Chapter 14 Qi Slash

'Hahahaha. I understand. I understand. Yang Min You, your Profound Qi's control is abnormal.' [Ruby]

'San Xing Da Fa, you used surrounding Profound Qi to gather at your hand and shooted it to weaken the slash.' [Ruby]

'Xin Xing Da Fa, you absorbed that slash Qi from your hand like a big hole. But I could see that energy was flowed from your right hand to your right foot. You used your own Qi to create a path for that slash Qi.' [Ruby]

'Tu Xing Da Fa, you throwed it using your right foot. In other word, your three skill are absolute control of Profound Qi.' [Ruby]

'You are invicible in your realm. Your weakness is absolute strength and absolute speed. Min You. Can you see the flow of Qi?' [Ruby]

Σ( ° △ °) "Just as expected from a master. Nope. I cann't see Profound Qi. But by increasing your sensing Qi proficiency, you can feel Qi just like your extended limb." [Yang Min You]

'I see. But why did You Min not shocked about Verdant Crescent Slash?' [Ruby]

( ̄へ ̄) "Because that skill is just modification from basic skill. Qi Slash. In God's Domain, a lot of people using that skill. Even me can use it if my control of Profound Qi is getting better. There are two possibilities about Yan Yu's master. A liar or a weakling if he said Yan Yu already mastered that skill." [You You Min]

Σ (゚Д゚;) "WHATTT!!! Are you serious, You Min Jie??" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Yan Yu, come here. Look at this. QI SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

From Yang Min You's side palm, Profound Qi gather. Then Yang Min You swings his hand, and a thin crescent blue qi is shooted out.

Σ( ° △ °) ".... That easy???" [Mo Yan Yu]

"This Qi Slash is using my Profound Qi. If your Profound Qi is weak, this skill is making you tired easily. And this skill is useless if you are fighting a battle expert. The best use of this skill is for sneak attack in close range. Next, let's go to outside world. You Min, Ruby, are you going with us?" [Yang Min You]

"No, I already knew what you want to say. I stay and training in here." [You You Min]

'...I'll go with you.' [Ruby]. (He can copy Yan Yu's skill easily despite his cultivation is lower than Yan Yu. And he said, that is only a modification from basic skill. Is he a battle genius? I want to see more...)



Outside World

In the same place as yesterday, everything are same, the only different are some cleaned gray clothes are thrown here. Two people and one ring suddenly appear.

"Yan Yu, look. Now I show you a lot of Qi Slash's modification. First is an ordinary Qi Slash using Profound Qi from our surrounding. QI SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

A Qi Slash is shooted out to the sky. But there are a big different. It is much thicker and stronger.

(⊙.⊙)".... It is stronger than my Verdant Crescent Slash..." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Next, QI SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

A very thin Qi Slash is shooted out. It is very thin almost transparant.

"This Qi Slash is very thin, as thin as hair thread. It is more sharp and more faster than ordinary Qi Slash. In other word, more lethal. But, since it is so thin, it is also very easy to block by stronger opponent. So, it is better for sneak attack." [Yang Min You]

(⊙.⊙)"..." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Next, it is for those who have better control. If you put an uneven Profound Qi, you can shoot a curving Qi Slash. Look, I make Profound Qi in left side thinner than right side. BANANA QI SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

An ordinary Qi Slash is shooted out, but half way, it begins to curve to left side.

(⊙.⊙)"..." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Banana? What is banana?' [Ruby]

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ "Sorry. My habit. Banana is a fruit, I'll buy it for you from my shop later." [Yang Min You]

'I cann't eat right now. Idiot' [Ruby]

"...Sorry, I forget. I'll show you the picture later. Next, it is ordinary Qi Slash but you put your element skill on it. In my case, LIGHTNING SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

A blue Qi Slash with lightning current is shooted out.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "No way... that is my Verdant Crescent Slash... only the colour is blue." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Impossible... Your Lightning Martial Spirit just awaken last night, and you already can use it like this...' [Ruby]

(っ´▽`)っ "Yes, my Lightning Martial Spirit just awaken. But about element, I already used to it in God's Domain. In God's Domain, there were some equipment that granted you element for temporary. Ruby, Yan Yu. Every element can be combine with Qi Slash." [Yang Min You]

"Last. You can concentrate Profound Qi in your finger and shoot it. Like this. CLAW SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You]

Four thin blue qi slashes are shooted out.

(°ロ°٥) "Even from fingers.... Master, are you really a weakling?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Do you understand Yan Yu? Then let's go back to New God's Domain and begin your training." [Yang Min You]

"Yes." [Mo Yan Yu]

'Wait!!! I want to try it before going back. I want to know if I can use this modification skill in True God Realm.' [Ruby]

"Okay, we'll wait you." [Yang Min You]


Several hundred yard from Yang Min You's place.

"Master Karu. It has been a day and Young Miss Mo hasn't come back. We will go to that place to search for Young Miss Mo. Do you want to come with us?" One of Mo family guard is asking to a black robe oldman.

"This oldman is only a guest of your family. If you want to suicide against a master like yesterday. Go ahead. I will going home." [Karu]

Suddenly, they can see several crescent slash in the sky.

"Leader, is there someone fighting near here?" [One of guard] asks.

"Maybe, I hope that master is not angry..." [Guard Leader]

Suddenly a heavy pressure come. Everyone, including master Karu become pale. Some guards and slaves even pissed on their pants. In the sky, there are several red crescent slashes.

"See. If you still want to go over there, go ahead. I don't want to die." [Karu]

"No, we will retreat even farther. Hurry up, pack your things and get out from here. Just let family elder save Young Miss Mo later." [Guard Leader]

Σ( ° △ °|||) "OH MY GOD!!! A burning crescent slash. That slash's size is too big...." [One of guard]

"Hurry up, that Master is angry. This place is in that master's range of attack." [Guard Leader]

Everyone run in their fastest pace for their life. But their slave are left behind, because they are not a cultivator. Only an ordinary civilian.