Chapter 31 Mu Yu Die's Problem

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

"Ssss..." [Fire Snake] which just arrive, shocks when it saw a middle age man was attacked at his head. When it almost runs away at another direction, that attacker calls it. This Fire Snake could not understand human language, but it understand about that human gesture. And when it saw the sitting man is getting stronger from his breath, it decides to gamble its luck.

"Who are you call... FIRE SNAKE!!!!" [Mu Yu Die] turns around her head and screams in shock. Because of her reflex, she jumps back and almost hit Mo Yan Yu.

"Calm down, idiot! You are an adult! Don't be like a child!" [Mo Yan Yu] hits Mu Yu Die's forehead, of course without energy, just friendly hit. And then Mo Yan Yu begins to treat the other people.

You You Min comes to the Fire Snake and giving a gesture that she will pull the arrows out of its body. Fire Snake understands and allows You You Min to do it.

"HISS.... HISSS..... HISSS..." [Fire Snake] screams each time an arrow is pulled out. Its eyes full of water.

"... It is my first time, I saw a beast crying." [Di Ya Lan] says with a pity eyes.

(¬_¬) "If it is you, Chef, could you bear the pain without crying when there are a lot of arrow like this Fire Snake?" [You You Min] teases Di Ya Lan.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ "Of course impossible. I will screaming, biting something, crying like a child. Huh? Wait a minute... You called me Chef?" [Di Ya Lan] shocks.

"Yup, our offer about you joins us is still valid. Whether as our chef or as Min You Ge's wife. If there is no you in this team, we don't bother to save this team." [You You Min] says frankly while pulling the arrow.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] speechless.

"You..." [Mu Yu Die] pouts and almost shouts but she is interrupted by Luo Hao who has recovered a lot.

"Die Er. Enough. Miss You is right. We are nobody to them, why must they create new enemy just for saving someone who don't have relation with them." [Luo Hao] says.

"Boss Luo is right. After all, who wants to offend Dark World just to save us." [Zhao Xin] adds.

Everyone silence. The situation becomes a little awkward. But Yang Min You three people ignore it.

Finally, all the arrows were pulled out, the total is seventeen arrows.

"Don't cry, we heal you now." [Yang Min You] says while approaches it after he finished treating Luo Hao.

Yang Min You and You You Min begins to heal 8 m long Fire Snake. Fire Snake looks happy, it turns around and turns around its head, watching the process of its treatments. Its eyes looks sparkling combine with its tear before.

And Mo Yan Yu finishes healing Zhao Xin and Hu Long. Now she heals Di Ya Lan.

"... Miss Mo, although I am standing near you, why did you not treat me first?" [Mu Yu Die] pouts again.

"Miss Mu, the current me only could heal physical injured. And your case is complicated, your Profound Qi unstable, especially in your heart, head and Dan Tian. And some of your meridian like burst out from inside. Are you using doping to increase your Profound Qi for battle?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "W-w-what!?!? H-how do you know?" [Mu Yu Die] stuns.

"Die Er used a doping to increase her Profound Qi and she killed a Disaster Realm assassin from Dark World before I found her. That doping usually used by soldiers when they forced in life and death situation. If they survived, their cultivation were haywired. Only some lucky soldiers can recover to their peak cultivations." [Luo Hao] explains.

"Hhh... You Min Jie already sensed that when we met before. Only Min You Ge and You Min Jie who can treat her if she is in hurry. Their understanding about healing with Profound Qi are very high." [Mo Yan Yu] sighs.

"But what we need immediately is capable fighter as much as possible." [Mo Yan Yu] adds.

"... Was she always childish like that before? Or just after injured? Brain damaged." [You You Min] asks.

"...After injured, her behaviour became more and more childish and became more stubborn too." [Luo Hao] says.

Σ( ° △ °) "W-w-what?" [Mu Yu Die] shocks.

"Hm? You don't realize it? Are you becoming an idiot? I think someday you will walk to your family's enemy's home with happy smile and treat them as big saviors." [You You Min] says blatantly while treating Fire Snake with Yang Min You.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] speechless. In their mind 'Actually, that is what we are doing now...'

