Chapter 34 Treating Mu Yu Die

Grace Mainland, Dark Forest.

"BURRRPPP!!! COUGH!!! COUGH!!!" [Di Ya Lan and Mu Yu Die] cough.

You You Min ignores their cough, and immediately throws two modern jackets that she has been brought before.

"Quiet, and hurry up wear these. Or do you want that other three males see your sexy bodies?" [You You Min] grins.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "!!!" [Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan] shock when they look at their bodies and immediately wear You You Min's jacket. When they about to ask something...


"HU LONG" "ZHAO XIN" ""ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?"" [Zhao Xin and Hu Long] shout at each other and kick each other at their stomach before retreating a few steps.

""YOU... YOU... EVEN YOUR DICK STANDS UP!!!"" [Zhao Xin and Hu Long] shout in unison while pointing at each other little brother.


Zhao Xin and Hu Long are trying to vomit but nothing is coming out.

"Okay, enough." [Mo Yan Yu] claps her hand to gain their attention. Hearing Mo Yan Yu's voice, Zhao Xin and Hu Long calm down and immediately change to their spare clothes.

Luo Hao just stands up with puzzle expression. There are five pouches in his hand. And he also puzzles when looking at his team members.

"...Okay. Everyone come here. We will explain what just happened to you before." [Yang Min You] claps his hand to call them.

"We directly to the point. Just now you are suffered under Min You Ge's skill. His skill has side effect, it can trigger your hidden desire or lust. We already experimented, and there are some kind of lust. What you four people suffered were sexual lust, and what Luo Hao suffered was money lust or money grubber. " [You You Min] says what Ruby's explain.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "WHAT!?!?" [All Luo Hao team member] shock and frighten.

"We also discovered two more lust before, killing lust and lust for food or glutton. But we had succeeded to eliminate the chance of killing lust from appearing." [You You Min] continues.

Σ( ° △ °|||) "K-k-killing lust!?!? You mean we will kill each other unconciously?" [Luo Hao] pales.

"Yup. Oh, I forget. The appearing of lust for each person is different, depend on from your inner desire and from what is exist at that time. For example, food for glutton and money or valuable things for money grubber." [You You Min] adds.

""INNER DESIRE!?!? NO WAY!!!! I AM NORMAL NOT A GAY!!!"" [Zhao Xin and Hu Long] scream with pale face. They are really afraid about becoming a gay.

"...Stupid. She said sexual lust not sexual orientation. We haven't research about the relation between sexual lust and sexual orientation from my mist." [Yang Min You] says.

"...Min You Ge, why did I not feel anything from your mist? I stood closer to you than them." [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"Maybe... just maybe... First, you are stronger than them. Second, maybe Immortal Martial Spirit protects us from his mist." [You You Min] says.

"...I see." [Mo Yan Yu] understands and her face becomes a little red.

"...Before I forget again... Miss Mo, are you Mo Chao Ge's niece? Mo Chao Ge from Merchant Union." [Luo Hao] asks.

"Yes, he is my uncle." [Mo Yan Yu] answers casually.

(⊙.⊙)"!!!!" [Luo Hao's team] speechless.

"And just now you said Immortal Martial Spirit, are you from Yang Family from Endless Sea?" [Luo Hao] asks again.

"???" [Yang Min You] puzzles and looks at Mo Yan Yu. Mo Yan Yu also doesn't know about Yang Family.

"Secret. When the time comes, you will know." [You You Min] answers confidently.

"I understand, Senior You." [Luo Hao] answers.

"Then what should we do now, Senior You?" [Luo Hao] adds.

"If you are in hurry, you may go first. If you want to wait then wait us for around one to two weeks at Sky Tree. We will continue from right route." [Yang Min You] says instead of You You Min.

"I understand, then we will go now." [Luo Hao] answers.

"WAIT!!! Before you go, you three men, castrate all of those Fang Mercenary members now! Yan Yu, you heal their bleeding later." [You You Min] stops them. Her eyes shows a cold glint.

Three men from Luo Hao teams tremble and immediately answer "Yes, Senior. We castrate them now."

While Luo Hao's male team do their job, Yang Min You looks around and wonders. "Where is that Fire Snake?"

