Chapter 25 We Are Sorry

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Luo Hao observes Mu Yu Die and the other three expression.

"...Hhh... Die... No, Die Er, General, your grandfather's last will to me before his last battle was to treat you as my daughter. Not for revenge. As General of an Empire, he knew that he had too many enemies. He knew that his big family would be genocided by his enemies if he die. General just want, at least one of his direct bloodline survived. In other words, he didn't want his Mu family ceased to exist." [Luo Hao] sighs.

"... And I want to follow your grandfather's last will. My intuition tells me that you will be safe with him. If Mo Yan Yu is really Mo Chao Ge's niece, two weeks. Her speed from normal Nascent Realm's speed to more like Disaster Realm's speed in two weeks. How incredible is that." [Luo Hao] explains his feeling.

"Hisss..." [Zhao Xin] and other mercenaries in deep sigh.

"I wonder if he accepts brotherhood, and kindly teach me how to cultivate faster." [Hu Long] says with envy.

Mu Yu Die keeps silent and looks dejected.

Luo Hao sighs.

"Die Er... Remember this. If I die in Dark World assassin's hand. Give up revenge and stay away from Bei Ming's family. Now, let's go. We continue to Merchant Union." [Luo Hao] says with crestfallen face.

Luo Hao five people depart. Di Ya Lan walks closely to Mu Yu Die. She looks at her expression and sighs.

"Die. Become smart and stop approaching death like that." [Die Ya Lan] whispers.

"If you don't try, how do you know my revenge will fail." [Mu Yu Die] answers stubbornly.

"Simple. Because you don't have strength and power. You just want to borrow other's strength." [Zhao Xin] answers.

"And as far as I know, revenge always fail if you only borrow other's power furthermore from not blood related partner. The most dangerous thing is betrayal from your partners." [Hu Long] adds.

"Think again slowly, Die Er. We have time until we arrive at Merchant Union. Around one month. Don't regret because of wrong decision later." [Luo Hao] answers.

"Oh, one more thing, I will cut relationship with you when you enter Bei Ming family. Since General and me were in bad relationship with Bei Ming family." [Luo Hao] says with cold eyes.

Σ(O_O) "!!!!" [Mu Yu Die] shocks and keeps silent.


Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Three days have past since Yang Min You three people fight against eight Dark World assassins.

(°_°٥) "... These enemies... How did they cultivate themselves? So much impurity. Each person only have around 30% pure Profound Qi." [Yang Min You] says when he finishes extracting Vice Leader's Profound Qi.

Only the leader's Profound Qi has not been absorbed. Yang Min You and Xiao Qing had breakthrough to the next sub realm. House in New God's Domain also gathered enough Profound Qi, only 100 point left for the next upgrade. But New God's Domain world upgrade hasn't even reach 1%.

'Maybe, they cultivated a lot of elemental Qi, in these case Yin Element.' [Ruby] answers.

"These three days I shot too much Dark Qi Ball from their impure Qi. Will it destroy Qi element in these area?" [Yang Min You] asks to Ruby.

'Nope. They are too weak, so their impure Qi will not change this place nature element. But my impure Qi will destroy this place, I only discard little by little everyday.' [Ruby]

"Then Ruby Jie, your Profound Qi also will become Light Blue Colour like us?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

'Yes.' [Ruby]

"Allright, I have enough rest, I will begin to extract leader's Qi." [Yang Min You]

"Wait... There... are... six... people... coming... here..." [Xiao Qing] says.

After breakthough to Level 5 - Rank 1, Xiao Qing's body becomes more smaller. And her size is as big as pony. And she can talk little by little. Since she is a mutated Jade Blade Spider, maybe she will gain human form in Level 6.

"Then, let's wait them first." [You You Min] says.

After a while, Mo Chao Ge and his five guard come.

( -_-||) "Greeting Senior." [Mo Chao Ge] becauce of under Xiao Qing's pressure, immediately give greeting to Yang Min You's group without looking around with clear eyes when he saw Yang Min You's group sillhouette. In his heart, 'Damn, that Zhao Xin said there is level 4 beast, but it is clearly a level 6 beast pressure. I hope his other judgement not wrong, not aggresive people. I don't want to die.'

Σ( ° △ °) "Huh!?!? Uncle? Why are you here?" [Mo Yan Yu] shocks when she saw a humble Mo Chao Ge. She never saw Mo Chao Ge show his respect like this to other people except her grandfather.

"Uncle?" [Mo Chao Ge] and his guard then lift their head and shock when they saw Mo Yan Yu.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "Mo-Mo-Mo Yan Yu!!!! Zhao Xin didn't lie, it is really you!!! But???" [Mo Chao Ge] shocks and puzzles. He looks at Mo Yan Yu up and down several times.

Ó( ° △ °|||) "Are you really our Mo Yan Yu? You had been missing for two weeks and now you already have this strength. Human Realm in two weeks? Breakthrough two small realm in two weeks?" [Mo Chao Ge] has another shocks.

ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑) "Hahahaha, am I that strong, Uncle?" [Mo Yan Yu] laughs while waving her hand. "Nope, I haven't breakthrough. I am still Nascent Realm Second Sky."

Σ( ° △ °) "What?!?! Same realm? Why do I feel that you are stronger than before?" [Mo Chao Ge] once again shocks.

"Quality over Quantity. My husband taught me." [Mo Yan Yu] answers while pointing to Yang Min You.

"Quality over Quantity? Focus on Quality in Nascent Realm already like this, how about in my realm... Eh??? Husband?" [Mo Chao Ge] looks at Yang Min You.


Yang Min You and You You Min look at each other. Both of them feel that finally they will be know about Yang Min You's original body owner.

(^_^) "Ah!!! You know me, Uncle? Then tell me, who am I? I forgot about myself." [Yang Min You] answers with smile.

( -_-#) "Yan Yu, how could you accept to become surname Shi's wife and you still look so happy??? How do you explain to Patriarch!!! How about Ling Shao Feng and Ling family!!! Don't you know that Patriarch will kill you if you destroy his plan!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] angries while pointing his finger at Mo Yan Yu.

"Third Master!!! Stop it!!! Remember...." [One of Mo Chao Ge's guard] is trying to stop Mo Chao Ge, but...


Suddenly heavy pressure appear. Mo Chao Ge and his five guards tremble and become cold sweat.

'Crap...I forgot there is a monster that kidnapped Yan Yu.' [Mo Chao Ge] laments in his heart.

"Stop degrading my husband, will you?" [You You Min] shows an creepy smile while Ruby shows a Spirit God Realm aura.

Mo Chao Ge shocks. He cann't measure how strong this aura compare to his father full power. But he knows for sure, that this pressure is far stronger than his father.

"... Jie... wrong... not... me... ours..." [Xiao Qing] complains.

"... What!!!! A talking beast???" [Mo Chao Ge] is scared and almost faint. He heard that a talking beast is a level 7 beast.

Two of his guard already fainted with foaming mouth. And the other three was peeing their pants in fear.

Immediately Mo Chao Ge and the other three guards immediately kneel down, kowtow toward Yang Min You and say...

"We are sorry..."