Chapter 8 The Origin of Lust

Σ((⁄ ⁄⊙⁄﹏⁄⊙⁄ ⁄) You You Min and Mo Yan Yu are shocked.

'Heeee.... Our conversation in shower room is already acknowledge by your system.' [Ruby]

Σ(°ロ°٥) "Conversation in shower room? Wait a minute... Ruby, are you a woman?" [Yang Min You]

'Yup. Before I was sealed, I was a crazy cultivator girl. Men were afraid of me, so I never have romantic experience.' [Ruby]

~\(≧▽≦)/~ ".... Since you three girls suddenly become my wives, tonight let's celebrate it." [Yang Min You] looks very happy.

(⁄ ⁄◣⁄﹏⁄◢⁄ ⁄) "Focus on talking our situation first. About party, wait until our discussion finish." [You You Min] while pulling Yang Min You's ear.

(^_^) "Yes. Let's begin from you, You Min. Open your stat." [Yang Min You] who is still grinning.

"OPEN STAT!!" [You You Min]

Name : You You Min

Race : Human

Gender : Female

Age : Unknown (± 2 years???)

Profound Qi : Elementary - First Sky - 1/1

Next Level : Elementary - Second Sky - /2500

Martial Spirit : Locked

Battle Skill : none

Status : Healthy

Owner's first wife

Second owner of this world

"Huh??" [You You Min]

"What's wrong?" [Yang Min You]

"Owner's first wife? Previously, this is unreadable word." [You You Min]

".... Maybe because of your conversation in shower room?" [Yang Min You]

'Min Jie. Why is your age like that? Unknown (± 2 years???)' [Ruby]

"That's.... Ummm... How do you explain it?" [Yang Min You] looks puzzle about how to explain You Min's circumtance.

"Let me explain it. God's Domain are a game world that was created in Min You Ge's world. Min You Ge's world is a human world with a modern technology, or you can said a world with modern tools. God's Domain is a combination setting of a fantasy world and modern era. Fantasy World, is a place where there is a battle between human, between race, even battle against mythical creatures like dragon. Modern era is set in daily life, just like house and daily necessities. What you see in this house are modern tools." [You You Min]

"So you can said as two of you are from two different worlds?" [Mo Yan Yu] who looks dizzy about a lot of new ununderstanding words.

"Yes, you can said that, but these two worlds are connected. And I was born in God's Domain two years ago. I, as a native people from God's Domain is called Non Playable Character or NPC. People who create us is called programmer. You can say, NPC is like a living doll." [You You Min]

'That programmers, are they also Gods of Creation?' [Ruby]

"Nope. They are just normal human being in Min You Ge's world. This living dolls are lacked something to be called living being. They are lacked soul and emotion. I was born when Min You Ge bought me. But I became anomaly because of Min You Ge's action. He treats me as normal human, giving me a lot of knowledges, always talk and joke around with me." [You You Min] stops for a moment, and reminiscent about her past, and sometimes laughing without cause.

(⊙.⊙) "Are you allright? Don't suddenly laugh without cause. Everyone will think that you have mental sickness " [Yang Min You] asked with concern.

( -_-||) " ' Idiot.' " [Mo Yan Yu] and [Ruby] criticize Yang Min You.

(。'▽'。) "At that time, he was often ridiculed by his friends about his treatment toward me. And I don't know when I suddenly gain soul and emotion. And his friends gradually stopped ridiculed Min You Ge, and began treating me higher than Min You Ge. That's why, I am just 2 years old. And just like you see, Min You Ge is a caring person but he is a little slow in certain aspect." [You You Min]

(-︿-) 'Indeed...' [Ruby]

Σ(O_O;) "What are you talking about? In what aspect am I slow?... Ah, forget it. You Min, about your Profound Qi... I think it's about time for you to learn my three Da Fa. With Xin Xing Da Fa, you can absorb Qi more easily. About cultivation method, we can learn slowly, while trying to search which one is suitable for us." [Yang Min You]

"... Yes, and just not me, teach Yan Yu too, since she is your third wife." [You You Min]

"Me? But I already have my family's cultivation skill." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Stupid girl. You didn't see Min You stat? It is battle skill, not cultivation skill. With his battle skill, you can absorb Profound Qi much faster, and your cultivation skill is used for stabilize Profound Qi inside you.' [Ruby]

Σ( ° △ °) ".... I understand" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Mmmmm.... Why don't we make my three Da Fa become the standard skill for my wives? I don't mind if my wives learn it." [Yang Min You]

"Ruby, why don't you try to open your stat. Maybe you can open it too, just like us. You and Yan Yu have been recognized by system." [Yang Min You]

'Me?.... OPEN STAT!!!' [Ruby]

Name : Ruby

Race : Demon clan - Charming race

Gender : Female

Age : ± 1B years

Profound Qi : True God - Third Sky - 999,999,999,999/999,999,999,999 (sealed)

Next Level : King God - First Sky - /1,000,000,000,000

Martial Spirit :

- Silk Martial Spirit - Master (sealed)

Battle Skill :

- Materialization Spirit - Master (sealed)

- Burning Spirit - Lv 5 / Master (sealed)

- Charming Eye - Master (sealed)

Status : sealed inside Blood Vein Ring, soul is in a little danger.

Owner's second wife

Third owner of this world

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "WHATTT??? True God Realm - third sky and it is in sealed condition??? Ruby Jie, you are too strong..." [Mo Yan Yu]

Σ(O_O;) "Demon clan - Charming race? How many clan and race is in this world?" [You You Min]

'There is ten clan, about race, I don't know, there are too much race. ...HEY!!! MIN YOU!!! Wake up!!! Why are you drooling?' [Ruby]

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "Ups... Sorry... When I read Charming Race, somehow I think you are a very beautiful lady. And I thought, I was lucky to get a very beautiful lady as my second wife." [Yang Min You] while wiping his mouth.

( -_-#) "HEY, since when did you become so lustful?" [You You Min] irritated while pulling Yang Min You's ear.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Huh??? How can I easily attracted to woman like this? Before we are transferred to this world, I am not like this." [Yang Min You]

'... Maybe.... The origin of your lust is from that soul battle... My former master's soul is embodied from lust of killing. Oh... I remember. At that time, a weak young man was controlled and dragged toward blood pool by my former master's soul, and become bloody red cocoon. Inside that cocoon, his soul was destroyed by my former master's soul. When my former master's soul was almost entering the body, suddenly the body spasmed and I could felt a strong soul inside the body. And the soul battle continued again. I could sense that the new soul is have the same lust as my former master, the lust of killing and slaughter. The new soul was destroyed too after battle for several days. And my former master soul was weaken considerably, and at that moment the body spasmed again, and a new strong soul was inside the body. That third soul... YES. That third soul was you, Yang Min You.' [Ruby]

"Me?" [Yang Min You] while pointing at himself.

'Yes. you are the third soul who battle my former master. And you won the battle after soul battle for several days. And you accidentally absorbed my former master's remain power and lust. Since the lust of killing and slaughter was too strong, I could hear a strange brainwash, from "MAIN TANK... PROTECTOR... KILL... FOOD... KILL... MONEY... KILL... WIFE..." repeated almost a day. Maybe since that time, you will be lusting toward foods, money and women.' [Ruby]