Chapter 17 Ruby's Scheme

Outside world. Dark Forest. Green Jade Blade Spider POV

Four days ago. There were some humans who passed our territory. They looked aggressive and they moved in fast pace. They met a group of our little kids, the White Jade Blade Spiders and massacred them.

"KIIKKK!!! KIIIKKK!!!" (D*mn!!! Humans tresspassed our territory again and massacred our kids again. Light Green Jade Blade Spiders, kill all humans who retaliate. But capture the weak ones.) [Green Jade Blade Spider].

Green Jade Blade Spider blocked humans escape path using her web. Then, she observed the battle between humans and spiders.

(That oldman is dangerous... He is a poison user. Hmm? His poison is from that bag?) [Green Jade Blade Spider].

Green Jade Blade Spider jumped and slash her sharp front left leg to oldman's shoulder. The oldman was shocked and jumped to the other weak humans, to throw them toward Green Jade Blade Spider.

But Green Jade Blade Spider movement was too fast. The oldman's right arm was cut, together with his bag strap.

That oldman screamed. He jumped and kicked nearby weak human toward Green Jade Blade Spider, and run away together with some stronger humans.

The battle was finished faster than expected. We captured two humans. Well, the Green Jade Blade Spider kept them and picked the fallen bag to study its content.

In Dark Forest, there are two Green Jade Blade Spider. One is the queen of spider. The other one is queen's sister, but also queen's protector. This protector has more intelligent than her queen. She is also stronger than the queen.

But, she is depressed. Her realm has been stagnant for a dozen years. She has been wanted to travel around with hope to breakthrough her bottleneck cultivation. But she also worries about her family. Her family is far weaker if compared with other beasts.

Today, there are three human walking in our teritorry again. But, they are walking leisurely while chatting with each other.

"!!!" (Huh??? How did they gather Qi when walking like that? It is different from gathering Qi for battle.) [Green Jade Blade Spider]

"..." (Their cultivation are weaker than me. Huh!?!? That man perceives my location? How? There are Light Green Jade Blade Spiders in my surrounding for ambush. But he focus on me?) [Green Jade Blade Spider]

"Kiiikk!!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] calls the White Jade Blade Spiders to surround the three humans.

"!!!!!" (Huh?!?!? Where are the other two? How did they suddenly disappear? I cann't sense them. That man... Why did he use two shield? No weapon? Maybe he is not dangerous for us...) [Green Jade Blade Spider]

"Kiiikkk!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] jumps down from the tree, and she command two White Jade Blade Spiders to attack together in pincer attack.

"Kiiikkk!!!" (Don't kill him, I just want to test him.) [Green Jade Blade Spider].


"!!!!" (What?? He just deflected the stab to another white spider using shield like that? NOOO!!!!) [Green Jade Blade Spider] shocks when she sees the man hit the White Jade Blade Spider head. She jumps to the man immediately.

But that man already jump to the side while raising his shield toward Green Jade Blade Spider.

(What a fast reaction... Hmm? He didn't kill my little white? But he hit its head just now??? Huh??? It is fainted because of Qi disorder in its head. Wait a minute... When he hit before, I can sense the Qi is forced out from little white head. Is he a master in controlling Qi?) [Green Jade Blade Spider] is checking the fainted White Jade Blade Spider then she looks at the man.

She raises her left leg slowly as if to talk in sign language. And she sit down in front of the man. It seems this man understand her intention.

Suddenly two women and one floating ring appear out of nowhere. Green Jade Blade Spider shocks, but she still sit down. She can sense pressure from the ring. The Light Green Jade Blade Spiders jump and surround the Green Jade Blade Spider as if to protect her.

"Kiikkk!!!" (Retreat!!!) [Green Jade Blade Spider] commands the Light Green Jade Blade Spiders to retreat.

The ring comes to her. She can feel Qi connection that comes from the ring.

'Hey!!! Can you understand me?' [Ring]

'I understand, senior.' [Green Jade Blade Spider]

'Hahahaha, that's good. My name is Ruby. For a level 4 beast, you already gained intelligent. Are all of beasts like you nowadays?' [Ruby]

'I don't know, senior. My sister, Green Jade Blade Spider Queen also a level 4 beasts but, she didn't have high intelligent like me. She was only focus on breeding and less attention about cultivation.' [Green Jade Blade Spider]

Green Jade Blade Spider tells her story and her grievance to Ruby.

'... What's your name? Male or female spider?' [Ruby]

'I don't have a name. I am a female spider, senior.' [Green Jade Blade Spider]

'I have a way to increase your chance to reach higher level, do you want it?' [Ruby]

'Really!!!! I want it, senior. But... what price must I pay?...' [Green Jade Blade Spider] looks happy, but immediately become dejected.

'When you reaches higher level, you will be able to change into human form. At that time, you must become my husband's wife.' [Ruby]

'.... WHAATT!!! Your husband's wife???? Senior.... mercy please.... I don't want to die under your wrath...' [Green Jade Blade Spider] trembles.

'Hey!!! Look at those two woman, they are also my husband's wives.' [Ruby]

'.... Is it safe? You will not bully me, senior?' [Green Jade Blade Spider]

'Nope. You also don't need to worry about your family. You can meet us at night, and stay here at noon. If you want to travel with us, also possible.' [Ruby]

'...Then, I'll try it senior.' [Green Jade Blade Spider]

'Good.' [Ruby]

Ruby talks to the other human. Green Jade Blade Spider doesn't understand their language.

'Kiikkk!' (Tell Queen to come here!) [Green Jade Blade Spider] gives her command to one of Light Green Jade Blade Spider.

After a moment, the male human comes to me, he bites his finger, and using his control of Profound Qi, one drop of his blood float to Green Jade Blade Spider's mouth.

'Drink it!' [Ruby] talks to Green Jade Blade Spider.

Green Jade Blade Spider drinks it. After a moment, she shocks.

'!!!' (This??? My Profound Qi becomes a little pure? Although a little, I can sense that I become stronger.) [Green Jade Blade Spider].

'How? Are you interested now?' [Ruby].

'Yes, senior. I follow your arrangement.' [Green Jade Blade Spider].

'Good. Your sister is coming. Now, tell your situation to your sister, then comes and touch me. We will go to our home.' [Ruby].

'Yes, senior.' [Green Jade Blade Spider]