Σ( ° △ °|||) "..." [Mu Yu Die] flabbergasts. She looks at Luo Hao, only saw Luo Hao's twitch smiles. '...stubborn and an idiot... walking to enemies home with happy smile and treat them as big saviors...' Her eyes are brimming with tears. She realizes her biggest problem now.

"There are ten people of Dark World from behind us, one Disaster Realm, one Human Realm and eight Nascent Realm. And from behind you also ten people, one Disaster Realm and nine Nascent Realm. All of you give us space and stand 20 m from me over there. " [Mo Yan Yu] says again after finished treating Di Ya Lan.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "... WHAT?!?!?!" [All of Luo Hao's team] scream in shock.

"T-t-twenty people..." [Mu Yu Die] is stuttering in fright. Her face is pale.

"... You Min, they are coming. Snake, I'll stop your treatment for now." [Yang Min You] stops treating Fire Snake and stands up. He signals the snake to join Luo Hao's team.

"..." [You You Min] also stands up and looks at the direction of pursuer beside Dark World and create triangle formation, there is 5m gap between them.

"Luo Hao!!! Tell me, who are they? Why did they pursue you?" [Yang Min You] shouts to Luo Hao.

"They are Fang Mercenary. They are known as the most unscrupulous mercenary and have bounty in Land Area. Because of that, they always hide in Dark Forest." [Luo Hao] explains in loud voice.

"Land Area? What is that?" [Yang Min You] asks.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] speechless.

"Min You Ge. This continent is called Land Area. There are three powerhouses in Land Area. Merchant Union in North of Dark Forest, Fire Empire in West of Dark Forest and God Bless Empire in the south. Dark Forest land is far bigger than any powerhouse land, and it doesn't belong to anyone." [Mo Yan Yu] immediately explains since she knew that Yang Min You's soul not from here.

"I see. Next, continue with Fang Mercenary." [Yang Min You] says to Luo Hao.

"This mercenary likes to kill, rob, and rape anyone who are weaker than them, but very fast to escape when they encounter stronger team." [Luo Hao] explains.

"They pursued us, maybe... Bernard, their leader saw Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan." [Zhao Xin] adds.

"I heard he yelled 'CHICKS'." [Di Ya Lan] looks gloomy.



"That is Bernard, their leader." [Zhao Xin] says.

"Huh?!? There are two more chicks and more fresh!?!? HAHAHAHA... BROTHERS!!! WE CAN HAVE PARTY A WHOLE DAYS!!!" [Bernard] shouts.

"Four chicks?" [One of Fang Mercenary member] asks when the rest of nine people show up.

"Hehehehe... These two chicks are refined and not dirty. Must be..." [One of Fang Mercenary members] says with drolling but his word is stopped when he saw what was happened in front of them.

All of people except Yang Min You three people silenced. Luo Hao's team members were thrown more backward by Yang Min You's borrowed Qi. And...

"THUNDER SPARKS!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] screams toward the sky.


Although there is no black cloud, there is a big blue thunder shows up from the sky, attacks Mo Yan Yu. She immediately borrows the thunder's power and combine with her Pure Profound Qi and her Lightning Martial Spirit become Thunder Qi. Her eyes flashes like a thunder. She separates the power into 70% and 30% in both hand.

"MIN YOU GE!!! LIGHTNING BLAST!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] shouts and shoots 70% of Thunder Qi toward Yang Min You's back.


Yang Min You accepts the Thunder Qi and immediately compresses it to his two arm, exactly at his nine fingers except for his right thumbs.

"PLASMA BULLET!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts and shoots with each fingers at high speed. He is targetting all Nascent Realm from Mercenary Fang. And all of his targets are 5 cm above Dan Tian.


All nine people collapse and unconcious with around 1 cm hole in their body. Each hole is completely passed through their bodies. Because of extreme heats from the plasma, there are no blood, only smoke can be seen from their bodies. Whether from front or from back of their bodies.