Chapter 30 Fire Snake

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Dark World members shock and halt their move.

"...Too fast. There is no fix road, and there are a lot of trees, natural stumps and roots which emerge from the ground, but they can move like that???" [One of Dark World member] says.

"... I see... It seems our mission will be fail if they are really Mu Yu Die's friends..." [Han Leader] dejected.

"Leader!!! Why do you say that!?!? Our team will be destroyed if great leader hear what you said!!!" [Vice Leader] angries.

"Hahaha... It seems our team will be like Xie Team... Those three are monsters if you still don't realize it." [Han Leader] laughes with empty feeling.

( -_-#) => (⊙_⊙) "Monster? What do you mean? They are just Elementary Realm and unculti..." [Vice Leader] suddenly stops talking. Cold sweat emerges from his forhead.

The other team members are looking at each other when realizing the problems.

"Leader... What should we do now?" [Vice Leader] asks.

"Just follow the plan. This mission is bound to fail anyway. Just do it or we will be killed by Great Leader. I just hope they only cripple us like Xie Leader, not kill us. I believe as my rival, he will use his cripple state as a reason for retire. And there is a high chance he will success." [Han Leader] answers.

"We understand." [All Dark World members] answer and begin to move again.


Half an hour ago, in other side of Dark Forest.

( -_-||) "Boss Luo... I never imagine, that this left route will be this hard." [Hu Long] sighs.

"Not only you, Hu Long. This route is also hard for me." [Luo Hao] answers tiredly.

These five people look exhausted. There are some rips in here and there in their clothes. Their faces dirty and oily.

"Just what kind of bad luck did we suffer..." [Zhao Xin] sighs.

(◣_◢) "YOU STILL DARE TO SAY THAT!!!" [Di Ya Lan] shouts at Zhao Xin.

"Just eight days since entering this left route, two colonies of wolf with each level 3 beast as an alpha leader has been chasing us for two days. After that, a couple of angry level 4 rhinoceros beasts has been chasing us nonstop for 3 days and we got lost. YOU TWO were the cause. They are wild beasts and they were in the right mood and copulating, and YOU TWO stared at them. At first, I wondered why you two suddenly disappeared, but you peeped at them. It would be a miracle if they didn't angry." [Di Ya Lan] angries while pointing her finger at Zhao Xin and Hu Long.

"...Sorry..." [Zhao Xin and Hu Long] say with apologetic face.

"After that we need two days to return to the right track. I haven't seen a river in this week. My whole body is itchy." [Di Ya Lan] pouts.

"Ya Lan, stop." [Luo Hao] says with serious face.

Everyone become vigilance again and focus at their surrounding.

"Crap... There is a beast running toward us, and behind it, is a group of hunters. They move to our position at fast pace." [Luo Hao] shocks.

"WHAT!?!?" [Everyone except Luo Hao] shock.

"Retreat!!! We are not in our best condition for fighting." [Luo Hao] commands.

"Where?" [Mu Yu Die] asks.

"Go back to Sky Tree." [Luo Hao] answers decisively.

"YES!!!" [Everyone except Luo Hao] answer and begin to run.

But, they just run for fifteen minutes, the running away beast shows up. It is a level 4 Fire Snake beast. It has a big and long body, around 8 m with fire patern on its scale. Just like Anaconda. And its tail can spark a fire. There are a lot of injuries and arrow in its body.

"Hahahaha.... Where do you want to run again, son of a bitch!!!" [Male] roars. A robust and rough middle age man shows up. His right arm is a silver mechanical arm. There is a tattoo of fang in his left arm.

Zhao Xin immediately recognizes the newcomers.

"Silver Mechanical Arm?!?! No way!!! Disaster Realm - First Sky, Bernard, Leader of Fang Mercenaries. Run!!!" [Zhao Xin] shouts.

"What!!! That Bernard??? GRAVITY FIELD TEN TIMES!!!" [Luo Hao] shouts. He immediately activates his Gravity Martial Skill. He sets the center of gravity at that Bernard, and sets the area of effects in radius 10 m. Then Luo Hao grabs the injured Mu Yu Die and the weakest Di Ya Lan's waist and run at fast speed. Zhao Xin and Hu Long follow behind him.

