Chapter 32 Thunder Spark And Rampage

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

All of this happen under thirty seconds. Everyone is silent. The only sound can be heard is BZZT... BZZZT... from Mo Yan Yu's body.

"YOU MIN JIE!!! LIGHTNING BLAST!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] shouts and shoots the remaining 30% Thunder Qi toward You You Min.


You You Min accepts it with her left hand and immediately shoots again with her right hand after combines it with her Profound Qi and her skill toward Yang Min You.

"LIGHTNING ARMOR!!!" [You You Min] shouts and shoots the harden Thunder Qi toward Yang Min You.


Yang Min You accepts it with his right hand. He immediately spreads the harden Thunder Qi to his whole body and makes it into armor.

His appearance becomes like Ch*u T*ngen T*ppa G*rren L*ggann. Of course there are some differences. Yang Min You's size is still a human size. He is not wearing glasses. There is no drill and no fire too, only BZZZTTTing lightning in his whole body.

"NOOO!!!! SILVER NET!!!" [Bernard] shouts in frightened. He never imagines that the two young girls he looked down were too dangerous for him.

From Bernard's mechanical right arm, his forearm suddenly open and shoot seven silver knives and in each knife's handle, there is an extremely thin of wire from silver that connect each knife and only from one knife, the wire connect with his forearm. Seven knives are controlled by Bernard's Profound Qi. He controls at high speed and creates a web from the wire and shoots it toward Yang Min You direction while he jumps backward to retreat.

"..." [Yang Min You] speechless. Yang Min You just chooses one of silver knife and grips its handle. And....

"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!" [Bernard] is electrocuted until there is smoke come out from his body, then Yang Min You released his grip at knife handle.

You You Min and Mo Yan Yu already finished delivering San Xing Da Fa to the unconcious Mercenary Fang members at their head. And You You Min moves at high speed to in front of Bernard and gives him San Xing Da Fa at his head too.


New God's Domain, ten days ago.

After finished their night activities, Mo Yan Yu asked Yang Min You about a skill book that was sold in her shop system. Thunder Spark, the description was a borrowing skill. A skill that allow the summoner to force summon a Thunder from the surrounding to the summoner and borrow its power. If you reach the master level, this skill will evolve into Thunder Storm.

When Yang Min You heard the book's description, he agreed it, and Mo Yan Yu immediately bought it. But Mo Yan Yu couldn't understand the content of skill book, it used too much gaming term just like skill book of God's Domain in Yang Min You's and You You Min's past life. And there is no auto learn in New God's Domain, that make this skill book more harder to learn.

The morning next day, Yang Min You and You You Min began to teach the principle and law of nature that was described in the skill book. When Mo Yan Yu understood it, she began to summon Thunder Spark. After five tries, she succeded to summon Thunder Spark, but she couldn't borrow its power, she was heavily injured and vomited a mouthful of blood. You You Min immediately healed her.

Yang Min You decided that during this training, Mo Yan Yu only allowed to summon Thunder Spark once in each morning, before continuing their journey in Dark Forest. And he adviced Mo Yan Yu to try controlling the borrowing Thunder energi just like controlling Lightning Martial Spirit.

Mo Yan Yu enlightened. For the next several days, her injuries became less and less. After seven days of learning, she finally mastered the level 1 Thunder Spark.

Yang Min You prohibited her to learn the next level by increasing power. He said that her meridian will be destroyed by nature's power, she can learn it when she breakthrough to Human Realm.

And during Mo Yan Yu trained her Thunder Spark, Yang Min You also began to train Rampage under Ruby's guidance. Yang Min You immediately understand the principle of rampage, it just forcefully compress his Profound Qi until his body's muscle shriveled and then launched it.

There are two annoying side effects. First, this skill is always self injured, if Yang Min You didn't have Immortal Martial Spirit and healing skill, he didn't want to learn Rampage. Second, the killing intent is too strong. Each time killing intent is generated, You You Min immediately dispersed it from Yang Min You's body using San Xing Da Fa.

