Chapter 4 Mo Yan Yu's bad luck

Dark Forest. This place is called Dark Forest because of sunlight hardly seen even in daytime. These ancient trees are too tall, and the leaves are too thick, each tree just like giant umbrella. Causing the surrounding are damp and a little dark in daytime.

Dark forest covers large area. It was surrounded by Merchant Union in the north, God Blessed Empire in the south, and Fire Empire in the west. Merchants from three countries must pass through Dark Forest if they want to trade.

The fastest journey is about one month. Because, in the Dark Forest also have high level demon beast. Merchant's caravan although escorted by warriors, stilled choose to detour for safety. Only group of soldiers and group of warriors are actively searching and killing high level demon beast.

High level demon beast, from level 6 and above, their power were materialize into crystal core inside their bodies. These core have great use for warriors, alchemist and blacksmith. Their other body are also sold in high prices, from fangs, fur, bones, poison, flesh. Everybody parts was valuable, but only some people can do it, because level 6 demon beasts are already have wisdom, and they are too strong for people around Dark Forest.

There are group of people, ten tall and strong warrior were escorting group of dozen malnourished men. These men were chained and their eyes were dimmed. In front of them, there are three caravans which each of them were pulled by land dragon.

In sedan chair, above one of land dragon, there is an old man, he wears a black robe embroidered with five white cauldrons on his chest. He kept staring at those dozen malnourished men, causing them to frightened and silent.

One of caravan door was pushed open. A young girl is coming out of the caravan. She is very beautiful, her face was glowing like a bright moon. She has slim waist, full chest, and nice posture. What a beautiful three size proportional. She was wearing silver soft armor which makes her body more fascinating, and she covers it with an exquisite lavender robe. She spent almost the whole trip in inside caravan. She hated the stare from the guard, and that pervert old man guest.

"Miss Mo!!!" one of the nearest guard greets her.

She raises her right hand, and said "Stop!!! Everyone take rest near river for half an hour."

After that she leaves the team in irritated mood to the front bush alone.

Her name is Mo Yan Yu. She is a young genius from Mo clan in Merchant Union. She is granddaughter of the Mo patriach.

After walking for around 3000 feet, she hides in the bush. She took off her belt, pulled down her pants, and squatted down to urinate.


(︶︹︺) ---> Σ(O_O;)

In the middle of urinate, suddenly a loud bang heard, it must be collision between two metal. And it was followed by a man screaming.

Mo Yan Yu panicked, she tried to pull up her pants, but suddenly in front of her a blue silhouette crashed to the ground, and bounce toward her. It crashed her causing her attempt to pull up her pant was failed. She was thrown together with that blue silhouette for around 20 feet.

( >_< ) ----> 〣( ºΔº )〣

Mo Yan Yu was dizzy, her face especially nose and mouth was in pain, and a little bleeding, after coalision with a blue bulging. She was dreaded when she felt extreme pain from her lower part. She quickly moved the blue thing to her side, and began to hysterically crying, when she saw her lower part was bleeding.

"Urggghh, somehow it felt like fighting level 50 boss when I am only level 10....Stop crying, girl.... That's... maybe my blood..." [Blue suit man] while stabbing his dented shield to the ground and trying to sit down. And he vomited a mouthful blood again.


"Sorry, girl. If I alive, I will be responsible. And You... What are you exactly?... Why did you attack me so aggresively?... Had I done anything prohibited and offended you in that cave?..." [Blue suit man]

( 。◣_◢。 ) ----> Σ(っ。°Д °。;)っ

"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!!! WHO...are... you... HHIIII?!?!" [Mo Yan Yu], at first was angry while crying, and later is shocked, frightened while crying. She shocked when looking at a bright burning thing.

"MISS MO... MISS MO... WHERE ARE YOU??? ARE YOU ALLRIGHT???" One of the guard was shouting while coming closer.

Suddenly there is a dreaded pressure, the flame flickered toward Mo Yan Yu and makes words. 'DRIVE HIM OUT, OR I KILLED THE WHOLE TEAMS.'

Mo Yan Yu was frightened until she was urinated and shout "I AM ALLRIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT'S HAPPENED, DON'T COME HERE. DON'T MAKE A MASTER ANGRY!!!"

"YESSS MISSS!!!!" and the guard was immediately running away. And apparently, the pressure also felt in the camp. The arrogant old man also paled. "Let's wait her here for a day, if she is not coming back, let's hurry back to Merchant Union. If you want to die, don't involve me." [Old man] said to the trembled guards.

The blue suit man was shocked "WHATT??? You can write? What kind of word is that? It's my first time saw it, how did I understand that?"

The burning and the pressure were reduced significantly, and began showing its original form. Its a bright red colour ring. It began speaking by flickering fire into word.

'HAHAHA... Boy, you are interesting. You really have a lot of secret. You managed to survived under attack from Human First Sky realm power while you are only Elementary First Sky realm, and now already recovered a little... Girl... Are you exhibitionist?' [The Ring]


"W-w-who is exhibitionist? I was urinating over there, and you two involved me.... My pant... was burned over there..." [Mo Yan Yu]

'... Boy, give that girl your pants.' [The Ring]

Σ( ° △ °) "WHAT?!?! You want me to give her my cloth? But My Captain Am*rica suit is an one piece, not a separate cloth. And underneath it, I was naked." [Blue suit man]

Σ(〃°Δ°〃) "YOU.... YOU ARE DESPICABLE. Y-y-you shoved that thing to my face until bleeding." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Who asked you to stripped naked? Ask the girl in your right marked hand. She was screaming nonstop.' [The Ring]

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "Sorry... Huh, you said girl's voice from my right hand?" [Blue suit man]

Blue suit man raises his right shield mark hand and heard a very small and blurred voice "Min You Ge... Min You Ge..."


"This... This is You Min... Hahaha... That's great... I'm not alone." [Blue suit man] happily.

'SHUT UP! Hurry bring us to that world. That girl said the keyword is enter inner world. REMEMBER!!! YOU MUST BRING ME AND THIS NAKED GIRL TO YOUR INNER WORLD OR YOUR SECRET WILL BE EXPOSED' [The Ring]