Chapter 7 Three Spouses

"Zzzzz.... GGRROOAAKKKK.... Zzzzz... GGRROOAAAKKK... Zzzz..." [Yang Min You] was snoring sleep in the sofa in living room.

Σ(⊙▽⊙٥) You You Min and Mo Yan Yu were shocked by the snoring sound.

".... He was snoring before but never as loud as this... He is really tired... Let him sleep for awhile." [You You Min]

"GGRROOAAKKK... You Min... You are so cute... I love you... GGRROOAAKKK... But don't angry too much... GGRROOAAKK... Your eyebrows were becoming like that ancient red bird... GGRROOAAAKKK... Angry bird..." [Yang Min You] is sleeptalking.

Σ(|||゚д゚) Mo Yan Yu and The Ring are shocked, and looking at You You Min timidly.

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(⁄ ⁄◣⁄﹏⁄◢⁄ ⁄)ノ︵ ┻━┻

You You Min gritted her teeth with red cheek. She was embarassed by Yang Min You's confession, but also angry by 'angry bird'. She picked up nearby pillow, and threw it toward Yang Min You's face.

Σ( ° △ °) "What?? What happened???" [Yang Min You] wakes up in shock.

(⊙_⊙) "You Min, why is your face red? Are you sick? Are you in fever?" [Yang Min You] is asking while touching You You Min's forehead.

(⁄ ⁄◣⁄﹏⁄◢⁄ ⁄) "Who is sick? And who is angry bird?" [You You Min]

"? Angry bird? Ah what a classic red bird? Make me nostalgia about it...OUCHH!!" [Yang Min You]

"Enough!! Yan Yu, you sit down." [You You Min] while once again hit Yang Min You's face using pillow.

(๏_๏) "... Ge? Are you not angry? If it's my family, all men being hit by women like that, will be angry, some of them even kill their wife or daughter." [Mo Yan Yu]

(*'▽'*)♪ "Angry? Nonono... That's the difference between ancient family and modern family. You are from ancient family where hierarchy of family is more important, where people from lower part must respect toward the higher part. Even a joke maybe hard to be found in the family. Love? Maybe just a little of them who truly love their family. Majority of ancient women are afraid of husband. We, from modern family, harmony in family is more important. We pursue it. You Min hits me, but that was one of her affection's form. Why must I angry?" [Yang Min You] while hugging You You Min shoulder, who sit beside him.

"Am I right, miss Mo?" [Yang Min You]

(-︿-) "... You are right. In my Mo family, my mother, my grandmother, my aunts all are afraid their husband. I get a different treatment in my family because I was one of genius from younger generation. But I still a tool for grandfather. I was betrothed to Ling Shao Feng from Ling family. Ling family is also one of five big families in Merchant Union. Five big families in Merchant Union are Mo, Shi, Ling, Zuo, and Bei Ming family." [Mo Yan Yu]

(。ŏ_ŏ) "You Min... Did you ever heard Merchant Union?" [Yang Min You]

"Nope, how do I know? If we are transmigrated to another world and similar too your novel, we can read it later. BUT you uploaded TOO MUCH, too much novel, movie series and animes about it. Even if we filtered it with wuxia, there are more than thousands novels. If you like it, you watch or read it until over, even repeat it over and over. Just like Xiao Ao Jiang Hu, you have more than twenty version from novel, movie series, anime and comics. But thanks to that, you were finally succeeded learning Xin Xing Da Fa. If you don't like it, you just read it a few chapter or watch it a few episode, then safe the rest of novel in files. And my preference are romantic novel and female leader protagonist wuxia novel." [You You Min]

Σ( ° △ °) "Then let's read it one by one later." [Yang Min You]

"No, you keep exploring in outside world, it's maybe not good for us if we are stagnan in these situation. Look at the system." [You You Min]

'Hey... Don't keep talking between yourselves. I don't understand what you are talking about.' [The Ring]

"Oh sorry, huh... you are the ring from before? The colour becomes so beautiful, why don't I call you Ruby? The most beautiful red gemstones in my world." [Yang Min You]

'Ruby... beautiful red gemstones, not bad. I already forgot my real name, since I was sealed for million years? billion years?' [Ruby]

Σ (゚Д゚;) Yang Min You and others were shocked by how old the ring was.

"Then, let us check our situation first. OPEN SYSTEM!!" [Yang Min You]

System Menu

- Shop

- Seeing Outside World

- Go Outside World

- Setting

Σ(⊙_⊙) "What kind of system is this? OPEN SETTING!!" [Yang Min You]


Warning!!! This is a master setting.

- Only readable inside house --- enable

- Sharing status and system screen --- disable

- Giving access to enter and out New God's Domain world to another owner --- disable

- Upgrade house

- Upgrade New God's Domain world

Σ(⊙.⊙) ".... New God's Domain world???" [Yang Min You]

"What???" [You You Min]

"The name of this inner world. Wait a minute. SYSTEM!!! Sharing status and system screen enable." [Yang Min You]

Suddenly in the living room, there is a big blue transparent screen with white word is shown to everyone.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") Mo Yan Yu was speechless and shocked.

'What is this?' asking while hovering around screen.

"Gaming system screen, but it's not God Domain's system. It's New God Domain's system. Ruby, Miss Mo, we are not from your world, we are from different world where technology is very advance. And God Domain's is one of most popular game in my world." [Yang Min You]

"OPEN STAT!!!" [Yang Min You]

Name : Yang Min You / Shi Yan

Race : Human

Gender : Male

Age : 19 years

Profound Qi : Elementary - First Sky - 1200/1200

Next Level : Elementary - Second Sky - /2500

Martial Spirit :

- Immortal Martial Spirit Lv 1

Battle Skill :

- Xin Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Swallowing Star) - Master

- Tu Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Vomiting Star) - Master

- San Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Dispersing Star) - Master

- Shield Bash - Master

- Shield Deflect - Master

Status : Healthy

Spouses :

- You You Min

- Ruby

- Mo Yan Yu

First owner of this world

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "Shi Yan? Who is that?" [Yang Min You]

"... Maybe you are from Shi Family in Merchant Union? I heard there is a young man called Shi Yan, but he couldn't cultivate. But Shi and Mo Family was in big vendetta because of mining right..." [Mo Yan Yu]

"... Let's go there later... No other stat? Just Profound Qi?" [Yang Min You]

"Profound Qi is separated into nine level, Elementary, Nascent, Human, Disaster, Earth, Nirvana, Sky, Spirit God, and True God and each level is separated into three level, we called it sky. There is a rumor, there is a level beyond True God..." [Mo Yan Yu]

'That is not a rumour, that is called King God. Spirit God, True God, King God is called Minor God Realm. After that, there is Major God Realm, I was in here before sealed. I won't tell you about this realm right now, since you are too weak.' [Ruby]

"WHATTT??? Ruby sister, please be kind to me." [Mo Yan Yu] suddenly trembled.

'Don't worry, we are sister.' [Ruby]

"? What is wrong with them? Next is... Martial Spirit... Immortal Martial Spirit? What is that?" [Yang Min You]

"Martial Spirit is more like genetic skill, but Immortal Martial Spirit? Shi Family martial spirit should be Petrification Martial Spirit... Maybe father or grandfather knew about it." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Next is battle skill... My important skills are here. That's a relief. Huh??? HUH??? THREE SPOUSES??? EVEN RUBY??? HOW DID THEY BECOME MY SPOUSES WHEN I DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT?" [Yang Min You]