Chapter 29 Xiao Shu

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Sky Tree Spirit looks at the group of Tree Spirit one by one with satisfied smile.

"I got a feeling that it is an opportunity for you. Which one of you is willing to help in his experiments? We need a tree with unborn spirit and a tree with a boy spirit." [Sky Tree Spirit] says.

"Since you said it is an opportunity, then please use my two child grandpa." [Middle age Spirit] continues and calls his little boy and pointing the little tree.

"Allright. These three trees. You can try now, boy." [Sky Tree Spirit] says to Yang Min You while pointing to three trees. Of couse, the girl spirit is Xiao Shu.

Yang Min You grabs a branch of tree with unborn spirit and try to teleport. And failed... Only Yang Min You teleports, the tree is stayed behind. Yang Min You comes back immediately, and Ruby follows him.

'Wow... There are a lot of spirit trees, it is my first time see this. Greeting all, I am Ruby.' [Ruby] says with her flicker flame. From her flame, Yang Min You knows that she is excited.

The young spirit tree shocks and steps back, since they are trees, they afraid of fire. But the older ones stay calm since they don't sense any hostility.

"Greeting to you too, Miss?" [Sky Tree Spirit] answer.

'Hahahaha... That's right. I am a miss.' [Ruby] flicker happily.

Then Yang Min You tries his second experiment, tree with a boy spirit. But failed again.

And last, he tries with Xiao Shu and successes. But they stay there for a moment. Yang Min You comes back together with Xiao Shu. Yang Min You's face a little dark.

'Hahahaha... I see. So our New God's Domain currently only accept female. Whether she is a human, a beast, a tree or a spirit, it doesn't matter. I suspect our New God's Domain also have its own spirit.' [Ruby] flickers.

"..." everyone are speechless.

'Girl, why don't you become his fifth wife. I believe you will have a lot of opportunity in the future.' [Ruby] flickers and begins her scheme again.

"Oi... Ruby... I think not every female in New God's Domain must become my wife." [Yang Min You] retorts.

'But the biggest opportunity for them is you. Those females who want to gain big opportunity must become your wife.' [Ruby] flickers again, and one of her flicker form into an arrow and pointed at Yang Min You's lower part.

"I see..." [Sky Tree Spirit] says with starry eyes. He interrupts Yang Min You's retort.

"Xiao Shu. Come here. What did you feel in that world?" [Sky Tree Spirit] asks.

"The surrounding Qi is very weak but very pure. Also I don't understand, there is something that I think very important, but I don't know what it is." [Xiao Shu] answers.

"I see. Then you must go with them. It is important for you to grow up." [Sky Tree Spirit] says.

"No... Grandpa... You are not in there... I will be lonely... Wuwuwuwu" [Xiao Shu] cries again.

'Hahahaha. Xiao Shu. That's why you must become his wife. Then you will become one of New God's Domain master. Of course, you can go back to here to play at any time. We have one like you, her name is Xiao Qing, a Jade Blade Spider.' [Ruby] laughes and explains.

Σ( ° △ °) "Jade Blade Spider?" [Sky Tree Spirit] stuns.

'Wait a moment. I pick her up.' [Ruby] suddenly disappeared. Around five minutes, she shows up with Xiao Qing.

"Greeting.... Elder.... I... Xiao... Qing..." [Xiao Qing] gives a greeting when Ruby shows which one is Sky Tree Spirit.

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "What!?!? A talking beast... It is very rare to find a talking beast in this Dark Forest. And this power... I never meet a Jade Blade Spider as strong as you..." [Sky Tree Spirit] shocks.

'She gained her breakthrough and talking ability by becoming Min You Ge's wife. Currently she is guiding her spider family to become stronger and gaining intelligent.' [Ruby] explains.

"But... I never heard a human do it with beast or tree who hasn't gained human form..." [Sky Tree Spirit] shocks.

"Hehe.. That's our secret." [You You Min] answers with grinning.

'Allright, Xiao Shu. We will give you time to think. Everynight, I will come here to ask you for 15 days. After that, we decide that you reject our offer.' [Ruby] flickers.

