Chapter 18 Xiao Qing

Outside world, Dark Forest.

Yang Min You bites his finger and by using his control of Profound Qi, he send a drop of blood to Green Jade Blade Spider.

After drink Yang Min You's blood, Green Jade Blade Spider trembles heavily and her eyes are glittering.

Everyone shock.

(⊙.⊙)"Is my blood that tasty???" [Yang Min You] looks at his finger which has been healed because of Immortal Martial Spirit.

"... Min You Ge, give us four drops of your blood. Each people one drop." [You You Min] says with curiosity.

"Okay. I also want to know." [Yang Min You]. Then he bites again his finger and control four drops of blood to each person.

( -_-||) "... No different with the taste of blood vomit... Don't feel anything too..." [Yang Min You]

( -_-||) "... Just taste of blood. No different with ordinary blood.... Oh... I can feel a little energy but..." [Mo Yan Yu] hesitates.

"But the energy is not as good as from your sp*rm." [You You Min] answers bluntly.

(╥﹏╥) "Have a little shame, please..." [Yang Min You] wants to cry because of shame.

Suddenly pressure is increasing. All the spider shock and tremble in fear. Including the new coming Green Jade Blade Spider.

"Ruby?" [Yang Min You]

'.... Wait a minute!!! I want to check something in our home.' [Ruby]

Ruby disappeares for a moment and immediately shows up again.

'Min You!!! From now on, don't let your blood touch this ring. Just one drop is causing my seal strengthen by 3 points.' [Ruby]

"??? Ruby. How did you calculate your seal using points?" [Yang Min You] puzzles.

'Everynight, after doing that, I always check my status. There is new stat about my seal. I'll show you tonight, before our ritual.' [Ruby]

"...Ok. Then, since everyone become friends, shall we continue our journey?" [Yang Min You] asks.

'Wait a minute. My business with Green Jade Blade Spider hasn't finished.' [Ruby]

After that, Ruby touches Green Jade Blade Spider and return to New God's Domain.

〣( ºΔº )〣 "... No way...." [Yang Min You]

Ó( ° △ °|||) "... It seems, Ruby serious about my joke." [You You Min]

(|||゚д゚) "That Green Jade Blade Spider will become our family..." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Then You Min Jie, while waiting shall we heal their injuries?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Yup. HEY!!! You!!! Come here!!!" [You You Min] shouts and waves her hand at the injured White Jade Blade Spider.

The injured White Jade Blade Spider confuses, but with Queen's permission (maybe), it comes to You You Min.

"HEAL!!!" [You You Min] stimulated regeneration cells by using her Profound Qi.

The open wound was healed at fast rate. Green and some Light Green Jade Blade Spiders shock and scream. Immediately some Light Green Jade Blade Spiders disappear.

Σ( ° △ °) "Min You Ge!!!" [You You Min] jumps in fright.

"Don't worry, there are no killing intent from them." [Yang Min You] reassures You You Min.

After a while, Light Green Jade Blade Spiders come back. Each of them carry some big bundle. They slice open the bundle, and inside each bundles was an injured spider. And they are shoved to You You Min for her healing Qi.

"You Min, Yan Yu. Just heal them, it will increase your skill proficiency too." [Yang Min You]

"Ok." [You You Min and Mo Yan Yu]

Some slash and stab's wound were healed easily by You You Min and Mo Yan Yu. Some broken legs, Mo Yan Yu was tutored by You You Min. From relocated the bones using Profound Qi and healed it later.

But some cut apart legs were hard to heal. Some dead cells needed to be cut again before rejoined again. Yang Min You helped in maintain and lock the cut position, and You You Min focused on regrow the bone. After the bone connected, Mo Yan Yu began to heal the rest of wound.

After finished treating all injured spider, Ruby and first Green Jade Blade Spider haven't come back.

"I'll go back for a mo.... Ruby Jie, why did you took so much time?" [You You Min] is planning to go back, but cancels it when she sees Ruby and first Green Jade Blade Spider are coming back.

'Oh, our matter is finished. You can continue your journey. I will go home.' [Ruby]

"Kiikk!!!" [Green Jade Blade Spider] says something then disappears.