"It was running away. I don't remember its Profound Qi characteristic. I could not find it." [You You Min] says.

"Then forget it." [Yang Min You] decides to ignore it. Then he sees Mu Yu Die and Di Ya Lan approach them.

"Senior You said three males before. Does that mean you saw our bodies?" [Di Ya Lan] asks bluntly to Yang Min You, while Mu Yu Die's face is red beside her.

(¬_¬) "Yup, Min You Ge saw yours and drooling. He also almost joined you two before. Now what do you want? Join us, and become his wives too?" [You You Min] interrupts and grins.

"...What happened before is it your plan? Including your attempt to make us join you?" [Mu Yu Die] asks.

"Nope, what happened before is really an accident. I also don't have plan to recruit you, only Di Ya Lan." [You You Min] says bluntly.

"About you, I don't find anything special until now. I only sense hatred and immature behaviour. I don't like it." [You You Min] adds.

Mu Yu Die just silences and hangs her head. Her eyes are wet with tear. Di Ya Lan also silences and pats Mu Yu Die's shoulder to comfort her.

"I give you chance. Sit down. I and Min You Ge will treat your injury first especially in your brain. Whether you can change or not is up to you." [You You Min] says again.

Then she immediately forces Mu Yu Die sit down in meditating position. Di Ya Lan steps back to give Yang Min You a place. You You Min put her index and middle fingers on the area between Mu Yu Die's eyebrow and Yang Min You put his palm in Mu Yu Die's crown hair.

Both of them synchronize their Pure Profound Qi inside Mu Yu Die's brain, and begins to open the blockade meridian and blood vessels in brain. Yang Min You focuses on opening blockade and You You Min focuses on healing the new bleeding and other injury.

Half an hour later, Mo Yan Yu already finished her treatment toward Fang Mercenary members. Luo Hao three people come to Mo Yan Yu to chat while looking at Mu Yu Die.

"Miss Mo, actually what happened with you? How is your strength very different from what Mo Chao Ge said to us?" [Luo Hao] asks.

"Mmm... They only taught me their battle skill. My cultivation skill is still using Mo's family cultivation. Just had been modified a little, to make it more compatible with me. But the biggest different between you and us are our Profound Qi. They always said quality over quantity." [Mo Yan Yu] answers.

Luo Hao three people become quite. After a while, they look at each other and begin to gather their Profound Qi in their hand.

"Miss Mo, from your opinion, which Profound Qi is more pure between us?" [Hu Long] asks.

"You are the worst, Zhao Xin and Luo Hao's Profound Qi almost same in their quality. But compare to mine, it is also too bad." [Mo Yan Yu] answers after looking for a moment on their Profound Qi.

"..." [Luo Hao three people] speechless.

"Miss Mo, can we, five of us join you? We also want to become stronger." [Zhao Xin] asks.

"That depends on You Min Jie. Almost all of our matters, she decided it. And her biggest ambition is to create big harem for Min You Ge, and becomes the first wife in these harem. So, Di Ya Lan has a big chance since You Min Jie wants her. But Mu Yu Die and three of you... hard to say." [Mo Yan Yu] smiles.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long down. Luo Hao shocks when he heard about Mu Yu Die. He immediately asks "Why is Mu Yu Die's chance almost none?"

"They are carefree people. They hate to create unnecessary conflict. Are Mu Yu Die the granddaughter of General Mu of Fire Empire?" [Mo Yan Yu] asks.

"Yes, her family was genocided, she is the last one from Mu Family..." [Luo Hao] answers.

"... Then it is more impossible for Mu Yu Die to join us. Her enemies must be political families. Except, she abandons her revenge." [Mo Yan Yu] says.

"I understand..." [Luo Hao] answers with gloomy face.

"Hahahaha... Actually if she wants revenge and not in hurry, why don't she wait until she can topple Fire Empire alone with her cultivation." [Mo Yan Yu] laughes.

Σ( ° △ °) 'Right!!! She has given a chance. Why must depend other person if you are strong enough for revenge alone!!! Die Er, you must change and grab these chance to become stronger.' [Luo Hao] shocks and never thinks about this.


"OKAY!!! Uncle Luo, help me bring these nine people." [Mo Yan Yu] says to Luo Hao three people.