Chapter 27 Sky Tree

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Next day, at noon.


'Since house upgrading already finished, I'll go back to read webnovel again. Call me if there is something interesting.' [Ruby] says to Yang Min You's three people then disappears to New God's Domain. Xiao Qing already backs to her spider family.

New God's Domain house was upgraded to level 2, and gives two option of upgrading. Yang Min You decided to increase two rooms for Mo Yan Yu and Xiao Qing.

But the way to upgrade New God's Domain world is still long. Assassin leader's Pure Qi only increased 200,000 Qi point and current Qi point for upgrading world is 453,588/500,000. It still needs around 45,000 Qi point. It seems assassin leader's Dark Claw used a lot of Qi or he was depleted when arriving here.

"Let's go. Yan Yu, you lead the way." [Yang Min You] begins to move toward Merchant Union.

"Okay." [Mo Yan Yu] answers happily.


Three days later.

Luo Hao's team arrive at a super big ancient tree. Local people call it Sky Tree. Under these tree, there are two routes. Both routes lead to Merchant Union.

The right route needs around 10 days to reach Merchant Union, and the road is relatively safe, there are only a little stray beasts. Merchants and caravans usually pass through here.

The left route needs around a month to reach Merchant Union, there are a lot of wild beasts, and their level quite high. But the most dangerous are irrational hunters who hunting beasts. They can be ex soldiers or mercenaries.

"Which way should we take? Right route is safer, we only need 10 days to reach Merchant Union and there are a little beasts. Left route is dangerous, we need around one month to reach Merchant Union and there are a lot of high level beasts and unlawful hunters... We have two beautiful girls, I won't recommended left route... Usually..." [Luo Hao] explains.

"There are a lot of killing and raping if we meet these unlawful hunters. And we are strangers in these area too, they will be more aggresive toward us..." [Di Ya Lan] shows worry.

"But in safe route, there are a high risk of ambush from Dark World, poisoning and assassination..." [Zhao Xin] adds.

"Shall we use this? Let the fate decide for us?" [Hu Long] says while picking a Y broken little branch from the surrounding.

"..." [Everyone] in deep thought.

"Allright, let's gamble it, spin it Hu Long. Two out of three throw." [Luo Hao] says.

"Okay." [Hu Long] answers and immediately spin throws it.

But just two throws and both choose left route.

"Allright, let's move through left route. Remember, Die Er and Ya Lan must hide when we encounter mercenary. Don't increase unnecessary trouble." [Luo Hao] says with stern face.

"Yes." [Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan] answer. Zhao Xin and Hu Long just nod.

Luo Hao's five people begin to move through left route.


Meanwhile, in another part of Dark Forest.

Another team of ten assassins from Dark World meet up with defeated assassin team.

"Xie leader, what's up with your team? Why did everyone condition so weak like Elementary Realm?" [Han Leader] asks.

"We met a team of tiger disguise as pigs. All of us are defeated. We return to headquarter to report." [Xie Leader] says.

"No death?" [Han Leader] asks again.

"No, they gave us mercy, they only crippled our cultivation..." [Xie Leader] answers with gloomy face.

"HAHAHAHA,with this, you are no longer my rival... What about Mu Yu Die? Had you find her?" [Han Leader] laughs hard and asks again.

"Hadn't find her. At first, we suspected a group of eight people, and moved toward them. But they immediately separated into two groups. Five people group moved forward. Three people group stayed behind. I couldn't confirm their cultivation but their attitude causing us angry." [Xie Leader] says.

"Three people? They defeated you? Trash!!! You are not worthy to become my rival. You go back first and prepare to accept punishment from Great Leader." [Han Leader] sneers and angries.

"...Then, as your ex rival, let me give you description about these three people group. One young man with blue cloth and short hair. Two young girls, one is red cloth and the other is white cloth. Then we retreat first." [Xie Leader] answers politely then let his team to continue their journey to Dark World Headquarter in Fire Empire.

"...Useless trash. Come, let's pursue Mu Yu Die." [Han Leader] looks at Xie Leader and his team back with contempts then urging his team to continue their journey.

In Xie Leader side.

"Leader, why don't you tell them about their fighting style?" [Vice Leader] asks.

"Just let them enjoy it themselves. After all, our biggest and embarrasing secret is we were defeated under five minutes. I don't know the details. But you can see yourself how their team expression toward us." [Xie Leader] answers.

All team members become quite and reminiscing their accidental meeting with other team. They can imagine how difficult their position in Dark World in the future with only Elementary Realm - First Sky.

"... Leader, if you are retired in the future, we decide to follow you." [All team members except Xie Leader] pledge their loyalty.

"Allright, then bear with me in the future. Just like that young girl said, our cultivation not completely destroyed. I have been tried it. We can recultivate again." [Xie Leader] says.

Σ( ° △ °) "Is that true?!?! Hahahaha, that's great." [Vice Leader] answers happily.

"If we succed to retire, let's create mercenary team, and turn a new leaves. No evil deeds again. Remember, we must not breakthrough until we retire." [Xie Leader] warns.

"Yes!!!" [All members] respons.


Meanwhile, in another part of Dark Forest.

Two days ago, Mo Chao Ge succeeded to buy two caravan from the passing marchants. He put Master Karu and another injured people inside caravan. Because of too much injured people, inside caravan are too crowded like sardines in the can.

"At this rate, tomorrow morning we will pass Sky Tree. Johnson, you lead the caravan, remember to take right route. I'll take a rest first in above caravan." [Mo Chao Ge] gives a command to a big burly man beside him.

"Yes, Master." [Johnson] replies.

Then Mo Chao Ge jumps to caravan roof and begins to meditate. These several days, he always ponders about how to increase quality of Profound Qi over quantity at noon, and in deep thinking how to explain to his father, Mo Patriarch, about Mo Yan Yu's circumstanced at night.

Mo Chao Ge thinks, that Shi Yan is very important to be assosiated. He could strengthen Mo Yan Yu just in two weeks to battle Human Realm is already a big harvest. He wants to stop their two families vendetta, and to be in good side with Shi Yan.

He believes that one day, his Mo family together with Shi Family can be on par and acknowledged by family from Endless Sea.

But he also worries about how to explain to his father about Master Karu's incident. But the most important thing is that missing incompleted stolen map.

It is a public secret that Master Karu stole an incompleted map from his teacher, Mu Xun's room and ran away immediately. He stole it when Mu Xun was in important part during concocting pills.

Mu Xun hunts Karu to everywhere, and haven't caught him. It was unknown how Mo Patriarch, Mo Tuo could get Karu's location and sent Mo Yan Yu to pick him up.

"... too much problems need to be solved. I hope Master Mu Xun can accept our explanation about Master Karu's incident and his stolen incomplete map." [Mo Chao Ge] sighs.

"Father, you are too greedy... I truly hope you can appease Mu Xun's anger. I can not imagine how much damages our family will suffer from angering Nirvana Realm - Second Sky..." [Mo Chao Ge] begins to daydreaming.

Σ( ° △ °) "Huh!?!?... Shi Yan's spider wife is a high level Jade Blade Spider who can talk... I forget to ask whether she knew about map. I truly hope the map is in Shi Yan... No, Mo Yan Yu's hand..." [Mo Chao Ge] shocks from his daydreaming.

SLAP!!! Mo Chao Ge slaps his cheeks heavily.

"Stop daydreaming!!! Begin training!!!" [Mo Chao Ge] continues to meditate again.

Another guard who sits beside Johnson whispers "Master is selftaking again."

"Hush!!! Don't cause trouble!!!" [Johnson] who became Mo Chao Ge's caravan driver whispers back.