'Oh, Xiao Qing asks you to wait for a moment.' [Ruby]

"Xiao Qing?" [Yang Min You]

'Yup, your fourth wife.' [Ruby]

(*'▽'*)♪ "HAHAHAHA..." [You You Min and Mo Yan Yu] laugh uncontrolable.

Ó( ° △ °|||) "Oi..." [Yang Min You] speechless.

Xiao Qing shows up, and gives a ripped bag.

"Kiikk...Kiikk..." [Xiao Qing]

'Xiao Qing said, three days ago she captures two humans, but already dead since they were too weak and sick. This bag is for you. It is taken from sinister oldman. He is a poison user.' [Ruby]

"Let me see it." [Mo Yan Yu] accepts the bag, and looks inside the bag.

"These poison bottles... It is really Master Karu's bag." [Mo Yan Yu] says with disdain face.

"What's wrong? Is he from your family?" [You You Min] asks.

( -_-#) "Nope. He is my patriach.... My grandpa's guest. I don't know why my grandpa invites such wicked oldman. Master Karu is a level 5 Mortality alchemist. But he prefer studies poison. He has a lot of medicinal slave, but only for testing his poison lethality. His cultivation only Nascent Realm - Second Sky. What I hate the most is his lecherous gaze. He is really a wicked oldman. I hate him." [Mo Yan Yu] explains with anger.

"Alchemist? There is alchemist in here too?" [Yang Min You] looks happy.

"Yup. In here, Grace Mainland, alchemist is separated into 5 class, mortality, mystery, soul, royalty, divinity. Each class is separated into 7 levels." [Mo Yan Yu].

"Grace Mainland? Is it this world name or this island name?" [You You Min] asks.

"This world name, You Min Jie." [Mo Yan Yu]

"I see." [You You Min]

"Yan Yu, give me the bag. I want to check it." [Yang Min You]

"Ok." [Mo Yan Yu] gives the bag to Yang Min You.

"Hmm... Several bottles with weird colour liquid, these must be poison. Book of poison. Dark Light Shield martial skill book? Let's see... Hmm... Weak. Iron Armor is far better than this. Black Formula martial skill book? Let's see... Skill for gathering Yin Qi? Interesting... I'll read it later, maybe I can modified it into gathering Yang Qi. Next... There is no medicinal book? What is this paper? Incomplete map?... Yan Yu. Do you know about this map?" [Yang Min You]

"Map? .... Sorry, Min You Ge... I never saw a map like this." [Mo Yan Yu]

"... Well, Ruby, can you take this bag back to New God's Domain?" [Yang Min You] talks to Ruby.

'Ok. Xiao Qing will accompany you until their teritorry border. But, she will come back to New God's Domain everyday. Oh, I will tell you something tonight. Bye.' [Ruby] then disappear to New God's Domain.

"Yup. Come on, everyone. Let's continue our journey. And goodbye spider friends, let's meet again later." [Yang Min You]

Xiao Qing moves along with Yang Min You and his wives. She talks by using Profound Qi just like when she talks with Ruby.

Three peoples and one spider are walking and chatting together. Xiao Qing shows her shield tattoo marks in her front left leg, that means she is really become Yang Min You's fourth wife.

Yang Min You decides to teach Xiao Qing his three favourite skills. And Xiao Qing accepts it gladly.

'Xiao Qing, with these three skills, I hope you can become more stronger to protect your family. But don't teach these skills to other, okay?' [Yang Min You]

'Why?' [Xiao Qing]

'Because these skills are only for me and my wives. You can buy other skills in New God's Domain. After you master it, you can teach to your family.' [Yang Min You]

'Ok. I want to ask, shall I halt my cultivation and wait for you, Min You?' [Xiao Qing]

'No, you can breakthrough anytime you want. You are my wife but also protector of your spider family. Grow up stronger together. And if possible, later you can create alliance between our large family.' [Yang Min You]

'Ok. I will follow your arrangement.' [Xiao Qing]

'You are welcome.' [Yang Min You]

'You can learn healing technique from me too, Xiao Qing.' [You You Min]

'Oke, thank you You Min Jie. Oh, I stop in here, see you later in New God's Domain.' [Xiao Qing]

'Ok. Bye.' [Yang Min You, You You Min and Mo Yan Yu]