After a week of trial and error, finally Yang Min You found out that the killing intent is coming out from the absorbed red blood when he was transmigrated to here. Yang Min You decided to separate and discard that red blood that full of killing intent. Yang Min You named it as Malicious Blood.

Yang Min You used Rampage at full power to cause an extreme self injured. You You Min, Mo Yan Yu and Ruby helped Yang Min You to separated the Malicious Blood from his whole body by using their controlled Profound Qi, and forced it to come out of his body before his injured regenerated by Immortal Martial Spirit. And Xiao Qing collected Malicious Blood into glass bottle that was bought from system's shop.

After repeating it for three times, finally all Malicious Blood collected. Ruby puzzled, why Malicious Blood's volume was only a litre. She remembered before that Red Blood was a pool volume. What happened?

After a little experiment, Ruby found out that You You Min's blood could kill, or reduce the killing intent. Everyone dumbfounded.

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ "Hahahaha, my blood has saved Min You Ge from becoming killing machine. I believe it is not only my blood, my other fluids also has effects." [You You Min] says happily and immediately jumped and french kissed the shocked and tired Yang Min You.

"Oi, it is morning, stop it, Min You Jie." [Mo Yan Yu] retorted.

You You Min just smiled. She immediately made a little wound, and threw her blood into Malicios Blood. After waiting for a moment, the killing intent in Malicious Blood disappeared, the blood colour also more soft, not too black like before.

Everyone decided to give the blood to Xiao Qing, and she treated it as her important treasure. Yang Min You's blood + You You Min's blood + Immortal Martial Spirit in the blood. She decided to only sip it once a day, and each time only one drop.

Yang Min You and You You Min speechless. You You Min told Xiao Qing that if she run out of blood stock, she could ask them.

And Yang Min You never run out of control again when using Rampage. Only he couldn't prevent self injured. The higher his power explosion, his self injured also more serious.

Ruby also tried to drop You You Min's blood to her Blood Vein Ring. But the result was a failure. Her seal was strengthen again, although not as strong Yang Min You's blood.

'...Wuwuwu. I only can depend on Min You's sp*rm. How many years again I can unlock this first seal...' [Ruby] mind talked to everyone minds. Then she locked herself for one day to read webnovel, and watched animes and martial art tv series at Yang Min You's room.


Grace Mainland, Dark Forest, now.

All Fang Mercenary members defeafed under 2 minutes. Luo Hao teams shock and cold sweats. Their mouth were opened wide.

"... Just like that? Fang Mercenary defeated so easily just like that?" [Zhao Xin] shocks.

"Then... Why did Miss Mo say need a capable fighter?" [Hu Long] asks.

"Oh, we just hope you could escape from them if they use spreading tactics. Three people are hard to handle spreading tactic." [You You Min] answers while dragging Bernard feets.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] speechless.

"What happened to Bernard? He was in out of reach location but electrified like that..." [Di Ya Lan] asks.

"That stupid Bernard didn't realize that silver is a good tool to deliver electric power. He suicided." [Mo Yan Yu] explains.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] speechless. 'We also didn't know that.'

Σ( ° △ °) "Wait a m...." [Luo Hao] shocks and about to asks something but he is interrupted by Yang Min You.

"Since you already arrive, why don't you show yourselves up, friends from Dark World." [Yang Min You] asks.

Luo Hao's team shock and increase their vigilant.

Han Leader and his team show up. He only looks at Mu Yu Die for a moment. Then he looks at ten collapse body. He immediately realizes that they are Fang Mercenary from their Fang tattoo and from Bernard's mechanical arm. Then he looks at Yang Min You who still wears Lightning Armor. Han Leader and his team are cold sweated. They realize that they couldn't detect Yang Min You's cultivation realm.

"...Mu Yu Die. You can relax. Our team will not kill your teammate and will not capture you. I don't know about another Dark World team though." [Han Leader] says as calm as possible.

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "...WHAT!?!?" [Luo Hao's team] shock.