Chapter 16 Jade Blade Spider

Outside world.

A week later, inside Dark Forest.

( -_-||) "Min You Ge.... It has been a week, and we are still level 1. Upgrade world progress is only 50,000/250,000 right now. New God's Domain system is really a freak." [You You Min]

( -_-||) "If we don't need to upgrade world and house, I am sure, we are already level 5 or 6." [Yang Min You]

"Level 5... Do you mean Nascent Realm - Second Sky?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Yup. And I can not imagine, how hard is it in later level to level up..." [You You Min]

(╥﹏╥) "Yan Yu, I am glad you delayed your breakthrough." [You You Min]

"Don't mind, You Min Jie. Beside that, by repeating using Xi Xing Da Fa and Tu Xing Da Fa, I can feel that my Profound Qi become more pure, the circulation also more stronger. But, why don't you use Xi Xing Da Fa on me? Doesn't that mean I also help you?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"No way. If we use Xi Xing Da Fa directly on your body, your meridian will be injured, and your cultivation will be reduced." [Yang Min You]

"What if... I use Tu Xing Da Fa and you absorbed it with Xi Xing Da Fa? Is it possible?" [Mo Yan Yu]

Σ( ° △ °) ".... I never tried it before. Then let's experiment later. I feel something around us right now." [Yang Min You]

Σ( ° △ °) "What!!! Be careful, we are in Jade Blade Spider territory." [Mo Yan Yu] becomes vigilant and survey her surrounding.

"Jade Blade Spider? Is it strong?" [You You Min] asks.

"Jade Blade Spider is a level 2 beast. Level 2 beast is similar to Nascent Realm. But they are always move in group. There are 6 to 8 spiders in each group. Their average height are 1,5 metres and their body length including their stretching leg are 10 metres." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"... Yan Yu... What are their body colour?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"White like jade. Why?" [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

"Then... What kind of spider are they? Look!!! They are above trees over there. One of them is green jade colour. The rest of them are light green." [You You Min]

Σ( ° △ °|||) ".... Hurry, HURRY ESCAPE!!! I heard from someone before... The greener the jade blade spider, the stronger they are. We are doomed. That's must be queen of jade blade spider. Their queen is a level 4 beasts." [Mo Yan Yu] becomes hysteric.

Above the tree, there are one green jade blade spider and around a dozen light green jade blade spiders. That green jade blade spider is smaller than light green jade blade spider.

"KIIIIKKKKK!!!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] shouts.

Σ(O_O;) "!!!!!!" [Yang Min You, You You Min and Mo Yan Yu]

Suddenly a lot of white jade blade spiders are coming out. That green jade blade spider are calling them.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "D*mn!!!! You Min!!! Iron Armor!!! After that, retreat to New God's Domain. Yan Yu, you retreat too." [Yang Min You]

"Ok!!! IRON ARMOR!!! Don't die Ge!!! Come on, Yan Yu, we go back to New God's Domain!!" [You You Min]

After training about controlling Profound Qi for three days, You You Min began to train her skills. And now, she already can use some her previous skill using Profound Qi.

From You You Min's hand, Profound Qi is flowing out like a thread. This Profound Qi is capturing Profound Qi from the surrounding and tied it like a cloth, and covering Yang Min You's whole body, except head and his hands.

"Kiiikk!?!?" [Green Jade Blade Spider] looks startled when You You Min and Mo Yan Yu go back to New God's Domain.

This green spider is coming down and move slowly to in front of Yang Min You.

Yang Min You also begin his double shield fighting stance.

"... Kiikk!!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] looks confuses and giving order to two white jade blade spider to attack Yang Min You as if it wants to test something.

Two white spider's movement are very fast. One of them attacks from left side, one of them from right side.

Yang Min You moves to face spider from the left side. The spider rises its two front legs which were as sharp as blade. Then the spider stabs Yang Min You in the heart.

Yang Min You is rotating and deflecting spider's stab using his right shield. But using his control, the spider's leg is thrown to the head of another white spider, and it loses its balance.

The incoming spider is shock and try to dodge spider leg by jumping back. But the spider legs still injure its abdomen, bellow of its head.

"SAN XING DA FA!!!" [Yang Min You] uses his left hand to attack the losing balance spider in its head. And the white spider is immediately falling down and not moving. After that, Yang Min You jumps to the side. Unexpectedly, the green jade blade spider already stands where Yang Min You stood before.

"So fast!!!" [Yang Min You]

The green spider checks the condition of the white spider. The white spider just faint, because the flow of Profound Qi in its head is in chaos.

"??? Kik?? Kiiikkk!!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] at first looks angry, but when it saw the white spider only fainted, it looked relief. It immediately gives an order, and all of the white spider is retreating.

"Kiik..." [Green Jade Blade Spider] comes to Yang Min You slowly while raising one of its front leg.

"??? What??? Are you trying to talk to me???" [Yang Min You] asks while using his finger to point to himself.

"Kiikk..." [Green Jade Blade Spider] lowers its raising leg. And all of its leg are bent down and it is sitting down.

"Huh??? Ruby!!! Ruby!!! Can you hear me? Could you come out with You Min and Yan Yu?" [Yang Min You] talks to his right hand after he couldn't sense any killing intent from the green spider.

Two people and One ring come out of nowhere. The dozen of light green jade blade spider jump and surround the sitting green spider.

"Kiiikkk..." [Green Jade Blade Spider] gives order, and all of light green jade blade spider is retreating to behind it.

"Ruby. Can you communicate with spider? It seems want to talk something." [Yang Min You] asks Ruby.

'Hmmm??? Level 4 spider? And it looks already have intelligence. A genius spider?' [Ruby] while floating to the front of green spider.

From Ruby's ring body, three people can sense some Profound Qi are flowing to the green spider head.

'... Min You. She senses that you are abnormal. And her instinct told her that you will be benefitting her and her races. She asks 'Will you give her one drop of your blood? Just one drop to test something.' ' [Ruby]

"One drop of my blood??? For what???" [Yang Min You] puzzled.

"Her??? Is it really a queen not a king?" [You You Min] asks Ruby.

'Yes, it is a queen.' [Ruby]

(*'▽'*)♪ "Just give her a drop Min You Ge. Maybe with your Immortal Martial Spirit, you will get a spider wife." [You You Min] says with mischievous smile.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "WHAT!!!! You Min, stop raising a strange flag like that!!!" [Yang Min You] shocks.

'Just give your blood to her. We will know what she want.' [Ruby]