Chapter 26 Sunset, Let's Play

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

"Get up! You better show respect when talking!" [You You Min] says angrily.

Mo Yan Yu just smiles when she watchs Mo Chao Ge kowtowed to Yang Min You.

"Uncle... Do you still need my explanation?" [Mo Yan Yu] teases Mo Chao Ge.

"No. No. No. Uncle already understand. Everyone are families. Let's talk. Um what about that eight fainted people? One Disaster Realm and seven Elementary Realm?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks while standing up.

"Who are those five people?" [Yang Min You] asks about five people behind Mo Chao Ge.

"They are my people." [Mo Chao Ge] answers but his eyes twitched a little. As a third master from a big family, he is not used being ignored.

"You five. Retreat 200m from here. Now!!!" [You You Min] commands Mo Chao Ge's people.

Mo Chao Ge immediately gives his consent by slight nodded to his people.

"Yes, Madam." [Five people] and go back to their coming direction.

"Well... Sit down, Uncle Mo. We can talk now." [Yang Min You] says while walking to assassin leader body.

"Then, from my last question, who are these eight people?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks while sitting down on nearby tree root.

"They are assassin but from where, we don't know. Judging from their words, maybe from Fire Empire. They want to kill Min You Ge, rape both of us then selling us to some aristocrat in Fire Empire." [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

"Fire Empire? Assassin? Their clothes motif? NO WAY!!! DARK WORLD!?!? Yan Yu, you are creating big problem... Dark World is the biggest assassin organization from Fire Empire. And Min You Ge? Who is that? And what is Shi Yan doing over there?" [Mo Chao Ge] a little panic when looked at 7 unconcious people then looks at Yang Min You.

"Yan Yu, kick these. You Min, take these." [Yang Min You] interrupts Mo Chao Ge, and throwing Dark Qi Ball to Mo Yan Yu, and Pure Qi Ball to You You Min. Then he continue to extract leader's Profound Qi.

"Okay." [Mo Yan Yu] answers while kick the Dark Qi Ball to the sky, then sits down to continue her chatting with Mo Chao Ge.

"Okay." [You You Min] answers and grabs the Pure Qi Ball, then immediately get back to New God's Domain.

"W-w-what!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] stands up in shock when he saw You You Min disappeared instantly. He couldn't sense You You Min's presence at all.

"Second Uncle. Sit down. I explain it to you." [Mo Yan Yu] asking Mo Chao Ge to sit down again while smiling.

"Yes...yes..." [Mo Chao Ge] sits down slowly with blank face.

"Min You Ge has two names. Shi Yan and Yang Min You. We prefer Yang Min You to call him." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"About another girl, her name is You You Min, and that spider is Xiao Qing. We build another space, and we call it, New God's Domain. But you can not enter it, Second Uncle." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"Maybe in the future, you can." [Yang Min You] adds.

"Another space... " [Mo Chao Ge] dumbfounds.

"You can call it a small world too." [Mo Yan Yu]

"Then... You three people are the owner of that space?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks with glittering eyes.

"Yes and no." [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

"Yes and no? What do you mean?" [Mo Chao Ge] puzzles.

"The owner of New God's Domain are Yang Min You and all of his wives. That's including Xiao Qing." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"Me... too..." [Xiao Qing] nods her head.

"..." [Mo Chao Ge] speechless.

"And you must remember this, Second Uncle. Our space is not Mo Family Space. I hope Second Uncle can understand this and in the future, Second Uncle can stop Grandpa's greed from targeting our space." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"What!?!?" [Mo Chao Ge] shocks.

"What Yan Yu means is you must control your family's greed. Don't provoke you shouldn't provoke. The consequence is your family destruction." [You You Min] says.

Σ( ° △ °) "I understand... Huh!?! When did you come back, Miss You Min?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks with cold sweat.

"... A while." [You You Min] answers.

"Yan Yu, You Min take these again." [Yang Min You] interrupts again and throwing one Dark Ball Qi and one Pure Ball Qi. Maybe because of used to extract Qi, Yang Min You's speed increase a lot.

"Okay." [Mo Yan Yu and You You Min] repeat the same action.

"... What have you been doing, Yan Yu? What is that Ball of Qi?" [Mo Chao Ge] asks.

