Chapter 13 Training

Ruby tells everyone about what she found out last night.

"Ruby Jie. About our s*x last night, is it the legendary Dual Cultivation?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks with serious face.

'No, it is different. Dual Cultivation is a technique of cultivation which is cultivate during s*x. BUT in Dual Cultivation, the circulation of Profound Qi are controlled by the couple. AND in your case, only Yang Min You's Profound Qi is active. And what makes it more strange is his Immortal Martial Spirit. I never saw an active Martial Spirit like this.' [Ruby]

"... Just open your stat, maybe everything become more clearer. OPEN STAT!!!" [Yang Min You]

Name : Yang Min You / Shi Yan

Race : Human

Gender : Male

Age : 19 years

Profound Qi : Elementary - First Sky - 1,440/1,440

Next Level : Elementary - Second Sky - /2500

Martial Spirit :

- Immortal Martial Spirit Lv 1

- Lightning Martial Spirit Lv 1

Battle Skill :

- Xin Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Swallowing Star) - Master

- Tu Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Vomiting Star) - Master

- San Xing Da Fa (Great Skill : Dispersing Star) - Master

- Shield Bash - Master

- Shield Deflect - Master

Status : Healthy

Spouses :

- You You Min

- Ruby

- Mo Yan Yu

First owner of this world

Σ(⊙▽⊙) "My Profound Qi increases a little. But how did I gain Lightning Martial Spirit?" [Yang Min You] shocks

(¬_¬) "Maybe when you were electrocuted last night?" [You You Min] says when looking at Mo Yan Yu.

Σ(〃°Δ°〃) "You Min Jie... It was an accident..." [Mo Yan Yu] bashful.

"I know. You were lost control last night. Now, let's see my stat. OPEN STAT!!!" [You You Min]

Name : You You Min

Race : Human

Gender : Female

Age : Unknown (± 2 years???)

Profound Qi : Elementary - First Sky - 923/923

Next Level : Elementary - Second Sky - /2,500

Martial Spirit :

- Sidekick Martial Spirit Lv 1

Battle Skill :

- Heal - Master (locked)

- Dispell - Master (locked)

- Iron Armor - Master (locked)

- Rejuvenate - Master (locked)

Status : Healthy

Owner's first wife

Second owner of this world

♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" [You You Min]

♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆ "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Congratulation, dear. Some of your God's Domain skills are back." [Yang Min You] hugs You You Min tightly.

" '????' " [Mo Yan Yu and Ruby]. There are a lot of things that they couldn't understand.

'OIII... Can you explain it? I don't understand.' [Ruby]

"Just like what you see. Now You Min has Profound Qi. She also gains Martial Spirit. But I don't understand what kind of martial spirit is Sidekick Martial Spirit. But she gains four battle skills. That are some of her battle skills before we came here." [Yang Min You]

"Why are they locked? Min You Ge's battle skills are not locked." [Mo Yan Yu]

"I think Min You Ge's battle skills are physical skill, they can be used immediately. My skills are using Mana in God's Domain, and there is no mana in here. So I must train my skills using Profound Qi first." [You You Min] explains.

'Ooo... I get it.' [Ruby]

"Yan Yu, open your stat now." [Yang Min You]

"Nn.. OPEN STAT!!!" [Mo Yan Yu]

Name : Mo Yan Yu

Race : Human

Gender : Female

Age : 21 years

Profound Qi : Nascent - First Sky - 11,858/11,858

Next Level : Nascent - Second Sky - /12,500

Martial Spirit :

- Lightning Martial Spirit Lv 2

Battle Skill :

- Verdant Crescent Slash Lv 3

Status : Healthy

Owner third wife.

Fourth owner of this world.

'Your Profound Qi increased a little. But, from what I see, your Profound Qi is more condensed now. In other words, the quality of your Profound Qi is increased. Can you feel it?' [Ruby]

(。'▽'。)♡ "Yes, I can feel that my Profound Qi is more heavy than before, but this feeling is also different from the increase of Profound Qi that I gained from cultivation. But more importantly, my Lightning Martial Spirit Lv is increase. I am happy." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Majority of my Mo family's martial spirit is Lightning Martial Spirit, but no one is understand how to strengthen it." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Life and Death situation. When you are in life and death situation, there is a chance you will overcome your limit. At that time, your Martial Spirit also become stronger.' [Ruby]

(°ロ°٥) ".... I understand... My Mo family almost never involved in life and death situation. If they were involved, usually they were dead..." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Okay... Let's end our meeting now. You Min, Yan Yu, let's go to yard. I will teach you my three basic skills. Yan Yu, you are free whether you want to teach these skills to your family or not. But I must reminder you first. If you teach my Xin Xing Da Fa to wrong people, there will be massacre." [Yang Min You]

(。'▽'。)♡ "Don't worry Min You Ge, I will not teach it to other people without your permission." [Mo Yan Yu] answers happily.

(°ロ°٥) "Yan Yu. Is there something abnormal with your stat? Why are you so happy like this? So much different with yesterday..." [You You Min]

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ "You Min Jie. It is really like what Ruby Jie's words. I am lucky, I can become your family. I never imagine it before that my Martial Spirit can become stronger. I will work hard to support my new family." [Mo Yan Yu]


In Yard

"My three basic skills are actually very simple. Once you grab the key point. You can master these three skills easily. The key points is sense. You must sense the flow of energy, oh in here is Profound Qi. Your first training is only trying to sense the flow of Profound Qi. Control your breathes and try to become one with your surrounding. From this ground, from this air, from your surrounding trees. Everything has Profound Qi, even not a living thing also has Profound Qi. Try it in here for one hour, after that let's go to outside world together." [Yang Min You] explains his training method.

"Yes. Ge." [You You Min and Mo Yan Yu] answers together.

"Oh, before I forget... Yan Yu, attack me once with your Verdant Crescent Slash. Use your full power." [Yang Min You]

"Now? Your shield? You don't use your shield?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"No. Attack me now. Also don't forget about how I move." [Yang Min You]

"Okay, I attack you from here, 10 yards from you. VERDANT CRESCENT SLASH!!!" [Mo Yan Yu]

Mo Yan Yu's right hand becomes to glow a green light. There is also a lightning crackle in those green light. She slashes her right hand with all of her might. And a green crackle crescent wave moves toward Yang Min You with a high speed.

Yang Min You hits the crescent wave with his left hand, before it comes contact with Yang Min You. "SAN XING DA FA!!!" A part of crescent energy is dissipated and spreaded become green light particles. Yang Min You continues to hit with his right hand. "Xin Xing Da Fa!!!" The crescent wave just like entering a hole, it is absorbed by Yang Min You's right hand. Yang Min You rotates his body once and hit the ground with his right foot. "Tu Xing Da Fa!!!" There is a weak round wave with Yang Min You as the center.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") ".....My full power Verdant Crescent Slash is actually stronger than before. I can feel it. But Min You Ge solved it that easily??? Min You Ge, are you allright? No injuries?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"No, no injuries. But do you understand about my three skills now?" [Yang Min You] asks.