Chapter 33 Rampage's Side Effect

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

Han Leader ignores them and looks again at Yang Min You who still have Lightning Armor.

"Senior, can I ask several questions?" [Han Leader] asks calmly and politely.

"What?" [Yang Min You] allows them.

"Did you defeat another team from Dark World before this? And cripple them into Elementary Realm - First Sky?" [Han Leader] asks.

"Oh, that group of eight people? The answer is yes." [You You Min] answers.

"How much minutes did you use to defeat them?" [Han Leader] asks again. Behind him, his team member restless when they heard the question.

"... How long?" [Yang Min You three people] look at each other.

"Under two minutes." [Mo Yan Yu] says.

"HISSS..." [Dark World members] frightened.

"..." [Luo Hao's team] dumbfound and mouth agape.

"What about that Fang Mercenary?" [Han Leader] asks again.

"Same, under two minutes." [Mo Yan Yu] says.

All Dark World members hold their breathes. They know perfectly that they would not be able to defeat Fang Mercenary under two minutes.

"If...sss...haa... If we can pass that two minute, could you cripple us softer than the other Dark World team before? Like Elementary Realm - Second or Third Sky..." [Han Leader] asks again, this time with pale face.

( ̄へ ̄) "...Are you masochist? You have a chance to not fight with us, but you still show yourselves up here. Do you want to be crippled that much?" [You You Min] asks with weird expression.

Everyone silence.

( ̄. ̄) "... You Min Jie, what is masochist?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks. Dark World team and Luo Hao team nod their head, they also don't understand it.

(°ロ°٥) "... Masochist is a sick people who enjoyed being hurted by other people, especially in that activity." [Yang Min You] explains to help You You Min from getting embarrassed.

(°ロ°٥) "... I-I see." [Everyone] nod and understand his meaning except one.

"What is that activity?" [Mu Yu Die] asks with puzzle face, and her voice is not low.

Everyone look at Mu Yu Die with strange expression.

"W-w-what? Did I say the wrong word?" [Mu Yu Die] shocks and steps back under everyone strange stare.

"Die Er..." [Luo Hao] speechless and didn't know how to explain it to this eighteen years old girl.

Di Ya Lan with red face immediately grabs her and whispers something to her. Mu Yu Die's face becomes red and yells to Yang Min You "ROGUE!!!"

'... Is she really a child or just because of brain damage?' [Yang Min You] speechless when looking at Mu Yu Die.

"Cough... Senior. We are just normal people, not a masochist. We just have..." [Han Leader] wants to explain something, but...

"... Leader, before this mission, when we picked you up at the brothel, you were whipped by several girls and from your expression, it was clear that you enjoyed it." [Vice Leader] whispers and his other members nod their heads.

"SHUT UP!!!" [Han Leader] glares at Vice Leader and his other subordinate.

At the same time, Yang Min You sees some sparky at You You Min's eyes. Yang Min You shudders and immediately says "You You Min, stop your wild imagination, now!!! I never ever play S&M!!! Get it!!!"

You You Min just looks at Yang Min You and grins "Hihihi... I know."

( ° △ °|||) '...Where is my lovely and docile You You Min from God's Domain? Why did she become like this?... Immortal Martial Spirit, my life saving, please maintain my kidney...' [Yang Min You] depressed.

"COUGH...Senior, let me continue. We have our circumstance. Dark World is one of big organization in Fire Empire with harsh punishment. It has a lot of members. Every eight to ten members become one team like us. Dark World has some basic rules. Every mission must be executed. A team who abandoned their mission will be killed. Only failure can be pardoned. But there are some strict requirements about failure. In their entire team members, at least all must be heavily injured, or crippled, or some dead. If there is one member healthy, their entire team will be killed and judged as abandoning mission. But the cripple members will be allowed to retired." [Han Leader] explains.

"... So that's why you want to be crippled. Then, sorry. You still will be crippled to Elementary Realm - First Sky." [Yang Min You] says.

"Why? But we volunteered to be crippled." [Vice Leader] asks. His face shows a disappointment. He couldn't accept Yang Min You's answer.

