Chapter 24 Cat Type Beast?

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Mo Chao Ge follows Johnson to the nearby bush where Master Karu rests and recuperates from his injury. When Mo Chao Ge sees Master Karu, his eyes shows cold glint.

Master Karu realizes that some new people are coming. His eyes blurred because of excessive bleeding, high fever, and infection in his amputated right arm. He couldn't treat himself because he lost his bag when he dodged from Green Jade Blade Spider's attack. His medicines were in that bag.

Karu studied poison and neglected healing medicines so he couldn't concoct healing pill. Even if he studied healing pill, with only one arm and low cultivation also impossible to concoct pills. He also didn't study about healing skill. He is dying now.

"Save me!!! I'll pay your loss in these journey." [Master Karu] yells toward Mo Chao Ge.

( ◣_◢#) "Master Karu. Master Karu. What kind of master are you, old man? Your cultivation only Nascent Realm. Your alchemy only Mortality Alchemist Level 5. Weakling like you dared to be arrogant by bringing a group of medicinal slaves in dangerous journey? GREAT!!! GREAT!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] answers Master Karu with full resentment.

"My niece, Mo Yan Yu had disappeared. Her team almost annihilated. Now, tell me, old man. How do you plan to pay to my Mo family's loss." [Mo Chao Ge]

"Miss Mo's disapperarance was not my fault. Her team's loss was my fault. Heal me. We will recover my bag from those shitty spider. I'll give you my incomplete map of Gate of Heaven. I heard there is Sacred Level of Martial Skill in there." [Master Karu] desperately answers.

"You still want to suicide, old man. Green Jade Blade Spider is a level 4 beast. Do you think we can win against it? Jade Blade Spiders always move in group. Your medicinal slaves provoked them. And YOU want to provoke them again???" [Mo Chao Ge] becomes more angry. His aura erupts from his body.

Master Karu trembles in fear. He regrets playing high profile by carrying a lot of medicinal slaves. He underestimated beast in Dark Forest.

"JOHNSON!!! Give this to him. Don't let him die. Just let Patriarch to decide his punishment." [Mo Chao Ge] throws a bottle with several medicinal pills.


Σ( ° △ °) Eveyone shock by a loud roar.

"Third Master..." [Johnson] face becomes pale again.

'... These roar belongs to cat type beast... So loud but I couldn't sense its power. Is it so far? But in that direction, there is none cat type beast territory. I couldn't sense any Profound Qi from here.' [Mo Chao Ge] wonders.

"Johnson, you stay here and protect our team. Five of you who are healthy will be go with me." [Mo Chao Ge]

"Yes. Third Master."


Dark Forest, after a day.

Mo Chao Ge six people meet up Luo Hao five people. And they shows vigilant toward each other.

"Greeting Warriors, I am Mo Chao Ge from Merchant Union. Who are you people?" [Mo Chao Ge] gives a fist palm salute.

"I am Zhao Xin, mercenary from Fire Empire." [Luo Hao] answers. Luo Hao decides to introduce himself as Zhao Xin to avoid unnecessary problem.

"Then, to the point, did you know something about the cat type beast that roaring yesterday? How strong is it?" [Mo Chao Ge]

"Cat type beast? That's... Sorry, I don't know. But there are two things you must know if you want to pursue that beast. First, what it shows is level 4 beast realm. I believe it is not its real power. Second, maybe it has space ability." [Luo Hao]

"WHAT!!! Space ability? How did such dangerous creature suddenly show up in Dark Forest... Did you see it yesterday?" [Mo Chao Ge] shocks.

"I sensed it from around 1 km from that place. I didn't dare to come near it. And that beast suddenly showed up in my sense with its level 4 power." [Luo Hao]

"... Then, I must detour from that place. From here to your position yesterday, how far is it?" [Mo Chao Ge]

"About 40 kms." [Luo Hao]

"Thanks. I, Mo Chao Ge will not forget this debt. I must go now." [Mo Chao Ge] gives a fist salute.

