Chapter 6 Teaching Mo Yan Yu about modern shower

"Now take off your cloth!" [ You You Min]

"Huh?" [Mo Yan Yu] is dumbfound.

"Hurry up! Take off your cloth! What are you worrying about?" [ You You Min] says again, while taking off her clothes.

Σ(〃°Δ°〃) "You.... You... Why are you taking off your clothes?...What kind of innerwear is that? So indecent..." [Mo Yan Yu] flustered.

( ̄へ ̄) "These are called underwears. This one, that cover my breasts is called brassiere or bra. If you wear the right size, it will support your breasts, and make your movement unhindered. The most important thing is that bra can help you shape your breasts and prevent your breasts become saggy. This triangle pant, is called panty. Since you are Min You Ge's third wife, sooner or later you will be used to these underwear, you can buy it yourselves later. Now, hurry up, take off your clothes." [You You Min] casually explained about her underwear.

Σ(〃°Δ°〃) "WHATT?!? Just inner wear had a wonderful function like that.... Hey, stop it, I am taking off my clothes myself." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Then hurry up. After that, put your clothes into that basket. Take that two plastic stools to shower room. And you, Ring Jie, you soak yourself in this black water first. These are baking soda and cola water. It will clean metal and make it like new. After that you can soak in warm water in this bowl." [You You Min]

'Really??? You have a method to clean this ring??? I'll try it' [The Ring] flickers happily.

The naked Mo Yan Yu was taking two plastic stools and entering small room. She is wondering (What am I going to do in this small room, it seems showering is same with bathing, but where is the water? And this plastic stool, what kind of material is plastic?)

The Ring was delighted when heard about black water. Although she is currently sealed inside a ring, as a woman, she also become happy when her sealed place become clean and dazzling.

Σ(°ロ°٥) Mo Yan Yu suddenly shocked when she saw You You Min was bringing out their dirty clothes while she was only wrapped in bath towel. Then she heard "Min You Ge, after you finish showering, soaks our clothes together with yours, after fifteen minutes, wash it. I don't know how much water remained in our house, we must save water."

"Got it." [Yang Min You] answers while he is still showering in another shower room.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "Sister... You are crazy... You are asking a man to wash our cloth, there are our innerwears too." [Mo Yan Yu] whispered and grabbed You You Min when she was entering small room.

"Don't fussy over small things. In this small house, originally there are only Min You Ge and me. There is no servant or maid. We are helping each other to maintain this house. Our house is modern house. You must learn and familiar yourself with our modern way of thinking. Now sit down on that stool." [ You You Min]

(... There is no servant nor maid? Are they poor? But this high quality mirror is clearly expensive. Ah... don't think too much. Just slowly see it.) [Mo Yan Yu] is thinking while sitting in the stool.

She saw how You You Min pulled up a metal leverage, and from that long elastic metal pipe poured out warm water.

Σ( ° △ °) "Woww." [Mo Yan Yu] was dumbfounded about how warm water suddenly poured out. The Ring peeked out from a bowl of black water and said 'So that tools is shower tool?'

"This is just one of modern tool. You two will learn about it later. Now, close your eyes and mouth, I will begin showering you." [You You Min]

(。'▽'。)♡ "This feeling.... It's like under rain, just the water is warm. You Min Jie, what are those two small bottles? " [Mo Yan Yu]

"I will use peach colour bottle first, inside it is called shampoo and it's already include conditioner. Look at this greeny viscous liquid, this has apple fragrance. Now close your eyes, it hurts if enters eyes." [You You Min]

(... I don't understand about what she said, but let's try it. It seems fun.) [Mo Yan Yu]


"Alright, your hair is done, now I will use this blue colour bottle, inside it is liquid soap. I'll put it in this body scrubber, so the foam will be a lot." [You You Min]

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "Ouch, You Min Jie, you are too rough, at this rate, my skin will be scratches. HEYY, WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING??" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Just shut up!! Your skin is too dirty. Look this foam should be white, and now it is a little gray. And don't fuss over your breasts being touch. In my world, skinship between woman while showering together, is increasing sisterhood." [You You Min], but in her mind (Although this sisterhood thing is real or not, I don't know, since I only read it from Min You Ge's romance novel.)

(。•́︿•̀。) "... When I am at home, almost everyday I take a bath. Everyone only take a bath two to three times a week. Although it's almost two month not bathing, I still regularly wiped myself with river water. But... gray??" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Alright, now you use this body scrubber, and clean your lady parts... it's bruised... So you clean it yourself" [ You You Min]

Σ( ° △ °|||) ----> (。•́︿•̀。)

"Yes... No... My virginity was broken by colition... sob..." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Hahaha, stupid girl. Just like what Min You had been said, that blood was his mouthful blood, yours is intact. You are Nascent realm, how can you not realize this?' [The Ring]

Σ( ° △ °) ----> (。'▽'。)♡

"REALLY!?!?" [Mo Yan Yu] is shocked and becomes happy.

'But tomorrow night, you must give it to Min You, as prove that you are willing to become his third wife.' [The Ring]

(。'▽'。)♡ ----> 〣( ºΔº )〣

"... Fine. I'll accept my fate. Just, after that, please treat me well, and don't hurt my family, Ring Jie" [Mo Yan Yu] surrenders to her fate.

"Are you stupid? We already treated you as sister. If your family didn't do something to provoke us too much, we don't care at all." [You You Min]

"Now, use this towel, and dry yourself and wait outside, in front of that mirror. I take a shower for a moment." [You You Min]

"Yes.." [Mo Yan Yu] while drying and standing in front of mirror. She is stunned. (Is this me? My hair become so smooth and shiny, my body become whiter, and there is floral fragrance.)

"Allright, I'm finished, now you use this cloth, no underwear. About underwear, you buy it yourself later. Damn... your size is bigger than mine..." [You You Min] a little jealous.

'.... I must try a shower when I regain my body...' [The Ring]

"Allright, everyone let's go to the living room, and discuss about our situation. Min You Ge must be already sleeping over there." [You You Min]