"Simple, idiot. You will die if your cultivation higher than previous team." [You You Min] answers with smirk.

Σ( ° △ °) "Death!?!? ... I think... I understand. If we are higher, then Great Leader will think we have collaboration with you. Please cripple us to Elementary Realm - First Sky." [Han Leader] says in shock.

"Don't worry, since you are volunteered by yourself, I'll let your meridian less muddle. You can breakthrough more easier than the other team." [Yang Min You] says.

"Thank you, Seni...." BLUGHH... [Han Leader] answers, but before finished answering he already unconscious by You You Min's San Xing Da Fa on his head.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Leader!!! Senior... you... so fast..." [All Dark World members] shout in unison and shock.

"Don't worry, he is alive, next are your turn." [Mo Yan Yu] answers while using two San Xing Da Fa to the other two members.

And immediately ten members of Dark World unconscious under You You Min and Mo Yan Yu's San Xing Da Fa.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "... Just like that? Dark World team was defeated just like that?" [Zhao Xin] trembles.

"Chance!!! Let's kill them now!" [Hu Long] says and prepares to attack.

"STOP!!! You are not allowed to hurt, cripple or kill these Dark World members. You are only allowed and must castrate that Fang Mercenary members." [You You Min] shouts with cold eyes.

"..." [Everyone] speechless. Luo Hao, Zhao Xin, and Hu Long tremble and unconciously tighten their thigh.

'This tigress must not be sexually provoke...' [Luo Hao's team] share the same minds.


"Oh!?!? Great!!! You Min, Yan Yu, it is finished. Hahahaha... I forgot to take my shield, it is annoying to fight without shield." [Yang Min You] laughs.

"That's great. Then, until when you will keep that Lightning Armor? Discard it." [You You Min] smiles.

"Oh, I forget. RAMPAGE!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts.

Immediately the lightning armor is absorbed to Yang Min You's body, then Yang Min You's body muscle continues to shrink. And immediately release explosive Qi from his body. And from his skin pore, a white mist with a little pink mist was spreaded out. You You Min and Mo Yan Yu come to him.

"Min You Ge, what is the different between Rampage and Tu Xing Da Fa?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"...Their basic are almost similar. Rampage's power is more explosive, and needs time for charging, it is more suitable for fighting against slower enemy and defense oriented enemy .. But I couldn't create combo movement with this. If my enemy is speed oriented, I prefer Tu Xing Da Fa." [Yang Min You] explains.

"Combo?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"Continuing movement, or flowing movement." [You You Min] adds.

"Oh, I understand." [Mo Yan Yu] smiles.

'You two shouldn't learn Rampage, it will destroy your beauty. Just Tu Xing Da Fa is enough.' [Ruby] adds with her mind talking.


"HHHhhhh..." "Oohhhh..." [Male sounds]

Rip... Rip... Rip... The sound of clothes were ripped forcefully.

SMACK... SMACK... The sound of heavy kissing...

Yang Min You, You You Min and Mo Yan Yu shock when they look at Luo Hao's team.

They saw Zhao Xin and Hu Long were standing against each other, riping each other clothes while hugging and kissing each other, their eyes are red.

Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan are more worse, they are already rolling on the grass on their underwears while kissing and rubbing. Their hair are dishevelled. Mu Yu Die only wears white Du Dou and short tunic, while Di Ya Lan only wear warrior's panty, her upper body already naked. Their eyes also reds.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "... CRAP!!! Then where is Luo Hao?" [You You Min] shocks. Mu Yu Die stuns. While Yang Min You stares at Mu Yu Die and Die Ya Lan. While he is trying hard to control his out of control lust.

Luo Hao was found near Fang Mercenary members, he was drolling while ripping Fang Mercenary members clothes, and collecting their small pouches. "Money... Money..." His eyes also red.

You You Min and Mo Yan Yu shock and immediately go back to New God's Domain, and come back with 4 buckets water.

Mo Yan Yu throws one bucket water on Zhao Xin and Hu Long's face who still kissing hard. And one bucket on Luo Hao's face.

You You Min throws one bucket water on Yang Min You who slowly approaching Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan, and one bucket water on Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan's face.