'Then everyone, I go home first. Bye.' "Bye." [Ruby] flickers then disappear with Xiao Qing.

"...May I know, what is that ring? Why did I feel she is stronger and older than me?" [Sky Tree Spirit] asks.

"Yup. She is stronger and older than you, but how strong and how old are her secret, but she was Min You Ge second wife. Oh, we haven't introduce ourselves." [You You Min] says.

After introducing themselves, Yang Min You wants to continue their journey.

"Oldman, do you know a group of five people? One middle age man, two young man, and two young girl past through Sky Tree. The girls are wearing red cloth and white cloth." [You You Min] asks.

"Group of five people... I remember. Four days ago, they chose left route. They chose a route by gambling." [Sky Tree Spirit] answers.

"Thanks Elder. Then we will move through left route." [Yang Min You] says and begins to continue their journey.

"WAIT!!! Left route is dangerous, there are a lot of high level beasts and dangerous wicked hunters." [Sky Tree Spirit] says again.

"Don't worry, oldman. We are strong. If it is too dangerous, we can escape to New God's Domain. Oldman, stay healthy. If Xiao Shu becomes our sister and our New God's Domain becomes stronger, we believe we can invite you to play there." [You You Min] answers while waving her hand and continue walking without stop.

"..." [Sky Tree Spirit] speechless, but he couldn't stop smiling. He really wants Xiao Shu to join them although they just met today.

"A Yi, You are the oldest in here except Grandpa. Why don't you take this chance? About Grandpa and us, just like that ring said, you can visit us anytime you want..." [Middle Age Tree Spirit] talks to Xiao Shu.

"That's right Great A Yi, You are far far older than us but you still in tenagee appearance and haven't marry. Just take this chance A Yi. Don't worry A Yi, if Yang Min You bullies you, you can ask help from that red girl and that ring. I could sense that as a husband he is afraid of these two." [Male Youth Tree Spirit] adds the persuasion. But his sense had been approved too accurated, so his persuasion has power.

"Really?... Then... I will wait for seven days, if that ring really comes every night, I will go." [Xiao Shu] answers timidly.

"Hahahaha... That's great my child. Remember, even you go later, you can play to here anytime you want. This is also your home." [Sky Tree Spirit] says happily.


Five days later.

New God's Domain has collected enough Pure Profound Qi, and begins to upgrade. Before upgrading, Ruby showed up at Xiao Shu and told her that maybe she won't come tonight because New God's Domain would be upgraded and she did not know how long it will take time.

Xiao Shu decided and told Ruby that she will join immediately when the upgrade is completed. Ruby became happy and immediately went away and joined You You Min.

At this time, Yang Min You three people accidentally meet up with a passing black clothes group people.

"...Leader, that three people have the same descriptions from Xie Leader." [One of Dark World team member] whispers.

"..." [Han Leader] just glances at Yang Min You three people and shocks. 'What the hell!!! I couldn't sense any cultivation from them except that white girl is in Elementary Realm?!?! Monster!!!'

"Ignore them, focus on our mission." [Han Leader] commands.

"YES." [All Dark World members] answers.

While in Yang Min You's side.

"...That clothes, that assassin group, Dark World again." [Mo Yan Yu] says.

"...They recognize us. But, since they ignore us, forget it." [You You Min] adds.

"I wonder who is their target... This time is a team of ten people." [Yang Min You] says.

(*'▽'*) => ( ° △ °|||) "Oh... Ruby finds them. They are around 25 km in that direction...." [You You Min] says happily, but immediately shocks.

( ° △ °|||) "That direction..." [Mo Yan Yu] shocks.

"Don't tell me, Chef's team are their target!!!! Hurry up, meet up with them." [Yang Min You] shocks and immediately begins to move at high speed.

"Ok!!!" [You You Min and Mo Yan Yu] answer and immediately follow Yang Min You.


"Leader... That three people chase us at high speed." [One of Dark World member] reports to Han Leader.

"Wha...." [Han Leader] answers but is interrupted by Yang Min You three people overtake them at high speed.

All Dark World members dumbfound.