"Goodbye." [Luo Hao] replies and continues their journey.

But before long, they are stopped by Mo Chao Ge again.

"WAIT A MINUTE, BROTHER ZHAO XIN!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] shouts.

"Yes?" [Luo Hao]

"Did you see a girl with white cloth?" [Mo Chao Ge]

Luo Hao five people increase their guard without showing their expressions.

"Her name is Mo Yan Yu, my niece. She was kidnapped from her team in this Dark Forest two weeks ago." [Mo Chao Ge] asks.

"Mo Yan Yu?" [Luo Hao] five people look at each other. In their mind are showing three people appearances.

"What realm is she?" [Di Ya Lan] asks.

"Oh, you know her. Her realm is Nascent Realm." [Mo Chao Ge] looks delighted. Mo Yan Yu is his older brother only child. But in front of Mo's patriarch, her grandfather, only a chess piece for strengthening clan. A pitiful child.

"This...???" [Di Ya Lan] confused.

"I think we met Mo Yan Yu yesterday but I am not sure that she is not your niece." [Luo Hao]

"Yesterday? Not my niece?" [Mo Chao Ge] shocks.

"Why do you say that?" [Mo Chao Ge] puzzles.

"There are some reasons. First, I never saw her fashion mode before. Second, she already had a husband and we don't know if she was a second or third wives. Third, I don't think she was Nascent Realm Warrior. Her speed was Disaster Realm's speed. " [Luo Hao] explains.

"What??? Married??? Disaster Realm's speed?? Impossible. She was not that fast before." [Mo Chao Ge] shocks. He feels like being hit by a thunder.

"Three people. One young man, two girls. But that young man and another girl didn't show any cultivation realm and they could show up in front of us with neither of us realized them." [Luo Hao]

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Hissss. Old monster." [Mo Chao Ge] shocks.

"We are in leisure journey to Merchant Union." [Di Ya Lan]

"What?" [Mo Chao Ge]

"That young man said it." [Luo Hao]

Mo Chao Ge is thinking for a moment.

"... Are they aggresive people? If not, then I will try to meet them." [Mo Chao Ge] shows a wry smile.

"Go on. We already die if they are aggresive people." [Luo Hao] answers with smile.

"Which direction?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks.

"Over there. The same direction with that roar." [Luo Hao] points a direction with his finger.

"Thanks, Brother Zhao Xin. I'll go now." [Mo Chao Ge] once again fist palm salute and goes away with his team.

Luo Hao five people also continue their journey. But Luo Hao has been thinking hard after this meeting.

"Uncle Luo. Such scary face. What are you thinking about?" [Mu Yu Die] asks.

"Die. About your hatred, must you avenge it as fast as possible? Can you forget about your revenge?" [Luo Hao] asks.

( -_-#) "Uncle!!! My families was genocided. This hatred must be avenged as soon as possible. Bei Ming Family had agreed to shelter and help us with our revenge." [Mu Yu Die] angries.

"Actually I cann't trust Bei Ming Patriarch. I and your grandfather investigated him several years ago. He is a hypocrite. Bei Ming family is a blacksmith family. In the surface, he is a kind person who willing to help other blacksmith. But he destroyed a lot of blacksmith's family in Fire Empire by destroying their channel supply, and some of them being genocide. I am afraid he will sell you later to Dark World for cultivation resources." [Luo Hao] explains.

Σ(っ°Д ° )っ "W-w-what?!?!" [another four people] surprise.

"But when I saw you so desperate to revenge, I couldn't say anything to you." [Luo Hao]

"Then why do you suddenly tell us about Bei Ming Family, Boss Luo? What changes your mind Boss?" [Di Ya Lan]

"After meeting with Mo Chao Ge, I have been thinking about our situation. If that Mo Yan Yu is really Mo Chao Ge's niece. I also want to entrust Die to Yang Min You." [Luo Hao]

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "W-w-what?!?! Why? Why Uncle? Why do you want to send me to that playboy?" [Mu Yu Die] shocks.