28. Strolling

Zoro slept for hours, he didn't know what happened after he woke up. Just that his body ached all over and his mind felt tired.

Elder Shi walked in just as he got up, he scanned Zoro with his spirit sense and heaved a sigh.

" What happened old man? "

" Do you remember reading that book? "

" Yes but I felt my mind wander off. In my vision a man was hammering down on a piece of metal, forging an Axe. Then the vision changed, he forged swords and a myriad of other weapons."

Elder Shi couldn't hide the envy in his eyes, Zoro noticed it.

" Old man, you sure have a disgusting laugh! "

" Do you even understand what happened? You entered the one realm, a realm every forger would give anything to enter."

" One realm? So that's what it was, anyway what does entering it do? Is it useful? "

" You blockhead!! Think back, those hammering techniques, you should have understood atleast the entry part of it "

" Huh? "

Zoro took a deep breath, his eyes were closed as he thought back to those moves he saw. In a second his mind was filled with images of hammer strikes, each one profound and indiscernible but somehow he understood them perfectly.

" Do you understand? That is the what one realm can do!! Entering that realm will increase your understanding of forging! "

Zoro was surprised. He now understood what kind of fortune he got, he was a novice in forging but right now his mind was filled with basic forging abilities. He reckoned he may even be able to create class one weapons!!!

" Oh don't be so smug. It's true you entered that realm but with your understanding you only have thirty percent chance to create a class one weapon."

" Did you read my mind? "

" It's obvious from your damn face. Anyway it looks like you are destined for the ancient ways, thus I will teach you to the best of my abilities! "

' Those old coots!! Hahaha... their expressions would be splendid when they see him, HAHAHAHA '

Elder Shi showed a disgusting smile thinking about his friends.

" Old man, stop making that perverted face! "

" Shut up brat! "


After tidying himself Zoro went out to eat, his stomach was grumbling all the way. He ordered dozens of dishes and several bottles of wine. The other customers around him were stunned.

' How can someone eat so much!? '

However the manager was numb to such sights. The day they came here Zoro went through a mountain of dishes and two bottles of burning wine before he was satisfied.

Elder Shi laughed at his antiques and went his way. He had some business to attend within forger association.

Like a storm Zoro went through several dishes, wine was tossed down like plain water. The manger's eyebrows twitched seeing this.

' Those are burning wines!! Even a warrior grandmaster would keel over if he drink more than two bottles!! '

Zoro finished his meal and placed few gold coins on the table. Elder Shi gave him a considerable amount to buy whatever he want.

Just as he was about to go out a slim figure caught sight of him. It was a beautiful woman, she wore bright red dress which showcases her slim figure and curvy body.

" Good morning young master Zoro."

" Hmm... morning."

It took him a second to recall who this was. This was the same lady he met yesterday with that middle aged man.

' What was her name again..... milly or was it chilly? '

Zoro showed a poker face. The atmosphere quickly got awkward with the silence. Thankfully Lily was smart enough.

" Are you going outside? "

" Yeah. Old man Shi told me there were few good stores around here."

Lily's eyes brightened.

" What a coincidence! I can take you around, afterall I am from this city."

" Ok."

Zoro didn't notice the peculiar gaze others were giving him. He walked along Lily and went out. Just as he left the restaurant burst into discussion.

" Who was that young man!? "

" Yeah!! Lady Lily is so courteous with him!! Is he someone from a great family!? "

" Who knows. It seems those earlier rumours were true about the blaze Patriarch being respectful towards a young man."

The manager saw this scene and smiled. The patriarch obviously informed him of Zoro and Elder Shi's status.

Lily was walking with Zoro. She felt a bit happy to walk along such a genius. She peeked at Zoro and found him totally oblivious towards her charm. Disappointed he looked down at her body.

' Am I not beautiful enough? '

Of course she was beautiful but who was Zoro, he has seen his fair share of beauties.

His eyes looked past several stores, most of these stores sold miscellaneous items. He was looking for pill stores, Old man Shi was lacking when it came to pills afterall he was a forger.

" Young master Zoro, where would you like to go first? "

" Pill store. Oh and don't call me young master, just call me Zoro."

Lily was surprised, she smiled with glee and agreed. Very soon both of them reached a store.

" Red Moon Pill store...

Zoro was surprised. He obviously know of this name, after all his first sword was bought from this place.

" Red Moon association is a business owned by the royal family. It trades in everything, like weapons, pills... and a lot more."

" I see."

Zoro strolled inside. Lily immediately followed him.