The fire snake although under gravity effect too, but it is in the periphery of gravity effect. It struggles a little, then continue to escape in Luo Hao direction.

Luo Hao's plan is failed. He hoped that fire snake ran to another direction and distracted Fang Mercenary so his team can escape.


"CHICKS?!?!" [One of Mercenary Fang's member] shouts.

"WHERE??? We haven't touched chick for more than two months." [Another Mercenary Fang's member] adds.

Immediately the rest of Mercenary Fang's member show up. A total 9 people at peak Nascent Realm show up. But they are immediately trapped in Gravity Field like Bernard.


"S-s-sorry boss, but, lo-lo-look at that ground. Snake's blood is leading our way..." [One of Fang Mercenary member]

"Great!!! Everyone, burst your Profound Qi. Make this trap wear down faster." [Bernard] commands.

"OU!!!" [All Mercenary Fang members] answer and blast their Profound Qi immediately.

Unknowingly, because of too much bickering between Bernard and his subordinate, Luo Hao succeeded to buy time at least for ten minutes.



'Min You, Chef's team is moving to our direction!!! 200 - 300 m behind them is a level 4 beast but somehow its Profound Qi is unstable, maybe injured. And 1 km behind that beast is a group of 10 people, all Nascent Realm, except one person Disaster Realm.' [Ruby] mind talks to Yang Min You three people.

"I understand, that 10 people must be the roots of trouble." [You You Min] answers.

"Huh? Not the beast?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"No. Just one level 4 beast is not a trouble for Chef's team. They have Luo Hao. That 10 people must be problematic." [Yang Min You] answers.

Then with tacit understanding, the three of them increase their speed.


2 - 3 km behind them. Dark World's side.

"... Leader... They still can increase their speed. I couldn't sense that Elementary Realm anymore." [Vice Leader] says.

"... Monster... Just follow them." [Han Leader] commands.

Without doubt, they would not be able to match Yang Min You team's speed. Their gap will be increased more and more.


Luo Hao's side.

Σ(っ゚Д゚)っ "NOOOO!!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO NOW?!?!" [Luo Hao] suddenly screams while still moving with carrying two girls.

"W-w-what's wrong Uncle?" [Mu Yu Die] asks in panic.

"In front of us, there is an Elementary Realm moving to this direction, but her speed faster than my full speed. Behind us, that stupid fire snake is still running away and following us. And that Fang Mercenary is around 1 km behind that snake." [Luo Hao] explains.

"Why did that fire snake not run in other direction?" [Hu Long] angries.

Zhao Xin is just running while thinking about something.

"Boss Luo, let's go to that Elementary Realm direction, maybe, just maybe, she is Mo Yan Yu." [Zhao Xin] says.

Σ( ° △ °) "Mo Yan Yu!!!" [everyone] shock.

"Yes, remember, we couldn't sense Yang Min You and You You Min before. Only Mo Yan Yu in Nascent Realm. Maybe she is getting stronger and her camouflage become Elementary Realm." [Zhao Xin] explains.

"I get it. Go... No way, they already here!!!" [Luo Hao] shocks and halts his run when he see Yang Min You three people show up in front of them.

But Yang Min You doesn't stop and looks like he will crash into Luo Hao.

"Luo Hao!!! Don't retaliate, accept these, and guide them to your injury!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts and palms at Luo Hao's forehead at fast speed.

"Uncle!!!" [Mu Yu Die] shocks as she was dropped by Luo Hao.

"Boss!!!" [Di Ya Lan and the other two] also shock.

"Sit down, and concentrate my Qi to your injuries. Now!!!" [Yang Min You] commands.

Without saying anything, Luo Hao sits down and circulates Yang Min You's Pure Qi to his meridian and his injures body.

Zhao Xin who almost attacks Yang Min You, shocks when he saw Luo Hao's face become rosy, and his breath become stronger and more stabil.

"You!!! You come here!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts again while pointing and waving his other hand to the space behind Di Ya Lan.