Chapter 3 The payment method is using Profound Qi???

Inner World

(+_+) -----> Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ

"MIN YOU GE!!!!! Ouch.... What the hell is that lightning rift? MIN YOU GE!!!! WHERE ARE YOU???" [You You Min]

While enduring pains, You Min barely stands up and surveys around.

"This is... our house.... There is no damage??? What happened?? Ouch... HEAL" [You You Min]

(⊙_⊙) "Huh??? HEAL!!!! .... MEGA HEAL!!!" [You You Min]

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "What's going on? Why are my spells not working? OPEN STAT!!!" [You You Min]

Name : You You Min

Race : Human

Gender : Female

Age : Unknown (± 2 years???)

Profound Qi : Elementary - First Sky - 1/1

Next Level : Elementary - Second Sky - /2500

Martial Spirit : Locked

Battle Skill : none

Status : Healthy, slightly weaken

***** : ******

Second owner of this world.

Σ (゚Д゚;) ------> (。•́︿•̀。)

"What kind of stats is this? My stats... just profound qi??? STR... AGl... DEX... MAG... MEN... LUCK... Where are my six stats???? Ouch!!! My head hurts... Hiks.. Hiks... Min You Ge... Where are you? I'm scared... Hiks... Hiks..." [You You Min]

After crying for awhile, You min begins to explore the house and find out that there is no damage in the house. But there is no Yang Min You.

You Min goes out of the house, and only found an large empty land.

(。•́︿•̀。) "I must strong... Hiks.. There is no Min You Ge... In this spacious land, there are only me and my house... My stats become strange... Luckily, Min You Ge non battle armors and modified playing shields are here. Hahaha... At least, I can see it..." [You You Min]

After Yang Min You bought house, he began to put his favourite old novel, classic superheroes movies to our house in God's Domain from outside world. He said 'These are for your free time when I am not Login.'

And when he wasn't in mission, once we bought beginner clothes and dying the colour to blue just like that ancient superhero. He also bought small round shield and recolour it too. Too bad, the most similar forms were just beginner equipments, the stats is too weak.

(。-_-。) ----> (。'▽'。)♡

"Hmm?? I forget something... Second owner of this world?? Then... Maybe first owner is Min You Ge!!! OPEN SYSTEM!!!" [You You Min] suddenly cheers up.

System Menu

- Shop

- Seeing Outside World -> Currently unavailable

- Go Outside World -> Locked until getting permission from First Owner


"What kind of system menu is this? There is no FAQ, no introduction... Well, open Shop!!!" [You You Min]

Shop :

Everything is based on owner preferences, abilities and sizes

- House Decoration

- Daily Needs

- Cooking Ingredient and Recipe

- Battle Skill

- Casual Cloth and Sleepwear

- Battle Armor

- Weapon

Σ(O_O;) ----> (´ ▽`)..o♡

"Based on my preferences... that must be about house decoration, daily needs and that cooking... Recipe? Not ready made food, but I must cook by myself? Abilities... must be about battle skill and weapon.... Sizes... must be about battle armor, casual cloth and.... hehehe... sleepwear... I want to buy it, I want to seduce Min You Ge." [You You Min] while bashful.

(´∀`)♡ ----> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"Hehehe.... Open Casual Cloth and Sleepwear... Hmmm... What kind of casual clothes is this? Real world clothes? Wow... So much design, and so beautiful... How much is the price? Huh... Profound Qi?? The payment method is using Profound Qi???? SYSTEM!!! YOU'RE TOO CRUEL!!!" [You You Min]

"... My maximum Profound Qi is only 1 point. How do you increase it?" [You You Min] while going into Yang Min You's room.



Suddenly, Yang Min You's blue cloth and round shield are flying and begin to disappeared.


Seeing Outside World is available.

Σ( ° △ °)

"Activate Seeing Outside World!!!" [You You Min]

Suddenly there is a large screen, and in the center of screen is a naked bloody Yang Min You slowly wearing C*ptain suit.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") ---> Σ(O_O;)

"MIN YOU GE!!! ... STINKK!!! BLEARGGH!!! Where is this smell come from?" [You You Min]

And some gray bloody clothes with stinky smell are appeared in front of You You Min.


Outside World

While dragging three corpses, Yang Min You walks to exit the cave. Suddenly there is a big pressure coming from inside the cave.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "What is that? Why did such a dangerous feeling suddenly appear?" [Yang Min You] while from near exit, carefully scanning inside the cave.

Suddenly, there is a bright bloody red thing slowly floating from the ground. No, not from the ground, that's from the residu of bloody red thing before.

That bright thing begins to move and accelerate to Yang Min You. Yang Min You evade it effortlessly. But that thing turns around and becomes much faster. And this repeated for several times.

"Sh*t!!! What"s that thing? It becomes faster, and become hotter too. I cann't evade it for too long. OH NOOO!!!" [Yang Min You]

Yang Min You reflexively jumps and roll to the left side. That burning thing slams to the chest of one half naked corpse. The corpse's chest begins to melt and the other part begin to burn. The fire somehow easily spreads to another corpse. And just for a few seconds, three corpses become ashes.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "So dangerous... Run... If only my equipments here, or at least my shield from God's Domain. D*mn, that thing is too small. I cann't use my three skills." [Yang Min You] while running out of the cave.

But that burning bright thing keeps chasing Yang Min You. And it becomes closer to Yang Min You in a minute.


Suddenly, the tattoo in right hand becomes hot, and begins to suck Yang Min You's clothes.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "WHAT???? Why did I suddenly become naked?" [Yang Min You]

After the clothes disappeared, suddenly from the tattoo spreads dominan blue things to the whole body except head. Everythings happened in a second.

Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ "THESE!!! MY C*PTAIN AM*RICA SUIT??? MORE IMPORTANTLY MY SHIELD!!!" [Yang Min You] became delight while running without direction in the forest.

It seems the cave entrance is hidden in the big ancient forest. The average diameter of tree trunk are about 15 to 20 feet. The trees are so tall and lush, causing the forest a little dark.

(╥﹏╥) "Where must I go? I don't know any directions. Wait a minute... It seems there is a water sound over there. OUCHHH... HOTTT" [Yang Min You]

That burning thing almost touches Yang Min You's back. Yang Min You dodges to side by using jump kick to nearby tree. But, when that thing passed Yang Min You's earlier position, it also maneuver toward Yang Min You.

Yang Min You jumps, turns around and raises C*ptain Am*rica Shield. He bends his body to front and holds the shield with two hands.


Σ( ° △ °+) "AARRRGGGGHHH!!! Too strong... Both my hands are numbed" [Yang Min You] while thrown toward water sound.