Chapter 12 Consummate

Yang Min You is shocked, and he is following You You Min's word with blank mind. After a while, You You Min stops kissing him. Yang Min You's eyes are staring at You You Min's body, from her head to her leg, from her leg to her head again.

Yang Min You glares at You You Min's ample breasts. You You Min's breasts are not big, but still plentiful enough. And her red sexy lingerie further shows the beauty of her body, especially her breasts.

(=∩_∩=) "Why are you only glaring at that?" [You You Min] smiles mischievously.

Σ(O_O;) Yang Min You wakes up from his frenzy state. Then, he said "Door, the door is still open..."

"Just let it open. It will be easier for Yan Yu to break in." [You You Min] said while kissing Yang Min You again.

Yang Min You's lust is gradually taking control, but he is trying hard to maintain his sanity. He begins to slowly strip You You Min's red sexy lingerie, afraid of accidentally ripping it. After that, he begins to kiss her madly. Her face, her nose, her lip, her neck, her breasts, even that private area are under heavy kiss.

Outside Yang Min You's room, Ruby and Mo Yan Yu who is in white sexy lingerie are watching the live action. Mo Yan Yu is watching with red face, but her breath slowly becomes rough. It seems Vanish Mind Smoke began to react.

'Yan Yu, can you see me?' [Ruby]

"Yes, Ruby Jie, although my body is feeling very hot, but my mind is clear..." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Later, you also will be doing that. Look, they are starting their intercourse. Although You You Min is bleeding a little, her face didn't show any pain, so you don't be afraid... WHAT THE HELL???' [Ruby]

"Ruby Jie?" [Mo Yan Yu]

'.... Yan Yu, maybe you are hitting jackpot... In this life, maybe your cultivation will reach high realm... I need to observe more detail with different girls. Can you see their energy?' [Ruby]

"I don't see any energy movement, just their body movement..." [Mo Yan Yu] answers with red face.

'... Tomorrow, I will explain it in detail to everyone. Oh, they are finished. You enters the room now.'

Without waiting Mo Yan Yu's answer, Ruby is pushing Mo Yan Yu's back using her energy.

Mo Yan Yu enters and almost falls down in front of Yang Min You. Yang Min You catches her and said "Now, it is your turn." And without waiting her answer, Yang Min You immediately kisses her in her mouth. Beside them, You You Min is already sleeping with tired face.

Inside Yang Min You's room, Ruby observes the flow of energy in You You Min's body.

(Strange... I can feel Profound Qi flowing inside her. No... Not only Profound Qi, there is a weak energy too... Don't tell me she gained Martial Spirit too?!?! Yang Min You... What kind of secret ability do you have? Is this also part of Immortal Martial Spirit skill too?) [Ruby] is in deep thought. But strange sound distracts her.

"OUCH!!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] screams in pain.

"ABABABABA!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts a strange language and continues his intimacy with Mo Yan Yu.

(????? ABABABABA??? What kind of language is that? Stop, Ruby! Stop, Ruby! They begin their intercourse. I must focus the flow of their energy.) [Ruby]

(?!?! Profound Qi and Immortal Martial Spirit are moving together... They move from Yang Min You's body to Mo Yan Yu's body from their intimate part.... !!!! What is this??? These energy are like fish meet water... These energy are spreading and moving to each meridian...) is observing with a little confuse.

(??? Teasing?? No no... Stimulate?? Mo Yan Yu's Profound Qi in each meridian becomes aggresive after contacting with these energy... Oh, these energy is returning back to Yang Min You's body??? Wait a minute... These energy is bringing along a little part of Mo Yan Yu's Profound Qi??? Mo Yan Yu's Profound Qi is devoured by Yang Min You's Profound Qi and Immortal Martial Spirit??? It is really disappeared, I can not sense it....) [Ruby] continues her thinking, but a strange sound disturb her again.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] screams while her body is spasming.

"ABABABABA!!!!" [Yang Min You] also shouts.

(.... It seems they are finished.... His sp*rm is containing his Profound Qi and Immortal Martial Spirit. It is really giving benefit for Mo Yan Yu.... Mo Yan Yu, this girl... She must train more seriously from now. She lost control her Lightning Martial Spirit when she is in deep emotion...) [Ruby]

"Heeee... So Min You Ge is electrocuted when Mo Yan Yu climax. Well, it doesn't matter." [You You Min]

'You Min, why are you waking up? Hurry up, sleep! Tomorrow morning, we will have important discussion and training.' [Ruby]

"Okay, Ruby Jie. Good night." [You You Min] is sleeping again beside Yang Min You. Yang Min You and Mo Yan Yu are already slept.

Ruby with her control energy, closes the door. She also stays inside Yang Min You's room.

(Tomorrow night, I must asked Yang Min You to mast*rbate and throw his sp*rm to this stupid ring. Maybe the sealed will be weaken too.) [Ruby] lays down in Yang Min You's pillow and falls a sleep.


Next Day.

Ruby wakes up first. She is waking up everyone by putting pressure. Everyone are taking a shower, before gathering in living room with their new training suits. It was bought after dinner yesterday.

'How are your feeling after both of you were consummated last night?' [Ruby]

♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪ "I am feeling good. Since I gained emotion, I had been wanted to married Min You Ge." [You You Min] in happy mood.

Σ( ° △ °) "WHATT?? Since in God's Domain? That long? Why did I not know?" [Yang Min You] shock.

(๑・ω-)~♥" "Because I didn't said it. But since we are in different world, and you will be have a lot of wives, I must become the first wife." [You You Min] smiles mischievously.

'What about you, Yan Yu.' [Ruby]

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ "I was shocked when you suddenly pushed me, Ruby Jie. But when Min You Ge kissed me, I didn't remember anything. I gained a little conciousness when he put it in me. It hurted like being stabbed by spear. But I lost control again. I only felt tired, pleasured, and happy." [Mo Yan Yu] answers Ruby bashfully.

♪\(*^▽^*)/ "You Min, Yan Yu. I am happy that you are not in pain. I am also happy having you two as my wives too." [Yang Min You] hugs You You Min and Mo Yan Yu.

'Enough with flirting. Let's discuss about important matter now.' [Ruby]