle and the explosion afterwards could decimate an early Warrior Grand Master!! "

" Exactly. The battle was between two peak Warrior Masters and a peak Warrior Apprentice."

Elder Fang felt his world crumble, he couldn't imagine how a warrior apprentice was able to defeat two warrior master and what's more he was able to survive after that explosion.

" What does that have to do with my Xiao family? You don't suspect my family for such actions, do you!? "

" Please don't misunderstand. I don't suspect your family, just that the one who killed those two warrior Masters was from your family."


An explosion seemed to have gone off inside Xiao Fang's head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, a person capable of defeating warrior masters when he was just a warrior apprentice was born in his family.

" Who!? Who is it!? Such a talent!... Ha.... so that's why your are here. You must be here to inform me of the trouble he caused, but who is it? I don't remember anyone like that, wait.... considering the age he should be among the new generation."

" Elder Fang..... you don't seem to understand. I said he ' was ' from your family. He was expelled from your family more than a month ago."

" Huh!? "

" Yes. He was tested to have Zero talent and was expelled."

Elder Fang nearly lost his sanity hearing Wu Ping, a talent who could defeat a warrior an entire realm higher than him was a waste!? Then wouldn't that mean none among his family isn't even worth fart.

" Those wretches!!! They will be the doom of my family!! "

Wu Ping was thinking of how to give even more bad new to the elderly, he was hoping it wouldn't kill him due to excess anger and whatnot.

Seeing his hesitation Xiao Fang asked

" What is it City lord. Please speak if it concerns my Xiao family's future! "

" * sigh *.... the one your family expelled was called Xiao Yun or now called Roronoa Zoro. He is someone born to a servant within your family.....

Wu Ping explained everything related to Zoro's life.

Xiao Fang's face went pale hearing the details, especially when he heard about Zoro being the disciple of a Warrior King.

His face went even paler when he heard about how his mother died and the Xiao family doing nothing to avenge her. She was left to rot in the streets, Xiao Fang knew such hatred could never be forgiven.

He sat down powerlessly. Fear was apparent in his eyes, who wouldn't be?

" I came here so that you could atleast try to make sure he doesn't slaughter your entire family."

" Thank you for your kindness."

Wu Ping shook his head, he got up and left.

Several seconds after he left a thundering roar echoed throughout the Xiao family.

" XIAO FU!!! You unfilial son!! Come here right now!!! "