"What realm could you sense from that people, Second Uncle?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks without answering Mo Chao Ge's answer.

"What realm? He is Disaster rea... Eh!?!? Human Realm? What is going on?" [Mo Chao Ge] shocks.

"Those eight assassin are six Nascent realm, one Human realm and one Disaster realm. Since they had bad intention toward us, we defeated them, and extracted their cultivation and made their Qi meridian shrinking. We left them at Elementary Realm - First Sky. They can recultivate in the future. But it will be harder to breakthrough." [Yang Min You] explains.

"In other word, their cultivation are our food." [Mo Yan Yu] adds.

"Tell us, why did Mo Family and Shi Family become enemy?" [Yang Min You] asks while extracting Profound Qi.

"...At beginning, our conflict was about dispute over mining right in south mountain from Merchant Union. At first, we only word war, but my fifth brother became victim and died. After that, everything were escalated became relentless vendetta between two familiess." [Mo Chao Ge] explains and sighs.

"For Mo Yan Yu's sake, vendetta between two families must be stopped. Can you do it, Uncle Mo?" [Yang Min You] asks without stopping extracting Qi.

"..." [Mo Chao Ge] watches Mo Yan Yu's expression.

"Allright. I'll try to persuade Patriarch, but you must stop it from Shi Family side too." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"Of course. But we are not in hurry about our journey, you can go home first if you have busy schedule." [Yang Min You] says.

"...What about that eight people? Kill them? Dark World is dangerous if you left some clues." [Mo Chao Ge] asks.

"Dark World is nothing. Yan Yu can defeat Human Realm, Min You can defeat Disaster Realm, and me? Secret." [You You Min] says with contempt.

Mo Chao Ge dumbfounds and mouth agape, one chicken egg can be inserted to his mouth. Then he thinks about something.

"... Allright. I'll go back first." [Mo Chao Ge] says.

"If you meet that five people group again, tell that red girl. We want her. The offer still valid." [You You Min] says.

"... I'll give your message to them. Goodbye." [Mo Chao Ge] salutes.

"Yan Yu, be a good wife. About Ling Family, I explain to Patriarch first. Goodbye." [Mo Chao Ge] smiles toward Mo Yan Yu.

"Mmm. Be careful." [Mo Yan Yu] answers with smile.

Around three hours after Mo Chao Ge left, Yang Min You finishes extracting Leader's Qi.

"Allright, everyone, it's already sunset, let's go home. Tomorrow, we will upgrade our house and continue our journey." [Yang Min You] says.

"Sunset, let's play... hehehe... It's been days, I haven't eat Min You Ge... Wait a minute." [You You Min] drolling and suddenly disappears. After a while, she returns with two buckets of water.

"Huh? You want to wake them now?" [Yang Min You] asks while watching You You Min throwing water to eight unconcious assassins.

"Mm." [You You Min] answers.

"BLARGH... COUGH...COUGH..." [one of assassin] coughes, it seems water entering his nose.

"... Shut up!!!" [Leader] warns his subordinate. Then he looks at You You Min who standing near him with two empty bucket.

"... Don't let us meet you again. I'll destroy your cultivation completely next time if you do evil deed again." [You You Min] says with cold eyes.

"Completely??? My cultivation... I see.... HAHAHAHA..." [Leader] laughs uncontrollable.

"SCRAM!!!" [You You Min] shouts.

Without saying anything, eight assassins goes away.

"...Let's go home." [Yang Min You] says again, then everyone return to New God's Domain.


Assassin side.

"Leader, I want to revenge against them." [Vice Leader] says with cruel face.

"...Just do as you wish. But I won't do it. I will resign from Dark World." [Leader] answers.

"!?!?" [All members] shock.

"Leader... Why do you resign?" [One of assassin]

"You should be know about how Dark World treatment toward Elementary Realm member. Cannon fodder." [Leader]

"..." [All assassin except leader] speechless.

"I will resign too. If they ask price, we give their information and ability." [Vice Leader]

"...They just played around, we didn't know their exact realm... Save this information as our trump card for resign from Dark World." [Leader]

"... I hope Dark World doesn't kill us..." [Leader] says with blank face while seeing sunset.